The Chinese have this idea about 'Feitian' - the flying fairies.
Yet, their actual descriptions are exactly the same as European stories about these beings.
Although even the words and names used for them - 'Fey' and 'Fei-tiwa'an' are very similar, seemingly, the Chinese word means 'flying' devas, whereas the European 'Fey' implies that they have fair skin.
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Fairies like mallow flowers. |
Even so, these are basically the same descriptions that the Chinese have as well, for these creatures: fair-skinned, able to fly, light, lithesome, slender, able to perform all kinds of magic. In the Chinese classics 'Feitian' are said to be exquisitely beautiful, so much so that they hide their faces from Mankind, usually, in order not to shock them.
As I have said many times here before, these are the same beings - and which are not of the human species albeit they are humanoid, and capable of interacting fully with humans - as described by Homer as the means by which Odysseus was able to be taken back to his home islands.
The Estonians have a rich culture of witchcraft and nature worship, and there are 'fairy tales' there about how some fairies in fact settled and inter-mingled with the local people.
The singer Kerli has quite a few videos around in which she discusses some of her own practices that are intended by her to 'get back into her own native culture and traditions.'
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Estonian cuisine is typically fairy food. |
Typically, suggestions are raised here and elsewhere often, regarding whether or not these ancient traditional cultural narrative artifacts are only the product of an individual's personal internal, maybe, subconsciousness, or complex imaginings.
But there is a secret to fairies, and it is this - as soon as you subject them to human words and language - unless you are a very very special person, and there is some grand reason why they are allowing you to converse and engage and interact on a human-istic level, they will vanish from view and from obvious influence.
In the Persian culture there is an idea about 'master of fairies' (Peri-Khan) but I dispute that there can be such people.
When a human comes into the purview of a fairy, a real one, they will be overcome with a kind of drunkenness, although not from wine or alcohol or any other substance.
The Chinese also say this, and they imply it perfectly in their descriptions when they maintain 'Feitian' possess a certain 'aromatic mist' around them which overcomes the human.
To fully understand, that is, to actually be in touch with a fairy, one should refrain from doing what most people do, which is to read things like the Black Books (of Jung) and rather read the Red Book instead (Kerli also talks about this). For, as I have just now already said, immediately that a person seeks to 'explain' or 'describe' what is going on, the fairy departs.
I could have posted some early music by Kerli to show how this operates, and post it side-by-side with later videos when she has begun to consciously process what has gone on.
But here is, if anything, a better example from Gareth Emery. Here he has taken some African sansa 'thumb piano' music, and transcribed it into the EDM idiom.
Watching the Kerli doc on Youtube. So I have an idea. People like to talk about "charging" things, like crystals. Fine. But to what end? Well, for the energy! Really? Well yes, they amplify the energy. Your energy? Well, yes, better mine than Rupert Murdoch's!
ReplyDeleteI can come here, see? and talk about stuff, and there is a nice buffer that makes this different than going to the local "metaphysical shop" and talking to those people in person, and having to deal with ALL THE ENERGIES. I get quickly overwhelmed. Of course some people may find a bit of stressful energy in the words I leave here. Sorry about that.
Anyway, Sometimes trees die in parts, and you will have branches rotting, but new branches can sprout from the live parts and use the rotting branches as scaffolds and grow back on up, sometimes high above the original tree. Find one of those or its like. I got lucky. This is the main reason I don't live in Chicago anymore. But there's stuff in Chicago too.
So charge your crystals. great. Make a thing, a crystal charging bowl. Go to youtube, watch some wood turning videos, buy a cheap lathe, make a little cup, try not to injure yourself! but that's what makes it meaningful. put your crystal in there, charge it up. Burn some stuff around it. Get some smoke rising. Make that crystal thingy really special. Spend a good month or two at it.
Now don't put it in your house "for protection." Go out to where that crazy tree is and burry it away in some of the rotting stuff where the wood can be safely split apart.
In my own neighborhood some kid actually laid a little plastic charm bracelet, very shiny, on a funny looking dogwood I have. I hung it up in one of the higher branches where it will be safe.
But you have your own special tree out there somewhere, and in a few months you can go to it and collect some leaves or a new growth from it that has happened since you left your little gift. Take those back to the wood bowl, set them in there, repeat the process that you started with the crystal. End with a new thing you can bring back to the tree. Or make tea out of and drink. Whatever.
Jung's red book has too much stress energy for me. It's very inspiring, but the concepts should be adaptable to what is specifically yours.
But oh my god, keep it to yourself. If you talk to people about it then that's how cults happen. I like this place because 1) people are smart and 2) plenty of distance. Talk to your neighbors about this stuff and before you know it folks are going around cutting the heads and penises off funny stone sculptures and everyone is in a tizzy because of the war.
Too true! ...I like your idea about the tree and 'charging' things.
ReplyDeleteYes well many of the details came from these pages. So, many thanks.
DeleteAre you seeing this most recent installment of "Star Trek Strange New Worlds" ?
DeleteStrange, all right!!
DeleteThanks for the SNW heads up, this is certainly something.
DeleteThis is what I've been wondering about for a few weeks now, and here we have an episode of SNW about "boltzman brains." Can there be a "spontaneously occurring" structure of some kind that could support (some kind of) consciousness? And how crazy does that world get?
DeleteOne of the creation myths of peoples of southeast asia involves a tryst between a mountain fairy and a sea dragon which resulted in 100 eggs; 50 of the kids went with mom back to the mountains and 50 with dad back to the sea.
ReplyDeleteChinese are good at arithmetic. And fairness: half to you, half to me. Some of the most exciting and exotic long scenes in modern movies are the ones where Jen (Zhang Ziyi) is messing with this (as the Wiki rundown calls him) 'desert bandit,' Lo (aka 'Dark Cloud') and then later, the bamboo forest scenes between Ziyi and Chow Yun-fat. However the secret of this movie lies in the words and names and their Wushu/Taoism meanings: Wu-Dang means something like 'misty/butterfly/fairy' military, and Jen is clearly a classical fairy herself of some description - these are the ones who incarnate in order to fall in love with humans. 'Wu-dip' is butterfly, or really, 'wings in mist.' Someone who carries a fan, is potentially, a 'supernatural' person, or else, a magician who has mastery over the supernatural winds. Interestingly of course, there are mountain mists, and mists near the crashing surf. And these can intermingle.