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Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Coffee And Nuclear Stuff

So what's the thing about nuclear explosions here...

The thing is, as all of you scientists know, nuclear explosions transmit very high energy radio frequencies across a lot of spectrum.

And this means harmonics (radio frequency interference) at high integers - 2 times, 3 times, et cetera, the original main power level frequency. But depending on how much power was being output to begin with, these harmonics can travel a long way.

Best 'stupid color' color range is in
Robb Report's Car of the Year
last year: the Mclaren.

And a nuke explosion is a lot of power being sent out.

So, our friends the local ET's do not appreciate that.

There are all these well-meaning people down here going - oh they must care about us, care about life here. That's why why they don't want us to kill ourselves with nuclear bombs. Um, not really.

A little bit.


For those of you who are persevering with the techniques to send and receive your own transmissions via just the power in your brain - well, there will, or there could be, a lengthy period where it seems very difficult to get anywhere.

And even then at the next steps, there will be this great big overhang of human derelict thoughts and chaos - darkness.

Some will breakthrough; make 'the breakthrough.'

And then, it's just like going to a coffee place and drinking coffee.

Ammon Hillman talks about the Burning Purple, that the early oracular cults used, and religious people will want to ascribe all these kinds of higher religious meanings to everything - but it is just a faculty same as how you would make and drink and enjoy a cup of coffee.

Afterall, going to a coffee place is ritualistic, and making and drinking coffee is a ritual.

Some people try to 'see God' or whatever.

Now take this Fairy Tale,
and stick all the 
Fairy Tale
Princesses in Mclarens...
On roads though right, 
not in the lake!!

Well -, there is a reason that you won't be able to 'see' Jesus, for example.

All of these figures - Jesus, Zeus, Vishnu - are presences inside of extreme light; if we talked about like the incredibly bright center of a nuclear blast already the point is made.

In ancient traditional narratives, those who 'saw' this kind of God figure - died - were consumed by the fire they were approaching.

And, you would think that such an Intelligence would automatically know that some human idiot was doing what it was not entirely supposed to be doing, and block that human before they went too far.

But why take the risk?

Trust me - and you can on this - as soon as you are engaging fully with the process that you may currently be undertaking (and people are individuals so they will all have variations on how exactly they are proceeding), then all of the nonsense that people talk about in standard religions and so on, will just look like so much utter and complete stupid trash.

Those 'beings' that are described by the typical UFO experiencer - those 'greys' and whatnot - are specifically-designed physical organic forms housing actual 'people' intelligence forms, who can move around through the showers of Cosmic rays in near-Earth space, and in and around very high temperatures and also are able to withstand incredibly high G-forces as they transit Earth atmosphere at high speeds and making complex maneuvers.

The human race is a very simple proposition. It is just a place where DNA goes through virtually endless cycles and iterations, throwing up a vast variety of physical forms.

The mind form - the final, the optimum formulation of what the mind can do and what its character and your own individual personality is like - is able to be completed anywhere there is a mind with all of its necessary parts. The Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs actually contain descriptions of what this 'internal soul' is like - although these are dynamic components being described, not actual shapes of anything.

Once you starting interposing and interjecting and retro-jecting religious jargon on top of the functions and functionality, then it becomes nonsense very fast. That stuff is designed to overpower the simple-minded and capture them into a commercial brand.

What I told you about actually works.

What you read in these religious books don't do anything - they won't function in any meaningful way for you. They exist to trade off the projection that 'at some future point down the line, God will... et cetera.'

Well God is here. I'll show you God by quoting Pythagoras:

'Geometry is the knowledge of the eternally existent.'

You wanna be religious - follow that. That stuff works. You wanna get a sacred book? Get Euclid's Elements.

That stuff works miraculously with power over everything

Not only that it always will work. Forever and Ever and Ever...

The closest thing you will easily get here on Earth among 'ordinary' (not so ordinary if you are in the right places) humans, that is akin to what exists in higher intelligence places elsewhere, is in the field of music:



  1. Oh well all hope for me is lost then. I have what I call mathlexia, anything beyond simple arithmetic and my mind is blown. I can’t hold the “problem” in working memory and struggle to comprehend the concepts by just reading text. I need like the Sesame Street version of Euclid and then it still probably won’t stick
    (Raises hand, idiot human here)

    1. Makes me wonder what I’m doing here (in the world) in the first place. If I came in with a mission or a goal fk knows what it was. I know I’m not “winning” here as far as society or even my own definition of that is.
      I don’t think the ETs care all that much is my feeling

    2. Well then you should absolutely try Euclid. His writing is literally the most succinct and easy to understand stuff there is. It IS ''Sesame Street.' The reason modern academia buries it is because they thrive on making things seem as complicated as possible to that they can make themselves look smart.


Your considered comments are welcome