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Thursday, 27 February 2025

Why Are We Here?

No one who is alive as a normal person, retains any memory of who or what they were before they were born into this world.

And it would seem, that no one that has been alive, once they are gone, is able to call back to the living and say what it is all about... ...or was about.

But you who have fallen into this way, this turn in the maze (and let me recall to you that my ancestry is said to include a certain Daedalus, the maker of the greatest maze) -, for to you are given the powers to see Above and Beyond.

This is tea of course, but the word 'coffee'
despite Wikipedia claiming that it is an
Arabic word, is a Persian word - qafyeh.
And it is much older than any Arabic references
to such a drink.

Yet we still live in a world, that is filled with ignorance and although full of ignorance, the voices of the other humans are loud against us.

They claim to know. 

And they will charge us with lying; or failing to know.

I now draw your attention to the Mighty Book known as the Quran.

This is a book, claimed to have been sent down by God, via the Angel Gabriel - to a certain person 'Muhammad.'

And alongside this book, I draw your attention to the books of Euclid.

Now here there is a problem.

There are several 'Euclids.'

The one most well-known for establishing the modern system of Geometry - Euclid of Alexandria - lived a hundred and fifty years after the earlier philosopher, Euclid of Megara; who also wrote some texts on Mathematics and Geometry.

There are in fact, many others with this 'name.' Which is of course not a name at all but a title.

'Euclid' means 'the One of Beautiful Repute.'


Back to the writer of the Quran. This person, also has a title not a name, although most everyone thinks it is just a name. 'Muhammad' in Arabic, means 'the One of Beautiful Repute.' It is more commonly translated into the English of - 'the One Worthy of Praise.'

Let us go to the famous Arabic 'Battle of Badr.'

In the text of the Quran, this is said to be (claimed to be) the content of Surah 8 Verse 41.

In the official English translation called 'the Sahih International translation' it includes the word 'Badr' and mentions two armies at war, or at least, opposing each other. And then it concludes what will happen 'Upon the Day of Judgement.'

Now the problem is: 1. There is no word 'Badr' in there; 2. there are no words for 'army/armies,' and 3. the phrase rendered as 'Upon the Day of Judgement' simply does not exist at all in there and comes from a word with another meaning entirely.

Again, wherever you might read in all the official English translations 'Remember' (and which is usually followed by the phrase 'O Muhammad,' or 'O Prophet') - the actual word means simply 'as:' like - 'As at such-and-such a time;' not 'Remember (O Prophet) that at such-and-such a time, when -,' et cetera.

These things added on later in translations and so-called exegesis and hadiths and tafsir and other things/commentaries -, are just simply not there at all in the original texts in Arabic.

This is what Surah 8 Verse 41 actually says:

'...Blah blah blah blah blah, and then two multitudes are opposed as forces, then the filtering out, or resolution of that dynamic is - such-and-such.'

It is a clear-cut rendering into Arabic, of some paragraphs of Euclid of Alexandria, and it is about mathematics and dynamic force and the resolution thereof.

The phrase 'check mate,' as our Bill Smith
recently reminded me, is from
the Persian 'Shah Mat;' the king is dead.

There is no 'Muhammad,' no 'Remember,' no 'Armies,' no 'Badr' no 'Day of Judgment.' These are all later interpolations and extensions of meaning via a parallel meaning ascribed to make out any of it has religious implications.

...So is this book a rendering of Persian books and ideas into the Arabic language, following the collapse of the Persian Empire and the absorption of its manuscript culture, into the new, powerful, and at that moment then, wealthier, Arabic culture?

Of course. Certainly it is.

If you go to Wikipedia you will find an endless discussion on the Battle of Badr.

No such thing ever took place in real history, and there are no historical references to it anywhere by independent sources and no even Arab sources around the time in question - but a long time later the narrative is manufactured by Arabs and appears as 'truth.' 

Now here's the problem. Or at least the most significant one...

Where is 'God' in all of this?

How are you actually going to find 'it,' if two billion people adamantly believe utter rubbish masquerading as 'Divine Truth' and vended to them with quite a lot of social, political, and cultural pressure? They're not going to change their minds even when confronted with strong reliable facts. 

Every time you see stock phrases being repeated over and over, and slogans - this is marketing. It is propaganda. You see it today with political advertising and the marketing that is run prior to every election.

Samarkand mosque.
And yes, that is a (Arabic form) Masonic
'compass and 
set square' right there in the middle.
And that's because the original manuscript
culture of the rising Arabic culture, was 
all about Geometry and Architecture.
Anytime you have to go to some
'specially designated' place at a certain time
or times, and
dress up and bow down - this is 
an occult practice ritual.

Moving on to the Jews...

Ammon Hillman's latest thing is that he says the Judaic religion is the masculinization of a prior female oracular tradition and mystic rite.

This is in fact spelled out literally within the Old Testament text itself, namely, that during the start of the reign of 'King Josiah' (a child at that moment), all of the female priests (priestesses, I guess) and all of the ceremonies and statues to do with any female aspect of Divinity, were forcefully obliterated and banned in Israel by the underlings around Josiah, who were in fact running the place behind his 'throne,' and then from then on only male priests were permitted to conduct the same rites!

So, now we have two sides of the tale, which are both rapidly turning into turgid and nightmarish fairy tales.

Where is God?

...Now these are facts, by the way, that have been put forward here, not fairy stories.

Every single time something significant is introduced into the human context, immediately a vast tribe of functionaries, accountants, hierophants, lawyers, politicians, tyrants and rulers - leap in to damage the truth, and manufacture a substituted form of it which keeps them in power.

And then they 'Gatekeeper' it - whatever that 'it' is (as my young Chinese friend Lachie Kong always tells me about those techniques of power that you can find everywhere).

Why are you here?

'Here' where?

This place is a temporary place, it is hardly more than a transit zone, and all things in here that live, must die - if they are part of that place.

This is a Phoenician dish:
roast lamb and grilled thyme, salt,
sour cherries.
King Melqart ate this with his
nymph at the water's edge...

Are you part of that place?

Go back to a beginning. To an ancient moment on the beaches, at the water's edge. Hear the voices of the Divine Singers. 

For those with ears to hear, they will hear:

[Absolute BEST quality headphones or you won't get into it sufficiently; and wait, be patient, if you hear it, you will respond, and then you will know...]

Just under half-way in, you should feel...


Otherwise, are you really alive?


  1. All things here must die, but it is how and in what way one dies, that makes all the difference.

    1. Exactly. I was just about to ...aaaaaargh.

    2. And, leaving the Dad jokes aside for one minute although I don't know how I will be able to achieve that - no, only the organic part dies and even that can be daisy-chained. It may not be very long before human science and technology is going to try and do just that with 'growing bodies from test-tubes.' The human personal consciousness however, is not accessible to standard human knowledge and science. Some Hindu people like to always say 'the soul doesn't die' but it can do - or at least it can be deconstructed and then re-constructed into a completely different 'person' with very few of its original parts in the same place.


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