In the modern vanguard.
This thing has been all done before, a long time ago.
By now most of you have received the basic set of instructions.
Anyone who hasn't please email right away:
One thing I guess I did not think to mention, because I have already talked about this lots - is that you should be projecting up as far as you can, all the way so that your sense of your surroundings is like it would or might be, say, off the Earth, and up in space as it were.
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When you do it, make it simple. It does not need to be complicated! |
And then, hundred per cent you should be scanning the night skies because if you are doing things right, you will get a signal back. Will take at least thirty minutes, and can take a couple of hours and even a day or so - but when you get it, it will so staggering, even if it is just over a fragmentary time frame...
People have formed this quite wrong idea over many centuries, that somehow you are actually 'going up' somewhere while really, it is all happening just in your mind, in your brain. You'll see why, in a moment, that it is more like a television transmission than any kind of personal 'physical travel.'
That is, if you are still down here...
There is a difference for those people on the extremely rare (and usually emergency or something) situation where they are literally 'going somewhere.'
Those people either go into such a deep trance that if another person were there looking at them, they could think that individual was literally dead - or, they actually do physically get moved and that happens too, and has happened many times to various people.
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She's blind. So now you know what you are looking at. Right? |
I did say in the email instructions, to take note - very carefully - of some of the pics being posted in here now.
'Carefully' to me does not have the same 'ultimate doom' meaning that other people tend to imply when they say the word; I just mean look at them and think about them and try and notice the basic things that they are presenting. It's not a big deep meaningful and somehow secret thing that I am trying to indicate in them.
Anyway try it, and see what happens for you.
Yes you should be 'saying something' to 'them' - whoever they are that you think they are; maybe you do not even have any preset notion.
Before anything happens for you, and it is all just 'sheer' speculation up to that point, there is nothing significant about any of this.
And then.
Then the world changes and it can never be changed back.
And then all the people around you start to look like what they really are - not just 'children,' but really really stupid people.
Now by the way, occult or ritual body 'art' ranges across lots of different things, but we are talking about literally a 'grid' (I'm not going to give it it's real technical scientific term here) that specifically allows coherent information in and out of the individual human person.
The reason I have recommended the simple thing that I mentioned in the email, is because it is both easy to do, to form on the skin, and because it accesses the highest kinds of minds with the optimal 'feeling' spectrums.
You can go do Arabesque art too, and then you'll end up making contact with this 'Tawus Melek' species the Yazidis try and 'tend to' - which is basically, Satan. Or what in most religious cultures is referred to as that or some equivalent.
Good luck there.
It's all very 'beautiful' superficially, but also completely selfish, self-involved, narcissistic and damaging to humans. It's also half-dead but is a super-vortex that will drag you into itself.
There are literally billions of 'captured' humans on the planet, worshiping this exact 'figure' and more or less do not know it.
This is the mindset where individual, personal human life, counts for nothing compared to this identity that wants everyone and everything to bow to it - ordinary Western politicians are part of this mindset; it's not an Asiatic exclusive!
Cultural Marxism - same thing.
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It's beautiful but don't put it anywhere near your head. |
The mind-maze that takes you sequentially further and further away from necessary factual truth by using regular patterns - is this same thing.
You see, reality and LIFE although they both do have regular and reliable patterns, also have a certain magical quality entailed.
The regularity is a mind-trick that wants you to believe it, is the sole reality.
I'm afraid Academia is a mind-trick.
This is also the belief that AI, by copying historical record human patterns, will derive novel solutions - which it cannot.
'Life' - actual life/living thing thing -, is a fountain of fire that spews forth completely new things, never-before seen but also, energetic flows which uplift and sustain... ...existing life.
Music is a prime exercise where life is and shows that 'fountain of newly-born fire'
...One of the best scenes in the Babygirl flick is the Rave Dance Party set. This music below is not from the movie - that actual movie soundtrack mix in the particular scene in question has not been released publicly yet and is a mashup of 'Creep' and 'Crush' by Yellow Claw.
The scene is in no way sensitive or nuanced. It shows how people need, some people, often need to lose themselves in heavy physical activity in order to 'absolve' themselves or release their minds from the constant underlying self-admission of guilt over something.
It's a kind of death, I suppose you could say. Death makes - allows - people's egos to 'disappear' from the template brain which has been carrying all of their faults, flaws, acknowledgements of failure and defeat, shame and guilt over evil actions that they did.
