So, while the Clearstream group has stopped payments to Russian bond holders, manufacturing a totally fake 'default' situation, suddenly all across the whole entire Western World there have been mass disruptions of internet services.
Force majeure, I guess, works both ways when you are in a real war.
I tell you what I experienced a 'default' on recently though...
Blueberry cheesecake.
No, seriously. All I wanted was some ordinary commercial blueberry cheesecake and could I find some down here any time over the last several months at least? No!
Until yesterday evening when I noticed some just happily sitting there beneath the glass cabinets at a very very close-by Korean-owner but mixed menu place that is heavily patronized by lots of millennials and some knowledgeable oldies.
What is it with today's world where there is this gigantic gulf between the middle-aged people and the kids and the old old people?
Well I'll tell you what it is, what it really really is.
The Basel Bank for International Settlements, which previously was pretty independent and organized the liquidity and asset ratios of central banks and de facto actual domestic retail trading banks - via the Basel Committee - was completely subverted around the time of the first Gulf War.
And this created the underlying social, political and surface economic realities that shifted the honesty of adults in power in the way they behaved to the emerging next generation/s.
Ostensibly BIS is committed to 'transparency' and in theory, doctors also intend to 'do no harm' to patients as well.
But I can spin any kind of statistical result to manufacture transparency and to invent 'consent.' And gee they can do it much better than me.
Look, witches have always been able to abort pregnancies, but witches have also been burned at the stake too.
Now I happen to know a lot about witches, let's say, chiefly because Gerald Gardner worked for my father in education one time, and at the same time he was a senior manager for one of my father's aunts' estates.
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The perfect 'beginner's magic wand.' |
And I suppose very suspicious people could even raise questions about how come the clipper my dad's great grandmother gave to 'Bully Bob' Waterman was called 'Sea Witch.' (Hey listen, my own grandmother was not born in the last century - she was born in the century before that! We are really long-lived people...). So yeah it was his great grandmother, and not anything further removed than that.
There are no real witches who just go and 'procure abortions' though, I'll tell you that straight out. It doesn't work like that. ...It's one of the reasons really why there are such things as 'circles' or covens at all.
It's a committee system.
But Basel no longer has any kind of committee, certainly not any operational one that you can 'see.'
You will see 'it,' though, at the 'limited hang-out' public Freemasonic gathering called 'Davos.'
They well and truly knew that as soon as the internet became a genuinely open and worldwide rapid communication system, there was no way that they could do all of this 'Alex Jones-only-so-discredit-him' Bohemian Grove secret stuff.
So hey, here we are, just gathering gathering, and sharing sharing (lol) a fun little get-together out at Davos. Nothing much to see here except boring old speeches, move along...
Meanwhile however, back in reality, the Russian hackers all had their own little 'get-together' and took down just about everything that has a wide public utility on the internet: Reddit, even parts of Twitter, many servers all across North America. And that is just to show you, that they can kill you from a distance.
But your local politician still has not got it yet and they never will. You will die first and still they will not care and they will do nothing about it but go on, on their own merry way trying to get away with thievery and larceny on grand scales.
It's all they know how to do. And you won't get any help from the FBI either except lip-service as a media opportunity to self-justify its own existence. Which means they will literally come after absolute nobodies like me and you.
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This is a medium, it is not the power nor the energy, that flows through the wand. |
Luckily I personally don't know anything functional about hacking. I can't do it, as far as I know. Maybe if McAfee were still around I could ask him for a module to 'plug-and-play' but then again, I don't really want to do any such thing anyway.
All... ...I want to do eat some darn blueberry cheesecake!
...So okay I can do that now though.
I don't need a Vulcan 'Stone of Gol!'
I'm still waiting to hear from any of you guys whether you have gone any further than going to sleep and having dreams!!
LOL Ya I know it's hard. I know it feels like there is just darkness, darkness around you everywhere. That's because that's what there is.
What you need is an invitation that is pleasant to the good angels...
Now just where does that phrase come from.
You know the funny thing about John Dee, is when that angel literally got angry with him for asking for 'just an explicit humanly understandable book' - he (Dee) goes off into this whole long nonsense that is his own imagination making stuff up by building a huge fake edifice on one or two true things. And then he got into trouble of course, trying to make gold!
He was told - here are the 'words' from which everything is made or 'created.'
And then what does he do? Because it's not happening fast enough - or so he decides - he makes up his own words! Well, of course he's not going to be able to 'make gold' that way, is he??
Do you think the Canadian dollar will go up, or down, if * falls off his Portugieser watch?
Don't use the same German brokers though, that we did back in *.
You can't prove a thing. Won't hold up in court.
Last week I was very interested in "disembodied consciousness" and whether that requires there to be "a person" "on the other end" like when you tune in to "Radio Moscow" with your SW receiver. This week it's ROSES. I stopped to smell a neighbor's rose, to see if he was doing a good job keeping his plants fresh, and paused to separate the petals a little bit to make sure there wasn't a spider hiding in the middle of that before sticking my face and nose up there. This morning's dream was about such a thing, however the rose was a deep red, almost brown, yet violet at the same time, and the petals were so dense I couldn't count them, and when I tried to smell everything went upside down and pollen came out and covered my face, and I couldn't smell a thing.
ReplyDeleteLet's see if SNW has anything to say about that. 'Cause there was nothing about it in the Jan. 6 hearings. Full moon, by the way.
Of course you have no way of knowing whether I'm being "honest." I can tell you that I have noticed that "consciousness moments" "spreads around" in time and space, but there is no objective fact to be had about that.
I'm not into EDM stuff. But let's talk about the real kittypoops. She died in December, her skelly is under the rose bushes literally. There was a time when it was very dark out, and we were like "kittypoops, come inside, what are you doing out here?" A few minutes later we saw the cutest opossum waddle away from the place she had been sitting in. So you know, being out in the garden under the full moon with the other critters. Just hanging out, not a lot of yick yack.
One of my cats one time showed me cat heaven... I've seen that. And there even is a 'cat Cleopatra.'
ReplyDeleteahaha. I BELIEVE you! I've heard they play poker in cat heaven.
DeleteNo one is going to correct my mistake about the moon phase? sheesh. smh.
DeleteMe: Google-search - cats and full moon... BLACK cats and full moon...
DeleteThe news from the Front must be bad for the West. I can't launch or Sputniknews.
ReplyDeleteThere's widespread DNS problems right now, although (like YouTube) is still completely accessible and has all of the latest RT/Sputnik videos. Reddit and RT and Sputnik on the North American internet have been a bit 'unstable' over the weekend.
DeleteWall Street Bear?
DeleteYeah. WSB has been down for days.