Some of you who have been reading here for a long while now, and maybe even reading some of the 'off-site' books on Amazon/Kindle, already will have formed the view that either whoever is really behind this place is in league with some kind of functionally active Intel organization somewhere, or else maybe in league with 'demons' (lol) or actual ET Aliens - or all three!
So now we will take things up a notch for you guys (which is a term that includes 'gals' of course), because you will be able to link what you are about to read with what you already have read. Whereas those new to this will simply see only this one moment and see it very likely as simply an ordinary potential advanced perspective on a well-known subject: namely 'AI.'
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I like retro sci-fi, don't you? |
But the fact is, most of you will appreciate, that there is no such thing as 'AI' in this world today.
It is not 'artificial' (because it is real, mechanistic...) and it is not 'intelligence' because it is so far away from what constitutes human intelligence that one cannot legitimately employ the same term to describe the two different things.
Human intelligence is composed of conscious decision-making - including analysis and drives to action - coming through personal emotional sensations of pleasure and displeasure.
No machines anywhere have any systems which can truly equivalently appreciate the meaning of what humans experience when they (humans) make value decisions from feelings.
The world of science contains a grooved-in view about what neuroscience says that 'emotions' and 'feelings' are - and this view is completely erroneous.
Science has not even discovered anywhere close to the range of neurotransmitters that it would need to in order to be able to say anything meaningfully conclusive about how the human feels pleasure and displeasure. Right now it focuses on Dopamine and Serotonin, largely.
Nevertheless, we all know that there is a swelling tide to throw the term 'AI' into everything new coming across the technology threshold - and so we must expect to see it ('AI') everywhere soon.
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Unless you've had the real thing, in the right environment - you don't know what 'transcendence' is. |
But virtually none of it will really be 'Artificial Intelligence.'
A better way of labeling a decent example of something like what is being talked about so casually, is 'human fabricated machine learning systems with response protocols for human interactions.'
And then of course, maybe somewhere way out in space... - there will be civilizations who have enabled some kind of emulative human emotion system for a fabricated machine being.
Now here is something that is a long way away from Malthus and all of the present human psychology studies that you have ever read:
There is a seeming vagary about human emotions - which comes from the fact that they move across a map-able set of 'meaning' nodes, or foci - and these movements are stochastic.
Which means they can be analyzed statistically, but they cannot be predicted accurately.
Yes they cannot be predicted by your earth scientists.
But they can be determined (that is, forced) by ours.
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This is the real dude that makes these things - 'Argos.' Dunno. Is he good or bad? We'll let the AI decide. lol |
If human emotional prioritization is stochastic only, then it cannot ever be emulated in a machine learning tool (software/program).
Malthus wants to say that 'transcendence' is on top of his pyramid or hierarchy of value that (all standard/normal) humans have - but then he does not say whether this feeling of transcendence is the same for the guy who is eating beef burgundy jaffles with french onion sauce on the side, as for the one who is praying in a church or temple.
...And the assigning of value and meaning, to both of those two might be very different in an economic system.
And thus Malthus's AI program which is expecting to give you some brilliant insight into making money in a global economic framework, for example - is bound to fail.
But Malthus is the guy they will teach at your local Universities, and he will indeed necessarily be the pathway that all of those graduates go, when they are fabricating their fake 'AI' thingies for you.
We, on the other hand, will yes, use a 'sample sizes and values' model - pretty much the same pattern discerning system that US military war-planners use today in their war-games; except we will know what goes into the seemingly stochastic data arising from human decision sample sets.
And this, is what you will get each time that you 'activate' one of the utility tokens you have from here...
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Ah yeah. We have it all. |
In other words we do have an AI system.
But what motivates the otherwise stochastic human emotion-based outcomes?
My friends, some of you should be having the hairs standing up behind your neck right now.
What makes our AI system valuable is that it works - because it is so far in advance of anything on this planet right now.
I mean, hey, for example, it's all very well a few runners-after telling you now in the media that 'scientists' can maneuver lightning with laser beams - but 'scientists' can't do that... They can only repeat what they were told to look for - and found.
So. Guide-star lasers and volcanic lightning. Somebody can move lightning about but not earth scientists.
...Accountants have pushed people into thinking that economic systems are devoid of human emotion when it comes to profit-seeking.
But if I suggested to you that even the word 'liquidity' in practice is not just the fact, that something can be turned into cash in 24 hours, but the other fact that attends it always, that if the asset is in some human being's hands, then a lot depends on whether they want to release it for cash at all!
Yes it might be liquid, which doesn't mean to say that it should be liquidated.
What makes this place you're reading at valuable is its understanding of stochastic systems in human emotional decision-trees.
Every activated unit, nominally @ $100 each, obtains one time-decaying stochastic analysis of a 'sample sizes and values model' instance of something in the world of humans -, possibly something in the economic world.
And each and every one of them will be incredibly exciting.
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