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Wednesday 12 January 2022

Yeah, Thanks Elves...

Well now what??!

It's not funny, you know, when stuff works.

What have we done?! Sold our souls or something...?

You know the story is they don't need anything, but I maybe should ask them if they want anything.

I mean I don't really have anything to give to them other than the silver they gave me in the first place.


...Now don't anyone tell me it isn't working for you.

Because it's sure as hell working for me.

If it isn't working for you, you are not doing it right. Or you are not doing it at all!

We're all still stuck with the end-game question though - just what do you actually invest cash into these days?

Nothing that I can think of.

I need to stay in touch with my personal elf friends. At least I hope they are my friends.

...Wonder what they might want.

I don't want to be greedy.

Hand-made - 'Arca' style.

But keep going boys - well, elves.

How about you guys? Anything to report yet?

It is certainly working for me.

I'm not being droll or silly here. I am looking at seven items of solid silver in front of me right now that I never had before. Correction, two of them I had but I never thought they were pure silver but they are.

So, hmn. Things that make you go 'hmn.'

I am not joking at all. I wouldn't waste my time doing that.

I don't really see the point of making up things like this. On the one hand I guess way back I was open-minded enough to investigate some pretty occult things seriously, on the other hand, I absolutely can tell when my hand is empty - and when it has a bunch of hard money silver metal in it that came from out of absolutely nowhere!

First few days there was only a couple of small(-ish) bits.

D'you know that 'sci-entists' do not
actually know why mushrooms glow.
They have a different chemical from 'normal'
bio-luminescence - it's called 'oxyluciferin.'
Very high speed reaction to oxygen takes
place and lets the fungi
glow all day and night. 'Cold light,' too.
Mushrooms are colder on the surface than their 'roots'
are deep beneath the ground.

Today however... There was a slight 'step up,' as they say.

Not sure if I feel guilty or something - last few days I've been trying to talk to some Hong Kong guys about them marketing some 'under the table' Cuban cigars I can get for very little from I cannot say where. But it's so difficult. Everyone wants 'credentials' and nobody wants to drift too close to law-breaking (not that it would be).

Meanwhile, my elf friends are just bringing me silver and I have nothing to give them in return! 

Sci-entists are so smart.


Anyway, we are living in a post-science era now.


  1. I find Jim Al-Khalili's documentary series about physics pretty good. There's a 2 episode thing available on amazon about "The Secrets of Quantum Physics."

    There are also oodles of explanatory videos on youtube for instance about Bell's Inequality. It's fascinating to believe that there are things in the universe which are not systematically knowable, and also that some common biological processes have been discovered to depend on these effects. Tadpoles turning into frogs!

    Unfortunately there are also many expositions out there which seem to be exploiting psychological tricks to make things more difficult to understand. I could point some out I guess.

  2. There are TOO many expositions of various 'things,' effects, complex relationships - that not only exploit psychological tricks but proceed from systematic fallacious reasoning. Whether this just makes things, or is even designed to make things 'more difficult to understand' rather than intended to manipulate favorable results for a benefit, is also a question on its own.

    Of course, not all human systems proceed from the grounding that all things ARE able to be understood by people - Islam for example, is one very clear-cut case in which 'Allahu Alam' is canon. 'Allah knows better than you, and you cannot know some things at all.'

    ...And as you know, Islam, especially the 'Golden Age of Islam' is the cause and reason of our modern science, without which we would not have self-involved narcissistic psychopaths like Muhammad Fauci, the Caliph of Sci-ience, save us from this global plague with which our sinful selves have deservedly been afflicted. His name IS 'Muhammad' too, by the way, firstly because the Sicilians were invaded and taken over by the North African Arabic Muslims and the men slaughtered and the wives taken as sex slaves - so that all present-day Sicilians are partly Arab ('A-rab' - means without law/law-unto-themselves) Muslims, and so they are all 'Abduls' in the very first place and those like Fauci are 'Muhammad' ('he that is rightfully to be praised;' and I mean, he is, isn't he? He said so himself in front of the US Congress).

    You should definitely point out some expositions which exploit psychological tricks to make things more difficult to understand. Fauci won't do it for us - he says there ARE things too difficult for us to understand, but then he won't point them out, sitting as absolute judge over all knowledge and presenting himself as being able to 1. 'understand all things,' and 2. decide who he should share this knowledge with although mostly, it is with no one and we should just all accept that he knows and that we do not. And that we are therefore literal fools requiring to be led by someone of greater knowledge in order that we may be saved from our own pathetic miserable ignorance that will surely lead us astray from the path and outside of the fold: 'Allahu alam!'

    Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Ali Wa Ali Wa Fauci Wasallam!

  3. Not to mention, that the systematic 'schools' (madhabs) of credentialisation, are really, the only truly and legitimately rightful ways to possess 'true knowledge' (as laid down by the Islamic Global Madhab Association), and without this systematic training (not propaganda and brainwashing of course; not that) over some years in a facility -, it is not even possible for individuals to either discuss, nor to comprehend science and truth. But once you have fallen for that - sorry, once you have been inducted into the legitimate process of legitimate allowable reasoning - THEN, you can practice permanent and rigorous skepticism against everything that is not inside the fold of whichever 'madhab' you came from. Because after all, only you know the truth and are able to assess things correctly, and thus you must sit in judgment and proclaim against all the false expositions which make things more difficult to understand - and impart the TRUE knowledge, which is that ONLY YOU can understand them anyway, and that all others may not, and that thus they (the others) must just cease and desist forthwith and bow to your superior (mutakabbir) position. Mashallah. Allahu Akbar.


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