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Saturday 29 January 2022

The Parallel Social Realities

According to the general media, a few truckers are having a rally in Ottawa today. 

According to me, some time later in the year - in this year - a few hundred people will be holding a ceremony, probably a Summer Solstice Ceremony, out in the Alberta Plains somewhere.

If I Iooked through my local Facebook lists, I could find groups of 'Foodies' right here in the small city I live in, with dedicated FB pages...

Brandied kumquats. What's so special about

...The biggest, now that I have come to actually look a moment ago, has 100,000 members.

Some of the people who contribute here to this Blog, and myself, had a small partnership over about ten years, which owned the most prominent restaurant in probably the most 'snob society-centric' location down here, which was namely, in London Court.

We were very successful and I could easily tell you why (the restaurant was successful) but I won't just yet for reasons that might be clear enough in a minute.

So there's a hundred thousand people, who call themselves 'foodies' and they are, no doubt, but what does it mean?

It means they are a social grouping.

If I put out to them same as I recently put out in an underhanded way here, the words 'kumquat liqueur,' or 'small citrus wines and liqueurs' - would it mean any of them would 'get it' either?


In fact I'll guarantee you none of them would have the foggiest clue.

Now I am personally not going to cook for just anybody. Running a restaurant in the day-hours in the city is also not quite the same thing as cooking privately for people you know and trust.

So I am not cooking this week for a hundred thousand foodies, right?

The manager that runs the big David Jones department store's epicurean section gave me some 'stuff' a day ago and we had a nice little discussion about it and about some various other things as well.

If you come to my place and I cook for you, you could end up on the ceiling.

I mean there's only you around the place right now...

And why would you want to end up on the ceiling?

One clever guy recently put it to me, on the investment board: 'Okay so you shorted the market last few weeks and you've got some other things up your sleeve too, but what will you do with the money anyway?'

Good question.

I'm not going to try and teach a hundred thousand people how to crack eggs and make omelettes - they already know how better than me.

...So, you can go to Ottawa, and you can go to the Alberta Plains Ceremony too.

And these things are all about human social groups, gatherings of people.

There's not many people around here. And that's because we ain't a social group. We're just a tiny mixed bunch of a few odd souls, none of whom is actually lost, however.

It's all very very sad.

What will become of the big groups...? Do you think?

Watch out for the bass at the start on this track below - it's pretty loud at the opening. Brazilian carnival style but futuristic techno... Can you imagine a futuristic sci-fi Brazilian Carnival scene?!

Nina Kravis - playing a live set
in Dubai, where the rich kids are,

Very loud and heavy. This kind of track is usually played just past the middle of a large live trance music set, when the audience is already well inside of a particular BPM zone. This is not the same type of thing - well, actually, it kind of is though - that you can do with food. It's only that one note, that one beat pattern, one sound sample - which is installed right at a spot...

In fact, I'll even tell you where it is along on the video time score - it's exactly at 3:17 exactly.

Oh, and the food.

Yeah. 'Exotic Oriental Aphrodisiacs And Amazing Arabic Talismans.'

Includes the Huangdi Emperor's occult talismans of attracting gold.



  1. Or the billion people who get trapped in the "technological singularity." What's happened with facebook in terms of having to appear to answer questions with "well this is how our algorithms work... so yes we are doing everything we can to make sure this is safe for the mental health" is that those "algorithms" themselves are produced by other "algorithms." So we see first glimpse of technological singularity here, and it's leading to mental health issues. Frightening that there is a new generation of folks, most of whom are around 10 years old now, whose minds are adapting to this new reality very quickly, and who knows where they will take it...

    But! If they take it very far they will need to deal with this idea that "science" masters the world through "computation." The people who are projecting big things like "technological singularity" or the "metaverse" are doing so on the basis of where they see potential for advances in computation. The questions of "consciousness" and "agency" are being swept under the philosophy rug. "Well these are just emergent properties of complex machines." Of course that would make for a poor answer from facebook, in terms of how their algorithms influence their users mental health.

    Just some thoughts.


Your considered comments are welcome