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Thursday, 20 February 2025

Just Protecting The 'Innocent' LOL

Sometimes, more so recently than ever before, I have been slightly stymied to talk about stuff in here due to the requirement to really not identify particular people specifically; and not even to hint at their walks of life because that would already almost automatically suggest who they are.

But yet there some very key matters that are worth looking at and talking about, because they exist as 'things' in everyone's life, not just these specific individuals.

People are of course individuals - they are not generic things.

Just someone attired to
go out for cocktails.
It is not easy sustaining this
type of carry-on.

The forest is full of 'trees' yes, but each tree when looked at closely is entirely unique.

So let me put it this way on this particular thing I'm trying to talk about: there are people who, due to their professional lives, are in the public eye a lot, virtually all the time if there is ever a camera around or if there are people outside of a very limited, usually quite small, circle.

And that places a lot of pressure, psychologically, on that person.

Some people appear to thrive on what looks like attention, but then, in order to sustain a perception that is being used by agents and industry, they use a ton of internal energy to support the outward look, the walk, the behavior, what they say - everything.

Worse still, some of them don't sleep very well; they are literally insomniacs.

Now it is not so easy as you would think, to just take off to some faraway spot and rest.

Those places today, are isolated from civilization, and nature exists there unlimited by the forceful actions of Man.

...A tiny insect could harm the person.

And then there goes several hundred millions of an industrial asset.

If you go to London now - and today it is way worse than it was when I was articling briefly in situ in London City with James Chong, Inns of Court (Thatcher's time) - you will quickly notice that modern people have abandoned all semblance of manners and 'style-social' customs on account of the demands of their so-called 'jobs,' their professions, their survival needs and the demands of contemporary life.

It is not at all that various celebrity figures that you know, are unaware of what it takes to simply live and survive in today's world.

Design and luxury are
They are human mind

They know that you are paying something like ten or twenty dollars to sit around for an hour to watch CGI dinosaurs and sundry monsters, or be bashed over the head with pseudo political drivel for what purpose nobody even knows.


Mostly that is what it all is.

So anyway to cut a long story short I traded recipes just this week with someone that you all know and who must remain utterly incognito.

I myself virtually never make 'potato scallop and sardine bake.'

And let me tell you it was completely straight cooking and very tasty for sure.

Actually I loved it.

More to the point I was rather surprised when I got a call to say 'you're going to be getting this delivered at your door, can you be ready there to take it at such-and-such a time.' 

Seriously, it was ridiculous o' clock but then, this person is a 'global' if not wanderer then certainly traveler to promote various things that they do now and then. So, the time they were on was who knows.

I have told you many times that it was my actual uncle (half-uncle; was one of my father's aunt's sons) was head of Shell Far East back then and part-funded Thunderball the movie. I have no such funding platforms and never did at that level although at much much lower and very local/regional levels due to tax schemes, yeah well I did. I have been many times inside the place that was Heath Ledger's home in Angwin Street East Fremantle but that was back in the days when London-based stage producers used the place and I don't even think (let me check) Heath Ledger was born...

A model at the Melbourne
Horse Racing carnival -
one of them, prolly the Spring
Carnival (which is not now).
Or any time all that soon.

Hmn. Yep, I was there 1976 and then into the early Eighties for people with United Australasian and American FilmCo, so for some of that time he wasn't even born.

But I know people and they know me and no one in the media knows that we are in the same circles.

So what had I earlier made for this person, that inspired them to trade back...

Well I had said 'tonight I am making a cheese toastie with some of today's left-over Beef Burgundy, would you like some?'

Caramelized onion, see - with proper Modena Balsamic PDO (protected designation) made from grape must. You have to throw a few coriander seeds into that.

And, olive-fed Wagyu beef, black pepper and salt flakes -, double fried with the burning oil poured over the red inner meat when you cut the thing after searing first. 

Fried lardons, celery and carrot juliennes seared in hojiblanca olive oil.

I use ordinary Maggie Beer beef stock, which admittedly, is highly flavored with French herbs.

Put that all together with a few splashes of decent red wine.

Thick cut Pane di Casa Vienna bread. Pan fried both sides in quality butter.

Then the Gruyere cheese topping one side and that fried too. And you chuck some red wine caramelized onion with some vague hints of the soup and beef in between. 

You guys are prolly
beer, not red wine.

And not forgetting that you throw in some brandy at the end phase of the beef so that it doesn't cook off (the brandy).

The red wine I had was 'Miles From Nowhere' Shiraz Cabernet from Margaret River (right up the road from you, Bill Smith).

And, basically...

Two, maybe three mouthfuls of 'cheese toastie' and the effects are pronounced.


It's kind of a bit like hypnotism.

'I have had to go up to the Daintree earlier than I had planned. Because you are a bastard. You and your stupid ET Alien talk! Pics or there aren't any.'

...That was before I got the baked potato and fish.

And after they came back hurriedly from the Daintree.


JES also has a cooking page somewhere but this story has nothing to do with her:


  1. Hoping for the saucers to land while I'm on the Cruise...

    1. What if it happens, right. And absolutely NO ONE believes it because they think it's part of the Cruise Events stuff. LOL

    2. What if ET shows up to your bedroom in the middle of the night but what you see is a cartoon character? Is it because that's how your mind is interpreting the sense experience thing, or because ET chose the image for you?

      The question was inspired by a scene in Spielberg's "Taken."

    3. And Spielberg would know anything, right... LOL I think we should all quit with this constant deprecation of the human being, and the human mind. Sure there's plenty of banal people out there with brains filled with falsehoods and who live in ignorance - but, that's not the optimum capability of the human. 'Our mind' is pretty good at perceiving things when they are honestly rendered to us by an active intelligent agent: such as another person who is being honest. Where we get into difficulties is when another HUMAN starts this typical, quite usual thing of setting out to lie quite deliberately. ET has already 'shown up in my bedroom' often enough! No cryptids, no mantis things, insects, or any other kinds of weird stuff. Was just a few of my own family... : )

    4. Or the situation of Christopher Walken's character toward the end of Whitley Strieber's "Communion." Where he puts his dancing shoes on and goes into the spacecraft. I haven't read the book so I don't know whether that scene comes from Strieber directly.

    5. To clarify, my question isn't "is ET deceptive?" but has more to do with when and how folk can trust themselves.

    6. Well, good point. The more we know about ourselves, the more we can say where we stand, really. And this means definitely trying to understand the (our) neurology involved. Even being 'self-honest' these days is questionable with a lot of individuals, you'd have to figure.

    7. Well there's the recent thing with New Jersey and the various remote viewers saying "nuclear war." Cliff High (not remote viewing, but I'll still include him), Farsight, some other person I can't remember. The images were interesting, but the conclusions were clearly conditioned by personal orientations.

    8. Well I'll be completely candid here - half the reason I am trying to encourage people here to try this stuff, is because I am NOT getting any such 'heads up' re nuke war, but, as you point out, so many others are and have been; at least that's what they are all saying. But I am not getting that at all.


Your considered comments are welcome