Well the intended action moves into invisible space, see. That is where the conclusion of the action takes effect.
But of course for those highly trained practitioners who have received authentic instruction from someone who really knows and understands what the thing is all about, when you perform those whole sets of actions that you can easily see in public parks and on-line now, that 'second part' of the particular individual action becomes a key focus of your mind when you are doing it.
We live in a 'reality structure' that is constantly going 'forward,' moving past some target point of our own devising: past some place we wanted to be, some moment we were looking for, some material thing we wanted to grasp. But then as dynamic motion inside our material reality takes place, our consciousness itself moves past those points and into the next places with 'memory history' telling us different versions of the original 'instantaneous' experience of the sensations caused by realizing that particular 'target point.' ...We are tying our consciousness to the material things; it does need to be tied, but we do that.
We are built with bio-chemical sensory systems that give us force and intensity levels to our conception of 'feelings.'
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It's just a shawl... |
It is these bio-chemical things which are stuck in momentary 'reality' though, while our actual over all consciousness is not (stuck in that material and linear time aspect).
Most people find it very difficult to think past the seeming 'logic' of connecting cause to effect, say for example, in matters of attaining great wealth. The actual existential reality though, of what their brain does to them if they enter some phase where gaining some very large sum is a fact rather than a fantasy - is that the feelings they have are totally different, totally confused too, because then the options, the choices become presented in visceral ways.
You absolutely need to 'think through the current material reality' and into the Tai Chi invisible place's reality.
Because otherwise you will not be prepared, even though from some distance you always imagine that you would be.
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It's just the place (kind of place) I go wearing my shawl and eating dinner and stuff. |
I am saying these things not because simply anyone and everyone can attain to a lot of material wealth, but because you here have already entered into a 'zone' where the information itself alone, is several grades up from what the general public gets...
So at some point, it will literally hit you, what has been happening. While you were dreaming.
What is the most outrageously expensive thing that you could want, that you can think of right now?
Put it into your hands.
Put it into your hands. See, I already have put in my hands what I want(-ed). I'm just not posting pics of stuff here yet!
On the New Year night I had a dream. In the dream I had a feeling that I own $70M. There was no remembrance of how I got in possession of such large sum of money. But, on waking up on January 1st, I clearly remembered that exact figure. Could it be an omen? There are a couple of projects, that I am involved in, that may have a potential to generate some money - is that a hint to pursue them to their completion? Anyhow, the feeling of owning such big amount of dough was new to me. It felt strange too...