Bertrand Russell is one twig of the thicket of, the Evolutionary Bush of Lies, that has characterized the rise of political academics, if not academia itself, whole-ly, in the modern West.
Despite that Russell is declared to have been a leading promoter if not even one of the actual founders of 'analytic philosophy,' you will never - as in never at all - find one single example of his 'analysis' of any data or any process of logic...
What you will find instead, are assertions by him that something is conforming to 'logic' (and thus also necessarily to the rules of logic) - when they are in fact really not at all; he, like his student Wittgenstein, play with words and terminologies and thereby pull the wool over the eyes of the credulous and the unsophisticated.
Russell is 'famous' for his so-called 'barber's paradox' (also blatantly acclaimed, and stupidly so, as 'Russell's Paradox') in which all barbers are only those who shave men who do not shave themselves, and 'therefore' the barber who doesn't shave himself must shave himself therefore he cannot be the barber therefore 'the barber' does not exist.
And then, to make matters truly devious to the idiot minds looking on, and also worse and worse by stages, they go into so-called 'first order of logic,' 'second order of logic,' et cetera. that it all looks complicated and has 'maths-like terms' employed and everything cool and groovy.
The problem is that the whole thing is nonsense. Any programmer dealing in constructing code will instantly recognize that the flaw is that the basic algorithm uses deliberately ill-defined 'operator' labels: for instance 'all those' (who are 'barbers' supposedly, according to the line-code, so to speak; therefore inter alia 'all barbers...').
The trick, or the slip of truth and reality, is that they think you can substitute 'those' for the specific nominative label 'barber/s.' Or at least they want to believe that you can.
The logical truth is that in the specific case of this barber (who 'might' shave himself at some point), there is a condition of chronology applying to all the barbers anyway, and when he shaves himself, he becomes an exception to the definitional rule, but then who set this rule in the first place (the rule is in actuality 'wrong'); he's still a barber just not a barber who never shaved himself.
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These are called 'emotional experience' showers. LOL - You can buy them. For money. It costs you money. But you can have them then. |
The word 'barber' means person who cuts beards (and so on), it does not mean and never has done - a person who cuts the beards only of people who do not shave themselves!
The guy is still a person 'who cuts beards.' 'Do not shave themselves' is a condition not a term.
Yet. Bertrand Russell - Lord Russell, in fact - is widely regarded as a frikkin' genius, right?
And then (which is going to take me to what I wanted to discuss here), from the status of acclaimed frikkin' genius, what he has to say about Jesus Christ and religions and Christianity in particular, simply must be fantastic and of course, certainly troooooo.
Yes m'lord, no m'lord.
If you take Lidocaine (in some common mouth washes) apparently, some people can hallucinate, by 'seeing multiple,' and 'ghostly outlines.'
If you close your eyes, you can also 'see' phosphenes still reacting inside your optic nerves and so your brain can see 'lights.' And there are other kinds of hallucinations that are natural, and also 'visual impressions' available to the sleeping or resting brain that is not receiving direct external optical stimuli.
Now I've already said many times that there is a big problem with translations, especially modern translations of ancient philosophical and/or religious literature, and there is also the small matter of certain things writers were seeking to put down in writing, but that were highly dangerous, sometimes illegal to say, and sometimes which they wished to disguise to the 'uninitiated.'
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Or you can have that. It doesn't cost a lot of money... |
But, nevertheless, let us accept some of the criticisms of those like your Bertrand Russell's, who will say, oh but Jesus never actually returned during the life-times of 'some of his disciples' like He claimed that He would do, and that there is simply not a single verifiable material fact that can be subjected to empirical analysis, that either any 'gods' exist or that anything for instance, Jesus said is materially true to us today, if it ever even was, since the whole of the New Testament could easily be fiction.
And ET Aliens don't exist because we haven't got one and stuck it in a bottle, to empirically analyze.
