When you look back through what we are able to see in the history of design, form often follows function.
The Industrial Age brought us ideas about steel and metal alloys and repetitive geometry and examples of structural engineering scale.
The Modernism Era brought us fabrics and color technology and specialized printing processes - it gave us new textures and glossiness.
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First, we had to move... |
What is the function of the post-Capital world; the implications of a society surviving or trying to survive, the failure of Capital?
Retreat is probably the motif here.
Smallness of effective presence or let's say, footprint.
The current data is showing a massive collapse in the luxury market - that is, the market for so-called 'luxury goods,' which is of course, simply the commoditisation of branded merchandise.
Most of London's West End has closed shops now. There is still plenty of open public space but these are regularly defeated for genuine open public access by gangs and 'protests.'
Chicago was ever thus in terms of open public spaces, but now New York has seen a significant increase in private clubs or restricted to members' only spaces. And these will also eventually collapse as viable businesses.
Once a culture or society loses its access to innovation and inspiration, because of the tyranny of a single misguided idea or belief system that rules through dominant control of the economy or through force - like Marxism has done in many parts of the world - then 'big' becomes the rule and the norm, and little spirit and eventually no soul becomes the resultant total effect.
The flame (for the individual) goes out.
When the social pressure is that you cannot do something, then in fact you cannot do anything (new).
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Then we had to play with money... |
It's a system of chains.
The norm is enchainment.
'Enchainment' is also the term for a series of steps in ballet...
Whilst the social use of this concocted word 'enchainment' is the societal prison, the dance meaning is progress and a way out.
Music comes from two things: an idea or ideas that are placed into your mind (that is the actual technical ancient Greek word meaning), and a series of integrated steps in 'a chain' succession that becomes a complete whole itself as well as a way leading out from chaos and meaninglessness to purpose and meaning and object and enlightenment.
The Muses were born out of a Sacred Spring, but in fact, that is just the metaphorical story - they inhabit all springs and waterfalls and secluded places with flowing, gushing waters and also sometimes calm waters.
A special kind of water gives Life.
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Inspiration comes from oxygen and water. Celebration comes from wine. |
And then from Life you must next have Inspiration in order to make your life worth living.
It's your own personal life that you must attend to first and foremost.
The world's problems cannot be solved.
This world is at an end.
The Fates have measured that out and cut it according to that measure and the final length is now reached.
It's over.
The world that you once knew and assumed could not be conquered, has been conquered - by the worthless minds of ordinary human people masquerading as something different than what they are.
The season of the Masks in Venice has just now begun.
But the time of Masks for you in the world, has really begun.
Strange things will happen now, stranger than you ever thought realistically possible, and suited previously only to the myth and the fiction inspired by the story-tellers.
Strange beings will appear in the world. But behind masks. ...As you also, will be behind a mask for most eyes.
I asked chat for a one-word summary of marxism. Chat said "struggle." The conversation fell apart when chat interpreted the term "mediation" to mean "conflict resolution through negotiation." The idea that "mediation" involves something like "modes of awareness" of "energetic fields" is not really something it threw at me on its own.
ReplyDeleteI deeply respect your position on this. I agree that there is a purging, a forceful cleansing and removal of old ways and times and people, which must take place. But could it not be the case that part of the reason we, meaning most people, cannot at this time fathom how a massive life and consciousness removal event of planetary scale, could be warranted to happen to people who, although very unevolved and ignorant, oftentimes willfully so and therefore foolishly so in such regard, are also capable of love, empathy, nurturing, etc: all the things that are conducive to the desirable type of living experience?
