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Monday 13 June 2022

As The Markets Tumble

So what happens to you when the world, which is rapidly going to hell, starts to exhibit ever greater signs of closer-to-home social pandemonium and everyone feels it?

You won't be able to just sit quietly and safely at home and watch the real 'wars' happening elsewhere on TV - because the effects will be being felt right where you are.

Well obviously ordinary people will be more and more anxious, more and more agitated, and their general demeanor and behavior will show this.

Horstmann Blue Atlas Cedar.
A beautiful tree.

All the claims to 'human rights' and 'humane treatment' and all of this will go straight out the window - not that it was ever really inside that window in the first place.

Yet it's not going to be as simple as that though - as simple as just everything being destroyed, or a kind of widespread social self-destruction unfolding. 

Nobody should be surprised if some pretty 'bad' things happen. 'Bad?' Meaning what, exactly? Well, meaning things we are not allowed to talk about here because it is illegal to do that - talk explicitly about what is going to happen.

Everything for thousands of years has been about how the little guy gets squashed.

If there's a Depression the little guy gets smashed, if there is a war, the little guy dies, if there is a drought, pandemic, whatever, the little guy starves, gets 'locked in.' Always the little guy.

When was it not obvious that market prices for shares and real estate, propped up by false 'money' and no natural-need sales demand and thereby real profits, might experience a catastrophic fall? FED Chair Powell himself recently said in answer to an interviewer's question about whether they just print money out of thin air: 'Yes, we do just print money out of nothing.'

So here we are, 2022.

Zoe Johnston and 'Above and Beyond'
among the mossy trees.

What are the 'big guys' doing?

I don't really care about them or what they are doing, I don't care to know.

I want to know about how I am reformulating some kind of personal social thing.

Could I be happy in the middle of a city in flames?

You bet.

Everything about this column, this Blog place, is all about how to work out what you really want, as opposed to what people advertise to you that you 'should' want - and how to get it for yourself and for your friends. ...Even how to work out what a friend actually is.

The wonderful thing about money too, is, it is just like Mandela says about all kinds of 'impossible' things: 'They always seem impossible - until they happen.'

Humans live in the realm of the constant daily lacking of everything they want, and the sheer impossibility of getting those things.

KP knows what I'm talking about under my breath here. He's not silly. He's working on it himself right now.

Our problem is what are we going to do with the money, not what the heck we care about how the world went to hell just now... Ain't that right, Mr. Cat?



  1. I don't know much about money and the spending of it, but I'd like to contribute in whatever way I could to my family and friends coming out on the other side.

  2. Well, rule number 1., stay calm, rule 2., look for the 'silver lining' in all of the coming clouds, and, 3., run your life from the stars above, not the mud below.

  3. Just for the record, you'll have to take my word for it that I'm "not a prepper."

  4. One thing I do wonder is how the elites will do when we are not here to facilitate their lives. Like, can they even open a bottle of water themselves, do they do tap water? Will they have to drive… themselves? (Petty I know but stuff them and their quants and their fancy financial instruments, and skimming fractions of cents off every transaction. Leeches!)

    Ordinarily I’m a happy person. I’m definitely on board with number 3 in your response to euterpe_blues.

    I suck at math and I suck at science. I’ve never known what I truly want. But I will entertain the impossible if it means good things for my family and friends.

    My husband will help with the vagus experiment. He said he would be the lab assistant and take notes. I told him he has to dress like Beaker from the muppets. Lol lol lol.

    1. This friend who has since traveled away, but I talked about his Ferrari here a long time back now - well, his wife was not home, and the coffee machine was on the blink, and he tried to make hot coffee, right... LOL Was literally the funniest thing. I kid you not he stared at a hot water bottle and you could see his brain wondering 'how does the water get hot in there?' Super super rich guy. Back down to earth and away from his 'engineering interface' and Mr-Super-Engineer was lost. I could not believe my eyes. Basic test protocol for the LED laser salt crystal thing would be just to note if you felt yourself getting a vagus relaxation response when the shining crystal is held right up onto your sternum. Times, dates, who observed, self-observed. Document. That's it. ...I'm talking with a couple of big-time world-leading US Unis right now to see where we can go to next step. Serious about your research. Every single bit helps. We should really try to get this off the ground. Early stages but this is the 'game plan' product. And there's things I haven't talked about at all that are related.

  5. Somewhere I read that ancient Egyptians believed that the skin of the gods was made of gold, but that their bones were silver. One could say that the gods carried around a silver lining inside themselves... sorta.

    Anyway, those ancient gods seem much more substantial than the current ones we worship, which are, at best, made of paper.

  6. I'd be quite happy if they were flesh-and-blood like us and carried around a few chunks of gold and silver in their pockets to throw to us lowly lowly human-y things. Yes m'lord, oh yes m'lord, whatever you say m'lord.

    (This god I know just then): 'Are you being funny again, Calvin?'


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