You walked into a car-park and found a lottery ticket, and it was a winning ticket, and so then - you won. A whole lot of money.
Thirty minutes after you find you really have won (won't be just the standard 'five seconds' which is what I often like to say) - you will say: 'Oh but it wasn't really what Calvin was telling us -, was a coincidence. Yes, a happy and amazingly valuable short-term, one off coincidence, but nonetheless, meaningless in any kind of a sense of reliable process.'
Now you see but, I haven't told you the process. I have fenced around it quite a lot but I do not want to attract the pointless and very silly childish accusations of 'Delusion! Delusional!' that obtain to anyone who says 'You can see the Light...'
Still if you spent fifty grand and went out to the very private and secluded Monroe Institute facilities, they will coach you into having a certain kind of visual and sensory experience.
And it won't be anything at all even remotely like anything you can read about on Wikipedia about what a 'delusion' or an 'hallucination' is like.
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Shouldn't cost a lot of money but it does cost a lot of money because it's at Oscar's Steakhouse. |
Let's hear from that man Jesus on this subject of the lottery tickets, again:
Matthew 6:19 "Store up for yourselves treasures (means 'winning lottery tickets') in Heaven."
Well, why? What are we going to do with them up there, when we are down here?
The Muslims say 'wait till you are dead, then, so that then Allah will not (here's the 'Allah Barber' version of Russell's idiocy) burn your beard and face off each day and then grow you another one each night so that he can burn them off again, next day - till forever.'
And the Campbell's Tomato Soup Christians more or less say the say thing - jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.
And that, boys and girls, is exactly NOT what Jesus the man down here, said. Instead, he said, a little further down the same page - Matthew 6:26 - "Behold the birds of the air, they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns... ...yet your Heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"
Yeah so, I have not been telling you about how to 'see' anything with some actual weird 'illumination.' Ha! The Illuminati have a long walk up the hill here to get to me on this matter of 'Light!.'
But I will tell you this - you need to see the lottery ticket in 'up there' first before you will see it manifest down here next. Isn't that right, Rabbi Alon? That's what the Zohar says, yes? Parashat Metzora or somewhere like that. Or maybe some exegesis by Rabbi Akiva.
I dunno. Better just go ask Rabbi Alon. He will know for sure. I'm not a Jew and I don't know the Zohar (much!), but it is in there, just like it is in the ancient Greek 'mystery' texts.
Otherwise what's the point of 'just' finding something lying on the ground one time.
You don't want one packet of Golden Tim Tams. Or 'three wishes.'
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Never-ending wishes. |
You want 'limitless pack of Tim Tams' and 'never-ending wishes.'
You need the process.
I have the process. But it's all there, right in there, and you can find it all by yourself - although not in those parts where Pythagoras, apparently, murdered a competitor mathematician who had either discovered the Golden Ratio or irrational numbers or something.
Wouldn't be in those parts.
And then the other thing is, if you find the 'light' to see your way by in the 'up there' (because it is pretty dark in all of those abandoned junky space stations near the Earth), better not to tell anyone, because they'll cut your head off back down there where there's jealous people, see.
Especially since by the time you 'find the light' you will 100% definitely not want to go giving the information out to everyone.
No no no. You'll find you will have only enough 'energy' to spare for the lighting of your own torch.
I'll give you 'elite/s!'
It's me or its a tiny small handful of us, or it's nobody.
You think I can't bring down a tidal wave or a meteor on the head of anyone? You're wrong.
Well but that's right, isn't it? Logically? If 'winning lottery tickets' then 'tidal wave' too surely, just as easily.
Don't be flailing about here with frivolous 'lottery ticket' finds.
Yeah there's Satan, and he's 'diabolical.' So? So what? So am I. Why would you think not?
Oh we're so love-y love-y, right?
Maybe. Maybe Mr FBI-man. For you, oh yes, for sure. We are powerless, weak, and harmless.
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