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Thursday 6 January 2022

Esoteric 'Kung Fu'

In a fight with a snake, the eagle blah blah blah.

That ain't you though.

The Bible teaches the following:

'The Dragon's bonds must be loosened for a season.'

'The Dragon which is the Ancient Serpent, and Satan, and the Devil...'

...This is how a crocodile hunts - it lies in still and murky water, for all the world appearing like a semi-submerged fallen tree branch or trunk; and then, when it has drifted to close behind its victim, it lunges quickly and attacks, snatching away what it wanted and powerfully swims away very fast because it is a coward, and knows that it took something by theft and by stealth.

'Black Knight...'
'Lost In Heaven.'

Neither can you 'pick it up' in your talons like the eagle, nor yet still 'fly away with it in your beak.' For you never saw it coming in the first place, and so it struck you before you were even aware that evil was lurking in the dark waiting for you.

There are no 'dragons' left here on Earth now.

But there is their close cousin, the crocodile.

There are no demonic Reptilians from outer space here - but there is their close cousin, the politician.

The 'rulers.' The 'elite.' LOL

And they will sneak up behind your back while you are not looking and are completely unawares, and then like the sneak thieves they are, steal from you what is not theirs by any right.

And then they will run away swiftly and hide behind armed jack-booted thugs, because they have guilty consciences.

Let us go to the 'esoteric' view of things.

Long long ago, in a galaxy far away, these ancient serpents were all vanquished and cast into Tartarus bound in strong and tight chains.

'Tartarus' may be a real physical place -, or it might not, but it is an idea.

'The phenomenal world is a spatial reflection of the ideas.'

Why would people, ordinary human beings, lie in wait for another human being, sneak up behind them, and hurt them or harm them, also stealing from them?

The fairy tale told in schools is that the human race is 'competitive.'

Is it, though?

'Privacy suite;' new feature in the Rolls Royce
for Arab sheikhs, so that their
drivers cannot see them drinking

For what is it 'competitive?'

No-Vax Djokovic was just told to pack his bags and * off, and not compete in the tennis tournament... So, it cannot be about people all competing in a sporting affair to see who is exactly the best tennis player.

So it's about rulership, and power -, especially political power, and control over you.

He, Djokovic, is, or he was, the actual best tennis player in the world. So now, the 'next' 'winner' of whatever 'competition,' will be the what, exactly?

Remember these words and keep them in mind at all times from now on: '...Is a spatial reflection of the ideas.'

There is a Primal Evil Dragon-Serpent. And he is an idea. Moreover, he is a real idea too.

I do not want to get tied to disheartening images and things here; it is not necessary.

But it is necessary to at first set out the context and the elements of what you are up against.

It is not so simple as saying that one can kill an idea with an idea. Because these primordial 'ideas' have actual objective force, emotional, existential force and influence in the human world.

So it's not even the case as 'sci-entists' would lay out -, namely, that these things have no objective material existence; that is actually completely false, because they most certainly do have human emotional force and effects. And that is, I'm afraid, a very real, physical, materially-manifested thing, or set of things.

Looks impressive, and it
is, impressive. Humans do have

Now you can lie too, and pretend that this representation itself is some trick of language, and merely a matter of psychology. And I'm not interested in that kind of contention; because it's absolute patent rubbish.

You get eaten by a crocodile and you die. You act like a crocodile and sooner or later some other skilled hunter is going to track you down too and slaughter you.

The dynamics are fully and materially real.

So what is the authentic solution?

You need to know how to 'go alone over the wild fire...'

And that is just the way, you also need to know what to do.

For as indeed it is written '...they willingly are blind to when God destroyed the whole world by flooding because of the endless Evil of its inhabitants at that time, and will so do again, but with fire this time. And the Dragon, this ancient serpent -, with everlasting fire, nevermore to ascend to Earth to trouble Man.'

This means there is a 'there' way down there, and a 'here,' over here, and an 'up there' some place else still.

All these places are ideas.

But when they always exert real force, they are more than 'just' ideas.

You want to be able to lay hold of the ideas of power for you.


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