So, here we are in a derelict, dystopian city, everything all fallen apart - and someone wants to spend their brand new one hundred thousand dollars back with the same atrocious idiots who wrecked society and life in the city...
Wow. Pay that thinking right there.
If at first it totally screwed up, just go right back and hit it again. Why not?
...That way, we can stew away whining about the next nine sets of 100k and then, at one million, we can do that same idiotic thing all over again, get exactly nowhere (except in your dreams, which are all shared by ten zillion other lunatic human beings), and complain that we are short just a hundred odd mill so that we can at least wear the same blue onesies that Jeff does.
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Starts out here, this is good - CIA analyst, just reads a bunch of things constantly. |
You really need a kick in the ass.
I mean how exactly insane are you out there??!
And then, to beat it all, and not to put too fine a point on it - you dream that if ('if' because no one here is convinced there even are such things) there are really advanced intelligent other species, beings, somewhere out there, and they deign to come here to your stupid planet, then, OMG, they are going to find you so amazing and interesting, that they will just supplicate to all of your needs, wants and yeah verily, mostly demands.
When can I stop laughing?
You fancy you know even anything about science, and then you pontificate like all get out - and literally pass judgment on professors from Harvard, senior US military personnel (who at this moment are outright saying in public that there are and the governments knows there are but won't tell the truth)...
...because you are the very case in point of what Edward Bernays said: 'they're not selling a product; they're selling you.'
You have been bought, your brains utterly and totally scrambled almost beyond repair, and you have been sold.
At a discount.
Read all of Plato from beginning to end...
'Oh no, I won't. I can't do that. I don't need to do it. After all, modern society has received the benefits of the meager wisdom in there, and we have improved on it all and there are more modern writers around today who know more stuff and better stuff and there has been an unbroken chain of that early knowledge passed on down to them and to us.'
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Always ends up here. What is this? What is this nonsense with the gun all the time? |
Inclusive of the burning down of the Library of Alexandria?
Or the brutal ignorance and sheer bloody-minded vandalism of Islam - which also managed to burn down not just the books in Alexandria but in Baghdad as well, thankfully with such incompetence that the Oxyrhynchus cache was able to be retrieved, partly just charred, partly burned?
Or the doublespeak of Andalusian Spain and then after that, the exacerbation of the thing via the Jesuits there?
Or the politics of Henry's England versus the Classic books taught by Rome?
The Byzantines?
Rome after the real Vandals and then the Rome of Constantine?
Which 'straight through line of handing stuff on' the damn hell are you talking about?
You have no idea.
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'Kalt und Entfernt' - I like that better: 'cold and distant.' |
Lost. In an intellectual desert with nonsense in your heads being passed off by your perverted sentiments as 'truth' and even 'reality.'
If I reduced the complexity to simple-minded slogans like: 'life is about sex and money,' this would belie the reality that inside human brains, 'single ideas' are all inextricably linked up to a vast range of other ideas, whole networks of ideas.
You can see it in the very example of what various individuals, would do with a sudden addition of one hundred thousand dollars into their wallet:
It is totally not, about 'the money;' it is about what other things are all being tacked on to the money - what to do with the money, how to feel about the money, what ideas are caught up in the thing.
It is not about 'when you die' - what happens then.
You are totally not a creature of science and knowledge at all. This is the lie (that you are a scientist/have a scientific mind) you tell yourself each and every day, to get yourself around having to face the reality that you are actually a creature 100% intent on self-satisfaction, and not knowledge regardless of the implications thereof.
What you are doing is defining 'death,' defining 'life,' even defining 'knowledge,' in completely artificial ways in order not to have to face existential reality:
What is death as far as you know? Well you don't know! You have never died!
You have seen others die. And so you observe they don't move and they don't reply to your demands (always those) - and so, it must be, that they 'are gone.' And then that means that one day, you too, will be just 'gone.'
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Huh? LOL... |
And Professor Kevin Knuth already told you, that because of time-space relationships for any beings moving around in 'time-space bubbles' - those 'orbis clipeo' that Caesar's soldiers reported are the same beings, inside of them, potentially, as those operating the recent(-ish) Navy filmed 'Tic Tacs.'
Meanwhile of course, admittedly none of them showed up at your house last night and personally introduced themselves to you, right?
So in love with the armed forces are you, yet this conversation has not yet turned up in your dreams:
'Sergeant. There's these civilian people that are harassing the guard house, asking if we could send someone down to show them our latest field carry semi-automatic. Sergeant. Do we have any orders that you have seen to go show them that?'
'No Major.'
