This is not a place where there are no 'take-home exercises!'
On the one hand you could mess with your head by breaking it on whether the Omega triangle contains the parallax problem...
On the other hand, you could just try and get some authenticity stuck into your 'metopon.'
Even the great goddess Saga respects the thumbprint of her drinking partner, as she drinks with him each morning out of their golden cups of wine in Asgard - being, as they both are, of the Aysnjur.
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Vegvisir. Oo - and blue dyed balayage hair... 'Dyed,' right? I mean it is dyed, it isn't actual real blue hair! Hahahahaha. |
So in the 'saga,' you will probably not be touched by anything too terrible. Sure maybe you'll have to hide up a tree and all, but still.
So even if you do read any of the recommended texts - and there is one coming up here right now - it's more about what you do with it afterwards, that matters.
For instance, how do you stick anything into your metopon, presuming that you even know where that is in the first place.
And then, do you stick it in there - or does someone else do that to you?
Ah don't worry about all of that!
Just listen to the cute music, read the texts, and wait.
Or maybe don't wait - practice the exercises.
What exercises?
Just read. Iqra Iqra Iqra. Or do we have to squeeze you, like Jibreel did to the prophet Muhammad? What are you - a plastic tomato sauce bottle??
But Calvin, why are there pixies in Lamborghinis?
And what does it even have to do with anything?
'A bull on a green field.'
'When you see the trees of Birnam Wood march to Dunsinane.'
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Do you know where you are right now - as you read here, do you know where 'here' (in here) even is?
For Birnam Wood is no ordinary forest, after all. It is one of the supernatural elements in the saga.
This indication comes from the Weird Sisters' prophecy, correct?
"M., shall never vanquish'd be until
Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill
Shall come against him."
And so easy it is, for that to have happen, friends...
So easy it is, to unleash the king of Abaddon and all of his mighty army.
How to vanquish thine enemy, son.
That is what is contained in all of those texts.
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Another British Museum thing nicked from somewhere else! It's about the closest you will ever get to what the ankh is all about. No current day 'expert' has a single clue. |
And if you think I cannot get a real ET Alien hybrid onto a livestream private discord server for you to see with your own two eyes you are short of the mark.
It can be done. But it prolly won't be just yet though.
Certainly, when the bodies are all writhing around in agony on the ground -, beneath the trees that you are up hiding in, then hey, why not?
Will happen.
We will not miss a single beat.
And you will not miss a single beat either. Not now.
The ankh is the Moses story - the Moses story is all entirely messed up, of course. 'Snakes coming alive from sticks,' 'court magicians,' 'throwing curses;' WTF.
; )
I could give a huge big long list of who is 'dead meat' right now, but then, I would have to make a sacrifice and have the fire come down from the sky and consume it and all that and I'm not going to do that because that is for the crooks to do now. As you well know.
Besides you could do it yourself anyway.
Like I said all along, it's all about the moral equation. What makes something 'good,' what makes something 'okay,' and what makes something a total 'no no.'
You've gotten me dreaming of Tom Cruise. That is to say, he's showing up in my dreams! What is the meaning of this?
ReplyDeleteDreams are a way the mind has to accustom the waking consciousness to some higher-than-usual probability reality, which is not otherwise expected to occur. The question I suppose, is, which 'Tom Cruise?' Tom Cruise 'Dr Bill,' or Tom Cruise 'Mission very very Impossible,' or Tom Cruise 'Cocktail,' or Tom Cruise 'Top Gun,' or Tom Cruise 'the Color of Money,' or Tom Cruise 'Oblivion,' or Tom Cruise silly Scientology guy jumping about on Oprah couch...
DeleteCruise and Jennifer Connelly were at the EDC festival/s; maybe Orlando, maybe Las Vegas, sort of 'in cognito.' ...Which I have been talking about.
DeleteIt was Cruise the Actor/Celeb, but somehow I knew him personally, as we exchanged nods from across the room in a pub or something. My GF (in the dream) told me to introduce her to him. The dream ended before I could do so.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, your blog has affected my mind, causing me to dream of a Larry David anti-Christ, a Tom Cruise drinking buddy, and now probably a Jennifer Connelly /Patricia Neal "Day the Earth Stood Still" reference of some sort, I expect. Oh well - might be better than this waking life.
I like Larry David heaps. Larry David anti-Christ... That's hilarious.