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Thursday, 13 February 2025

This Is An Occupied War-Zone

'When you enter into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water.'

What is all this cloak-and-dagger stuff?

Anyone trying hard to break through - well, this is not very different to Steven Greer's Ce5 thing - will realize that we are in a war-zone, and that it is occupied by very malevolent minds and forces.
Look. It cannot possibly be
clearer than that.
This character in the film, 
is blind.

'It' - the physical land - is not so much occupied, as the brains of people are fully possessed by a completely demonic 'overlord' conception that forces them to dull their wits.
You take the standard basic Christian texts - here is a guy, said to be, acclaimed by people there at the time to literally be 'God' or at minimum some Divine Personality; even the Centurion at the Cross uttered that thought and he was a Roman pagan - and yet here He is, more or less walking around surreptitiously and having his followers meet in secret, in secret places. 

But then, the text itself outright says, 'this place is ruled by an Evil Being.'

This place.

That means here; the world, 'our' world, this planet, this Earth, this human race.

But make the process simple, don't go and over-complicate things. It's just about your brain's signals being more easily transacted with from an external transmitting source.

There is no point going outside of things we know from modern science - we don't have to concoct some too 'mysterious' invisible, unknown, unknowable but religiously-proposed format that allows for 'seeing' and 'being seen.'
Before there was Bond
there was Bogart.

We absolutely do know that skin surface resistance and frequency differentials can be picked up by radar tracking technology.

Steven Greer is telling you about actual literal ET Aliens.

And I am kind of doing that too.

I am just more definitively saying, this has all happened here before.

Ammon Hillman knows it for a literary source 'fact' if you will -, and he has read enough to realize that these sources are recording actual things that actually happened (in the distant past), and that the brains of those doing the writing down, were very great minds; they produced the geometry, maths, physics, and medicine that we all rely on today.

But what you are going to find, is that there is a lot of 'blocking,' a lot of 'interference' as it were; exactly the same as any kind of radio-jamming that goes on on front-lines in war-zones.

So don't expect things to jump out for you that easily. They can, they might, but very likely you will feel resistance.

Or 'sense' it. Maybe it's better said that way.

Believe me it would be so easy for me to show you, one-on-one, to take you through it all point for point and show you things step-by-step.

And there is a counter-party out there.

All of these people, like Jacob Barber and Greer and even Elizondo - all of them - want to say the creatures 'up there' are all these love-y dove-y mild-mannered warm friendly, whatever...

But they are not. Well they are, sort of - the majority of the time they are extremely cold and 'superior' and not concerned too much with the immediacy of what people down here feel and how they feel it. They know the difference between what really is urgent, and what we down here feel is urgent for us.
And without Hammett there
would not really
have been a Bogart as we 
know him.
Who is that guy by the way...?
Up there in the pic.

I personally think they are being a bit high-handed because we are here and they reside in these remarkable quite wonderful and very advanced technology vehicles and stationary platforms with everything looked after for them; while we have to fend for ourselves against tribes and tribes of worthless but rapacious idiots!

So this is contested space.

There is a power down here, hell-bent on damaging the human race permanently; irretrievably.

At the same time I am very sure that you can make the necessary 'break-through.

There is no reason why you cannot.

There are process reasons for delays - partly it will be your own expectation mind-set and over-excitement and then disappointment between when you 'transmitted' something and something else happened back.

That's the phase that I want to underscore to you. Don't waste energy thinking 'Oh this is not working.'

As long as you had the sensation that the top focus (when you are forming the idea of something strong going on) drew all the others into a particular different overall sensation (you should be able to feel that), then it is definitely working and your thoughts are being seen and read.

You can buy a MindLink device and literally watch the changes in your brainwaves through the process.

But I wouldn't waste the money at the start.

Get some forward momentum going first.

You must get some personal forward momentum happening.

Are you trying to tell me that if you had an instruction video with some major celebrity as presenter that somehow then, it would make things easier?
Oh yes Greer,
really cute and cuddly,
Barber is almost blubbering,
have you seen the interview?

Or is this just exactly what I was saying - we've all gone down this path for so long of being so ridiculously spoon-fed and wanting this that and the other handed to us on a silver platter by others, that even the price of Silver (the commodity) is starting to have us thinking whether we should want to sell the platter first, just to get our hands on some hard 'evidence' that fits our idea of 'satisfaction' before we worry about science fiction as reality (which you all don't really believe... ...yet).


If nothing has happened for you yet, keep trying.

'There shall a man... you.'



  1. I would add, please do not underestimate the woo in "Science Fiction".

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic ...

    1. You're absolutely right. Science Fiction, when done correctly, is a Sibylline process.

  2. And regarding the War-Zone, please do not make it worse for childrens ...

    "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."

    1. Not to mention, or, maybe this is part of it - I should not be so pushy about people 'reaching out to make contact.' Everything is 'life' which is itself an on-going, continuous process. Just knowing 'how to' for real, is sometimes as important as going ahead AND doing it. All I am really trying to tell everyone is that the human organic structure, has more than sufficient natural capabilities to enable 'mind sight' and transmission of sensory signals that the person gets from their body and archives in their memory cells and neural networks. You don't need implants as such because that is all in there naturally anyway -, sometimes there can be augmentation and support going on, sure... In the very olden days, people would go to some dark cathedral and intone prayers for five hours straight, and put 'chrism' on their foreheads, and then they would 'see angels.' Well that's actually science, not mindless folklore or religion, actually. It's brain frequency entrainment and the combination of 'ehanced arousal' plus the tuning down of unfocused brain interference.

  3. First night I drew on my body I felt the buzzies traveling up my body toward my chest, which was good. The second night I had a bunch of odd dreams. The one that sticks out: I was attempting to talk to my father (who died in 2016) with a "walkie-talkie." I was telling him the weather forecast, but didn't realize I had to press the button to send messages. So I pushed the button, heard his voice, and tried to do the weather forecast again, but the connection went away quickly. Then I was with my aunt (died of covid in 2022, age 90), traveling around in a very rural place with many fences. The fences were all used for communication, telephone and internet. Signals carried directly by the fences themselves. We were also walking a small dog, who was wearing diapers.

    1. You're always going to get family who are not here but want to say 'hi.' They will be able to 'get in' over the top mostly because well, they are entitled to.


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