Is it really true that the Nazis in WWII used Ford trucks?
Is it really true that the Bush family ran Nazi banks and sold the Nazis oil?
Is it really true that Klaus Schwab is a Nazi?
Basically, the problem that all the conspiracy theorists have, trying to get across what they want to say, is that they cannot explain the motivations behind the presumed conspiracies. It isn't really very clear why it is terrible beings do terrible things to humanity - on the one hand we can all understand materialism and greed, and we can understand hatred too, but what is the legitimate connection between those things?
...But if I show you the motivation, the connection in all of these things, then you will at first not believe.
Coming up on Sunday - this Sunday the 28th - is the Festival of Chanukah. For eight days, according to ancient Rabbinical literature since the time of Moses, a Divine Light that is not present in the woild (have to talk like a Jew from New Jersey from here on in in this piece), is accessible if you light a lamp (bit like the Arabic Genie lamp, right?), and sit next to it for a few minutes. And, you're supposed to light another lamp each day for the eight days.
Hans Christian Andersen had a similar fairy tale - 'The Tinder Box' - and the Brothers Grimm also included a version of a very ancient folk tale called Das Blaue Licht (the Blue Light).
Hitler caused the production of a great movie also called 'Das Blaue Licht' which modifies the magical basis of the folkloric fairy tale, by saying that there is merely a crevice in a mountain top, in which there are crystals, and when the moon light shines on them, they emit a bluish glow which entrances some young men of the village who die trying to reach the light.
Leni Riefenstahl, the great movie director and photographer, starred in the film.
The folkloric story is rooted in a profound belief in magic. So is the Jewish religious practice, rooted in a profound belief in a kind of a Divine magic.
With this 'bluish light' you can do anything, overpower anyone, gain any kind of material success that you want. It is after all, either a magical light, or a Divine light.
Actually, this is the 'light' that is being referred to in Genesis: 'Let there be Light.' Because after three days, God re-takes the light (this light) back and substitutes, on the third day, the Sun and the Moon for the provision of a light here.
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Floris No 89. Favorite of Ian Fleming. |
Now just like the staff of Moses is an idea not an artifact, so too, although 'oil lamps' are things, albeit they flicker and seem 'alive,' there is an intrinsic idea to the whole matter - alongside something, something else, which is also entailed and which I won't go into right now.
I'm stepping pretty close to some extraordinarily dangerous territory here now.
So I have to be careful just how I put things next.
Maybe if I just say so many things are like notes on a keyboard. Even human beings - there are really only so many of them. Although the Bible, for instance specifically and explicitly says they are re-incarnated, and not just human beings, but other kinds of beings too - for example, 'beasts' and 'kingdoms.' And there is one type of beast whose 'existence' is peculiarly described as 'having been and is not, and is to come and is to go into Perdition.'
But let us just say there are specific identifiable tendencies, rather than say that people are actually re-incarnated.
You see, Hitler is the false focus of the problem. Because if you look for actual real Hitler to be re-incarnated, and imagine you will be able to identify him if he does incarnate, because you know what he looks like, what he sounds like, then you are falling into the trap that is the same one the Nazis devised when it came to 'Das Blaue Licht.' They want you to look at the glow, and thereby not see the idea...
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Ian Fleming wrote this. |
Let's say you, in a pre-Christmas folly, set up a little oil lamp (or just any kind of lamp) this coming Sunday, and light it, and look at it, hoping to test the magickal theory of Calvin - and you see absolutely nothing particularly special at all; just the actual flickering flame.
Well then actually, you are already half way there.
Because if you do not get caught up in the 'glow,' and start instead to open your mind to some idea which is forming inside there...
And Jesus! ...If you actually get the idea, then you will have the other half and as you know, two halves make a whole and a whole is more than just the sum of its parts (Euclid said that).
But yeah I know, you want to see something. You want some real magic to happen.
You don't just want an idea to pop into your head.
I'm sure that a few of you know darn well, especially in this day and age of the internet and ready access to facts and information, and so much being remembered by so many - that it's no long so easy to confuse everyone, certainly not everyone, by wiping out some pages of history here and there and having them just forget. You know darn good and well that there is something more than just a bit peculiar going on in the wide world.
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Portrait of Mick Jagger by Leni Reifenstahl. |
You believe in a 'conspiracy' - you just don't know for sure what it is, and how to get around it anyway. You have no power.
You want power and you need power.
Other people have power. Klaus Schwab has power. He got millions of dollars from the Israeli government a while back to run 'the Forum of Young Global Leaders.'
You didn't get millions of dollars from no one! (See? Still using New Jersey talk).
...This kid was yelling at me on one of the DM sections in a special interest board somewhere a couple of days ago. He said 'why are you so wrapped up in EDM and trance music??!'
I never answered him, because I didn't want him to catch a glimpse of my poker cards - you know, the ones that have the Eyes Wide Shut scenes on them, with the Indian trance music playing when Dr Bill goes into those parlors where the orgies are going on!
Sometimes I know it's too much 'in your face' the stuff I post here because no one could possibly believe a single thing if they are in their right minds, right?
The World War on right now is the War of Thoughts.
And thoughts have this guaranteed effect on hard physical material reality. Real things - I mean really real things - start in thoughts. Every tree has a mind, every mushroom on the ground a huge network system under the ground, a way of communicating with the trees above. Everything that is alive, is really alive!
Klaus Schwab is not alive.
You 'might' be alive, I don't know. I can sense like, three, maybe five, pulse beats from the hundreds of people who stop by here and read.
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Ian Fleming portrait in his Belgravia apartment; nowadays owned by a Sheikh's mistress, and recently burned though not 'to the ground.' |
Klaus wants to keep you dormant and without power. Because he wants to climb the mountain in front of your dopey eyes, and then touch the Blaue Licht, and come back down and sanctify you with his light and his presence.
He is not suffering from the God Delusion, because he is not suffering at all; he is not alive.
He knows there is no God. He hopes to endure. If you stop him, he'd be buried or burned and then gone; he is already dead. And he will not be coming back here or anywhere.
So long as you let him be, he will rule you. You claim there is no God, but he is your god.
He's never going to let you see the light or touch the light - he is going to do that for you. He is going to ascend the mountain like Nimrud, and touch the Light.
And everything he's doing he is doing for you. Same like Robespierre.
But trust me he's wandering around in utter darkness. The light is here, around the back, and you can get it.
But then what you do with it, well...
Someone once opined that A.H. was the first rock star, and Leni Riefenstahl made his "performances" into the first music video.
ReplyDeleteWhich reminds me: whatever happened to MTV?
Anyway... I've changed my mind about the A.C. - I no longer think he (or she) is a Larry David-type. I think the A.C. must be a *rock star*.
Too bad Leni Riefenstahl is no longer around to document it. It would have been marvelous.
Oh well.