Or, how fast to say it, that is.
I stuck this page up on FaceBook see. And lo and behold it got swamped with responses.
And now I'm stuck with having to maybe cut a whole long saga short and go to the end stage before traveling through the middle!
Ah well. That's not new for us here, is it.
[First I wanna mention this. I went out for a walk last night, past the local MG Dealership, and the yard had about fifty new cars there. Right in the middle of the showroom behind the big glass windows, was this old, but extremely well-renovated MG TC. It was a work of art. All the rest of the stuff was complete rubbish; utterly worthless. In human life, there is something that originates something, and then after that it descends into nonsense and rubbish, taken there by idiots who have no clue].
Anyway, the thing is this - Ammon Hillman wants to tell everybody that the Christian story is about drugs, and sex -, I guess he would want to say.
And he tells everyone there is this thing called the 'Porphurious' and so on, and how this was used by the earlier oracular traditions.
So what. Unless he tells us what it is and how to do it.
I mean, no Tik Tok videos - no God/god, no ET's, no UAP's no nuthin'.
It's the modern world, come on.
God appears on the Mountain to Moses - Moses must take selfies with God, right. Otherwise no can do, sorry Moses; you can keep your 'Ten Commandments.'
...So I'm going to tell you about the 'Secret' Book of the Three Sovereigns. This is a great Taoist Classic that I am entitled to speak about on account of having been inducted into the tradition and a particular 'lineage' (aka Sect) in China some time ago. And I stuck the pic of that onto the FB page. And literally I got a couple of spam or I don't know what, 'queries' anyway that maybe I was using someone else's photos!
Ah no. That's truly me and yeah, I am the guy they patterned 'Men Who Stare At Goats' on. Oh but yes indeed-y.
I have never not mentioned here that I trained at the same place that that movie production's technical consultant, Guy Savelli (US Marines Unarmed Combat trainer), trained at - only I was there a lot earlier than he was.
What I really want to do is engage with some hard-core modern Christians though, because it seems to me they are up in the air about what is 'demonic' practice and so on, and what is trad values stuff.
They are supposed to be very well conversant with sacred 'Chrism' and yet, I suspect absolutely none of them at all, knows or realizes that this is a Shaolin and a Taoism thing - it's called 'Bai Shang' in those systems and it means a scared oil made using Myrrh.
Now, although everyone wants to say the 'Three Wise Men' from the East... ...were Arabs and Muslims (anachronism but then, Muslims say everyone was a Muslim originally, even Abraham who met with THREE Divine people at the Oaks of Mamre) -. Or Egyptians at minimum.
Shaolin monks have been being sent out from the Temples (and who knows when these even started - just because three major ones described in history books were burned down does not mean there were not already more than three previously) since forever.
The Shaolin Temples were repositories of medical and physiology knowledge just as much as anything else.
Here is the thing though:
It is the Western system that has the best understanding about why the rituals and practices as described in various sacred texts, work.
Take for example the Christian idea - 'God' is this 'Total Divinity,' see. And an aspect of it, that is existentially present all the time, is a Spirit which pervades absolutely everywhere all at once.
Now... You and I are going about our profane (worldly) affairs, and yet this Divine Invisible Mind is still around and cognizant but not engaging.
How do you change the setting of what you are doing, to engage with the Utterly Superior God thing?
That is the point of ritual.
That is what it is all about.
You are inviting the Divine Being to engage with you personally, when you change your mode away from the merely profane.
And this does not mean you do not suddenly need anymore to be a material living person.
It just means you have temporarily stepped away from the mundane and the profane, into the different, realms.
Now here is where what you are hearing from me is a quantum step away from what you read about in books made by people with no actual direct lineage practical knowledge.
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In undertaking the rituals to do with 'relationships' you must use a peach-colored silk blindfold. |
Whereas in books they say 'there are three worlds - the Underworld, the Human World, and the Heavenly World;' I say, the Underworld simply means the Past, the Human World means your moving present and linear time experience of the 'Now,' and the Heavenly World literally means 'the Future.'
And although one might incorrectly presume 'the Future' therefore means an as yet non-existent reality albeit a potential one, in fact it is an orientation.
All those who live in the Heavenly Realms, are always creating, making new, building on the past, being innovative, listening to the Present, and choosing between various potential options.
That is all.
'Hell' or the Underworld, means being stuck in the dysfunctional Past.
The Present is just your mortal life now - which is capable of taking you right back to the Past again, or leading you into the Forever Future.
When inducted people practice the secret Taoist or Wu Shu rituals, they are blindfolded, and the colors of the silks used, are there to communicate to the Hidden Realm beings, what your intention is on that occasion, and also what your status as far as being a protected being, is.
So because of having to rush a little on the other page, I will explaining to them there about one of the three things people are most commonly interested in, namely, their relationships.
This requires the Orange or Orange-and-Gold silk scarf used as a blindfold.
I have not told them yet that there is a process whereby it becomes possible to literally see, in these other places (although I mentioned it here) - but this thing is related to what Hillman is always going on about but does not really know practically-speaking about or how to do.
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Dior - Chinoiserie. |
I hope you are noticing that nothing you have been being told here recently, is not actual practical step instruction that you can yourself do, and achieve direct experiential results from.
And believe me, I can give you line-for-line categorically modern science for why these things work.
And I can tie them back to statements made in ancient holy texts that you are well aware about but have never been explained fully concerning.
All of you who have been financially involved here in the past will get accurate and complete details about the process that 100% no question at all, will literally have you, like, switching some previously seeming hidden faculty on and you will see, into another place; into other places.
The very first time you 'make it' you will jump back with a shock about how real it all is.
Right now I am only dickering around a bit in order to sync up with what I am doing on the FB page.
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