ReplyDeleteAt this time, would you disagree that, most people are capable of both, have both centers of consciousness in them? Or put another way, would you disagree that whereas even the likes of Beethoven, J.S. Bach, Mozart, and G.F. Handel, not to mention all so many swamis, jugglers, court fools and magicians, ancient Magi, tribal shamans, sufis, fakhirs, aghori, and so many more classes of adepts, are numbered more dead than alive, and yet have paved the way for our present journey into the future using art, music, and spirituality aka the gifts of the ancient muses, and that their remnants remain in present times, even if still fundamentally impure, that there is potential for some type of refinement? If the reason that we have built our methods, philosophies, and practices on the bedrock of ancient shamanism, is because the ancient seers were even partially aware of these higher level order states, and notwothstanding that these high level order states, ranking at level 200 (courage) and above, contain their own source of gravity that counteracts the second law of thermodynamics, causing chaos to progress into the state of embodied order, would it not serve to follow, that there is an element within many more than a few spare remnant of individuals, which is worth saving at this time, if even to allow a natural progression of life into death, without the cataclysm to take place in times where such people and of course their children full of life and hope and a spark of pure innocence, would have their consciousness and therefore their eternal memory traumatized as we still bear memories of these past, ancestral abominations of our own personal desolation?
Sure there are some, perhaps a greater number as they increase like a virus, out there, and some close by if we are even aware, who are as you say, totally corrupted and therefore irredeemable...
DeleteBut if it is to be as in the days of Noah, would we not be like the 4 and 20 elders, casting our messages on the stone, waiting for our answer as we fervently assert our plea of "how long must we wait?"
And therefore would it not be that the state we are waiting for, where we do indeed receive lawful warrant for forceful purification, must progress to a state that is much more polarized and hostile, where there is utter confusion, down to the confusion of genetic code by means of corrupt scientific experiments, and that the world, would it not appear much darker, much more insidious, much more hopeless, than it is in its current state of personal affairs?
Time is indeed of the essence, but is it not true that we agree that more time has to pass, and the conditions here must worsen and become much more egregious, with massive personal debasement even on a scale not fathomable to normal human minds today, who do not see the future events?
Those who gain the gift and the knowledge, certainly, we must help ourselves first. And sit back and quietly observe for a long time. But I feel a strong urge to help people as well using this power at this time. Not sure how yet. But people are enslaved by this evil vorulent force, down to their consciousness, and I want to see those chains come off.
DeleteThen we would be able to see the real wheat and tares, and not a product of unnatural coercion and forceful, death-and-fear-based mind control. Who then, if not forced to, would still choose to hate and intimidate and torture and kill and enslave? What if, just what if, the cycle was momentarily broken, and normal folks weren't pressed by that evil force, driving them to fear based slavery, who would by nature, choose to begin that cycle once again?
Would this not be a similar test, as that given by Abraham to the two men of El who came to Sodom and Gomorrah? Do you believe that right now, the outcome would be the same if these men were to test the entire world?
And I am sure you already have been told, dear mentor, that over here, we have gotten now, a measure, a droplet, of true power now. It's over here and it's real now.
DeleteSo yes, being aware of the source particle that is in me, that generates it, I have to decide now, under what circumstances, I am supposed to use this force, to deadly means, and when is that necessary?
Because you can use this power to kill people. I know this by studying where the power comes from.
The power I have now, of unrestricted telepathic communication with another person, is the same force that could sever the main cranial nerve in the base of someone's skull, or stop a person's heart. We both know this.
My wife and I spoke for an hour, in full blown conversation, on Valentines night, without opening our mouths. That's what I mean. I only spoke out loud for a total of about 10 words, to demonstrate to her the difference, and to prove that difference.
Needless to say that once she understood what was happening, and the philosophical ramifications behind the source of that ability, she literally threw up. It took another 2 hours to get her to accept the new reality she is now living in, and we are still talking about it as we will continue to over the next months.
I know where this leads, and I respect this power. I just want to make sure I am using it right. I don't want to hurt anyone at all, but I also want to defend good people and keep them safe. What are your thoughts on this?
