Yes. I am grateful to our reader who pointed to some 'remote viewers' out there talking about impending doom from nuclear strikes somewhere.
I have absolutely no such 'inside messaging' or even any hint that such a thing is in the offing, in part, because 'they' are onto this with total focus.
There are quite recent instances of 'unknown' causes for the sudden instant deaths of leading nuclear war-monger figures - in one case fifteen of them died all at once in the same convoy with the victims travelling in two separate helicopters no less.
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Just because I like. |
There is no country that has claimed responsibility and since the helicopters were American-made ones the air accident investigation would have revealed if there had been any deliberate act that caused the crashes and deaths.
And so we can extrapolate that there is no prospect of Iran, manufacturing either the means to send, or the actual material technology composed to construct even hybrid nuclear weapons.
How is it possible that a species as backward as the human one, can grab so much Cosmic attention as an actor-of-malice, and pull around the energies of highly intelligent other species to the extent that it's almost as if the humans are continuously capable of delivering Ultimate Evil as the winning End Game scenario - that there is even a contest at all...
But I'll explain something to you this way:
If you have been born here, as a human, a normal human, and then been 'grown up,' as it were, in standard society, then you are inured to evil as if it is normalcy.
You have adapted to quite evil social structures and styles, and without the ability to make comparison with other ways, you cannot detect how far gone this place is.
To a very large extent Evil has won here.
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She is not very tall. Armani was concerned that she had to meet with politicians who were into their own 'power dressing' and so on. This texture is designed for people to touch the fabric... |
...Now I want to actually switch away from discussing just that, and look at something else, but which will eventually tie back in, although maybe not in this piece right now.
This phrase that occurs in the Bible and in the Book of Enoch - the so-called 'Watchers' - these people, they do not simply 'watch,' but they take samples continuously over generations.
I guess it's time for me to stop ducking in and out of shadows - of course there are craft around the place here and of course there are other beings, not entirely human as such. But they do look human-ish.
And some of them share a lot of composite actual human DNA.
And now I want to switch again.
You take the perspective of women -, the way they have to think within social groups is different to the way men approach things socially.
But yet in all, people on the whole are merely like extreme climbers who are far up some truly megalithic mountain, with ninety-degree drops straight down if they lose their grip or the purchase they have on the ice or rock walls through their ropes and spikes. And yet - they all shall lose their grip and their purchase and fall, basically to 'Death.' That is life; it is what happens at the end. Human life = death.
Follow me here, follow me here...
...You dress to express, to be noticed, to be paid attention to, whatever - and you have a partner or partners and you and they all die. You get, in order only to lose. No matter how you cut it, that's what happens and people - 'society' - employs psychological tactics including religions and various fantasy ideas and romantic notions about the 'ineffable' nature of Love (with a Capital 'L') - to make themselves feel 'happy' but none of that stuff is materially real. Not in any existential way that is objectively sensible.
Society itself on the whole claims to be satisfied by the reproducing of more generations; the furthering of or the continuation of the species.
Godel's Theory (of consciousness) is a fact.
Humans - the human mind; possesses capabilities beyond what a purely computational system can achieve.
But the human organic body is just a computational system, albeit one that is organic and mechanized through chemistry and biology.
The Evil of the human world as it has transpired across the ages, consists of the way human society (this means government, control systems, leaders, rulers, thought leaders, people in general) has circumvented the Godel Quality or feature of the human being, placing the mechanistic computational part ahead of the other thing.
But the problem there is that it is that very part - the organic part - which cannot sustain an individual personal human consciousness for very long... So why are we placing that ahead of the other?
I can take any single one of you, and over a few hours, maybe days, not much more, literally have you interact with hard material physical beings from very far away places but in the Universe we know and can see, not some 'different Dimension' or something.
And along the way, you would at some point realize that it is indeed actual science that is taking you there. It is not Clif High stories.
It was Socrates that said, in a number of places in Plato's works, that it was a fatal flaw to keep looking at books (written sources) for absolute knowledge of truth (or 'Truth') because you can never ask those things questions; they are dead and without mind. This is exactly what Godel is saying too.
Most English Bible translations do not translate this part but in the actual original text sources of John 8:12 it virtually explicitly repeats the same idea that Socrates and Godel are on about, in that it separates the organic person, from something else, and in the original language text it plainly says: 'I am the Living God.' Which is rendered by the standard English translations as a misreading of the text implying that it is written in pseudo-Hellenic Hebrew, whereas it is Ancient Greek and Aramaic - these false translations all say 'I am the Light of the World.'
But it doesn't say that; it says 'I am living...'
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Because I can afford, prolly. |
I am Alive.
You fall off the side of that steep mountain that you are climbing and you will die in the deep crevasse far below.
You want a partner, or you want a friend, but they are all dead.
They are all dead unless their minds - turn to the Living Light of the World (meaning the Cosmos-world; that is - all life, all living things; things which are alive).
Let me prove something to you scientifically.
When you are anxious, or perturbed, or made to worry, or forced to struggle for material things, even just for food to survive, then the blood flow in your brain goes back and down, to the Limbic system and the CNS and cerebral cortex; all the stuff that allows you to respond 'fright-or-flight' re-actively in order to maintain the organism in a crisis and survival mode - and is forced away (IE the blood) from the frontal cortex. The place where your creativity is centered and springs from, and where the Von Economo neurons are that allow you to make real social engagements. Namely, the frontal cortex.
Are you getting something yet?
Did any bells go off?
When you paint a design, let's not go further into it now - on your forehead, and your blood flow is towards the frontal cortex...
It is extremely hard to let go of your 'grip' on the side of that mountain.
But it is the mountain of dead people - which is made up of all the bodies mounted up that fell off themselves to begin with - that will kill you in the end.
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Well, you know what I mean... Sooner or later, meat-and-potatoes. |
Let's not scare the children, right?
'But, but - why can't I just get some space craft to come down and for those guys in them to meet me?'
Well who said not though?
I didn't say not. I asked if you were ready.
You have a scientifically-demonstrable, and therefore provable - faculty in your head, in your brain, which is able to communicate and be communicated with just exactly like a transmitter.
Have you communicated with any ET Aliens yet?
What about that human level, Earth-based romantic partner that you so earnestly wished to find - are they alive, able to use that living communication faculty in their brain and in their mind; or are they dead, asleep if you will and if you do not wish for me to be so direly dramatic about it.
Ten seconds after you communicate and discover that heck you can communicate, you will have to deal with the fact of what, are you communicating and what are they communicating back to you.
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