The egos of course don't actually disappear, they just get untied to memory; brain cell memory.
The big problem is, unless you know how to protect your internal structure of personal 'mind' then just because you don't remember what you have done does not mean the internal structure wasn't already badly damaged...
You can feel bad, but that doesn't mean you have been damaged.
It's when a person relies on underhanded things to gain something they think they want, that those elements and dynamic aspects of the personal being, become the ascendant when really they ought to be servants and tools of the higher mind.
Let's say for example, I will lie to a person in order to make myself feel superior... Why, in the first place do I need to 'feel superior?'
What makes me better than that other person, that I have to insert myself into the trajectory of their lives, and alter it? The trajectory is already going through its path to a particular conclusion. Where did I get the right to alter that path or trajectory?
Parents think, or at least believe, they have this right all the time, and they don't. They have the duty, to hand on knowledge and experience from their perspective, which cannot be, the perspective of the next person in the human time-line.
...And what happens to someone who insists they have these rights (which they do not have) is that they have installed an unworthy unit into the driver's seat of their soul.
I Me I Me I Me - know more, have more, do better, will not consult, insist on making decisions on my own for others around me...
That's the appetite ruling. That's the animal creature with no intellect, ruling.
That has already damaged that person doing that thinking, because never can you unseat the animal after that, after it has tasted the blood of a victim; especially not another human being and those kinds are notorious in their treatment of actual animals.
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Gold glitter acrylic paint with dropper. Simple as. |
What happens next is death. The Gods will not permit such beings to live on in that form, among higher beings. Will not. Ever. Period.
Who are these 'animal ruling' people?
This is Satan. Satan is us; potentially. It's not anybody else.
You think you are messing with stuff and able to mess with stuff and taking all kinds of chances 'believing' garbage from religions and ideologies and 'science' and all kind of *.
The minute you see what I'm telling you that you will see, all of that insanity stops. And you start to 'get real.' With yourself.
There is a line from a Chinese Opera Classic about this Fairy Maiden from the Heavenly Place of the Jade Emperor, and she laughs at massive armies of humans, and says: 'One touch of my sword and millions are slaughtered...' One touch, just one.
...This music we used in one of the early books on inkitt, I forget now even which one and it doesn't matter because I am going to use it again, soon:
Do we need to layer the gold and acrylic paints, like the drawing, in 5 sandwiched layers?
ReplyDeleteAlso do we need to try and reproduce the cross as it is shown or do we do the classic Jerusalem cross?
DeleteI could see it as 4 crosses in gold, then normal acrylic, then the big middle cross, then acrylic, then the 4 outer crosses again?
No no - just keep it simple: 'ordinary' J-Cross but to make it even easier, where the four little crosses usually go just dab or smear a bit of the gold paint. The human skin is a transducer and it's the resistance difference between the gold and the blue (or whatever other color) that creates the micro-current induction and sets up a field potential. It's way too complicated to try and make little tiny crosses yourself and it isn't necessary at all. The Chinese often just the symbol for 'Peace' alone - which is really (quite) simple.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOne reply was deleted because of typos. Here it is:
DeleteThe other thing is, it takes time initially - or can do - because people's own expectations interfere with things a bit. But the more you become used to it, to doing it, going through the main process especially the 'inner sense of circular rotation' at vast speeds -, the process becomes more facile and then it is easier to WAIT for 'response back' to occur.
In what place that "design" is supposed to be created?
ReplyDeleteWell, there is very secretive, and I mean REALLY a close-held secret in what are called 'Family Lineages Taoism' and also Wu-Shu, that goes into a range of places, such as for example, the soft inner forearm area. BUT, for us, we want to be placing a set of multiple (in this case just two though) dye colors, on the forehead because that is where the overflow of neural energy most easily reaches the surface (skin). This is where those neural sensors are arranged for devices that try and read brain waves. And yes, it's scary because this is getting close to that infamous '666' on your head, right. lol I have no idea what the thing is with that, other than that I think people are misreading the text which is clearly (at least to me) referring to the militaristic style of Alexander the Great's regime which was frankly, a bit narcissistic of a 'society' if you could even call it that. The 'romantic' stories about him are all propaganda literally written by his own paid propagandists. The truth is he was a murderer and not very nice. But what is being uncovered by this idea of that symbol applied to that area of the head (Alexander never did it, nor any of his men), is that there is a point to it; it is where some kind of neural focus' takes place. The Gospel writers believed that and they are right.