It's impossible to argue against what you are saying, provided that the ideal reading is in fact the way things are on balance. One thing is absolutely certain, and against which I will not even try to imagine any counter at all - namely that we MUST use what has been passed forward to us by those minds you have mentioned who are among many people who have gone before us and created amazing things. We must use these things as part of OUR concept of a society of course, but we will not easily be heard by most others around in these present times. The literal power to do enormous damage comes from the Will driven by active Intellect living in situ (that being here status gives you a special right) - and as long as this is processed through the 'Higher Places' I think you will find that, and as you already hold very likely, it is an existential fact. Probably to any outsiders to this process of even 'getting to such a place of insight,' this can all sound terribly egocentric (it is not of course, as you will have also found). As soon as anyone realizes that they can really 'telepathically communicate' very clearly with others, then that person immediately also realizes they are in a community, another society effectively albeit containing quite a few people who are simply just people down here but also 'patched in' to some extent of their own consciousness. It's a very brave thing to do to try and go this far and a very brave achievement to actually get there. You see, the point really is... Notice how maybe it was already in you, but no sooner have you 'broken through' than you go back and more deeply than ever before appreciate those who have done great things. Life is not just 'like' a fountain, but IS a fountain - nothing is set in stone and things can be pulled back from the edge, yet the flows and the tendencies are visible moment-to-moment. My only question about how far gone things are was about IF spacecraft arrived OBVIOUSLY (they're already around the place as you fully know) - and let's even define 'spacecraft' rather loosely - then as far as I can see, far and away MOST people on the planet would not change by seeing what it is were the manners and social set-up of the people from far away, but still continue this tendency of scheming to wrest control by keeping a hand behind their backs all the time. The human race as a whole is psychologically not trustworthy. And all I am saying is they are in for a bit of a jolt presently.
DeleteI should clarify I'm sure there is not going to be some 'Divine Disaster' that somehow would be - because it WOULD be - construed as the Universe reacting to recent political sea-change. Far from that. The 'query' in my own mind is HOW FAR does this all go from here. I can see enough about what is possible, and I know enough that others are observing similar things; be they the Lou Elizondo's or the Haim Eshed's of the world (these say world governments are secretly... and so on but they're not. All that has happened is multiple secret tracking equipment installations have 'seen' craft). What's actually in store, because something is.
DeleteWhat I truly picture is a hybrid race of genetically modified cybernetic humanoid-robot hybrids trying to take over the entire planet. And that the en vivo VR pods that all the normal humans are in, are meant to imprison their consciousness as a type of slave computational force.
DeleteIf you ever saw the Animatrix, the animated prequel series for the Matrix proper, it depicts a massive nuclear based, skynet/blue beam/chemtrail type apocalypse scenario that I believe is VERY close to what is actually in store for us. Or would be.
I also see the "organics" as I could call them, natural, unmodified people outsode of the VR world, using the powers gained from our natural, organic spintronic exercises, to "harvest" people from the pods, in order to build a permanent race of normal folks who aren't mind controlled pod slaves.
And yes these folks who are free of the slave system here, will be able to interact with people from other planets, who will help to end the whole phase of this process when the time is right, meaning that when there are no more people who are capable of breaking free of the false matrix system, then the cataclysm will at that point commence.
No doubt, all this stuff here has to eventually come to an end to make way for the new thing. I feel just as much a call to destroy certain things and systems and even certain consciousness entities.
It's just that when I see it, the world looks extremely different. As in humans as we even know them now will be a spare remnant, an endangered species.
I can see how, after a period of massive debasement, there can be a heavy warrant for this type of massive restructuring of conscious space.
I don't want to put a time frame or limit on what I am describing, but I feel like it would take a couple hundred more years to really get us there. I could be dead wrong.
DeleteAll I see is bad people in charge all over, on all sides.
ReplyDeleteYou were correct when you talked about repentance and that it is the unremitting tendency towards the Good. Over the past three years, I've agonized over all the things I've done that have been wrong and hurtful. Until then I was living recklessly. Now, I want to do good. I want to help the innocent, the good, and the potentially good. I want to be a part of a team doing good things. I want good friends and I want to be a good friend. I want to do no harm and I want an end to suffering for all. I am waiting for them to "Call on Me".
I am in the same place...waiting for the call. Or email.