'Well you're not planning to do it, then, are you?'
'No, Major.'
'And that's because? Sergeant?'
'They have not had the field training or the equipment training and they haven't read the operations manuals or the SOP booklets.'
'That's correct Sergeant. Did you go offer them those to read?'
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Internet says '60 grand.' I don't think '60 grand.' I think you'd be struggling to get one for a 100K. And that would be the whole lot ($100,000) all gone right there. |
'And what did they do?'
'Oh, they said, we don't need to read those because we know everything.'
'What about the Programmable Logic Automated Teaching Operation?'
'They said that's too old because it was around when Caesar was in short pants.'
You're the one that's dreaming.
You are being a 'Child.' How much more out in the open do you want things?
But at a certain point, it will once again become an existential reality, that some 'people' will go this way down a path, and the rest will stay right where they already are. And those will indeed all die out. 'Die' - as in, gone for good; finito la musica.
Sex. And Money. And Power. 'Power is energy into mechanical balance, and sustained action is the absolute effect of power.' I said that.
My favorite from Plato...
ReplyDelete"Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone be believed by the masses."
People who can see a bit more than the rest of us have been facing Plato's dilemma for a long time. Sometimes I wonder if human history on this planet is one endless loop of starting from scratch, developing cultures and technologies and then blowing ourselves up in an explosion of woke stupidity. Blue screen of death, ctrl-alt-del, then hit the reset button and start all over again. Maybe some of us can carry something forward and help the game get going a bit better this time around. At least that's my hope.
So wait. Have you actually read John Mack? Certainly there were alternative explanations proposed. I'd like to hear about them. They are probably very interesting.
ReplyDeleteI don't really have time though to read John Mack for myself. But maybe you might say something that might increase my interest enough to justify time spent. Maybe not though. Apparently not. Not yet.
DeleteAlso, just to point out something that is indisputable, my personal response to any other author's works is not really any of your concern. You almost seem offended that I'm not "down with" the conclusions of some famous Harvard Psychologist. Who am I to question that sort of thing. blah blah. I know that's not what you think.
DeleteAlso, if what you are doing is taking these peoples' money and giving them "nft", ANd you are not showing them how to store that on their own hardware wallets, well then you deserve to be gang stalked on reddit, shit on by flying elephants, and basically derided into oblivion by anyone who has the time to do so as a public service.
DeleteLastly, any ET Alien who wants to show up at my house to tell me that I'm way out of line here, can suck my horse's ----.
DeleteWe love you to. (This is called 'compassion,' something that is hard to drag out of me).
Delete...I have been avoiding saying how much we have 'up' in the account at the moment, because, there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip' and let me tell you, when it comes to matters of money, I am the last to be 'over-confident.' I hope everyone involved so far is fully aware of how slow things go around here. Every moment, every second of every day, is 'a risk.' Nothing is over till it's over. (Some 'platitudes' for you). Harvard psychiatrists have established methodologies. You don't. You're guessing from a biased perspective and making stilted judgments confirming your own biases and narratives. You can't even see that it is unreasonable to compare your own guesses as having standing or equivalency when compared to the established and peer-reviewed methodologies of a leading University professor and his research team.
If Harvard Psych wants to tell some things about how it is with people who eat Twix candy bars and their mental function, I will defer to their judgements and methodologies. If however they want to talk about ET Aliens then nothing they say can or should be believed by anyone. You know this too yet you keep quoting experts and saying "these people are smart, listen to them." If John Mack has evidence of people reporting shared experiences, then either Harvard Psych has to rewrite everything that is known about how the human mind works, or admit they can't really censor John Mack for saying that these people are having the experiences, and those experiences are real, and hence ET Aliens, well maybe. The fact that there are some people out there who report experiences, and it's challenging our best understanding of psychology, is important. I can choose to believe what I like. Choosing not to believe something is not the same as saying "this is garbage and is false." However I do feel very confident saying "these people are making good arguments for ET Aliens, and these other people are going to make personal use of that situation without regard for other peoples' welfare." Seems pretty reasonable to me. I don't have to believe anything. I can guess from my biased perspective as much as I like, and should do so because I know just enough to understand that that's what everyone does.
DeleteHere's one of my guesses based on some experience I am not certain was actually real: doing some sort of meditative exercise (in my case breathing) in the same spot over a long period of time, somehow *changes the space* in which it is done. Personally I find that really exciting, although I'm very doubtful about it. I imagine it would mean there is some unknown natural phenomenon, a field that rotates with the planet, and that my brain slowly affects that field in some way that is sort of permanent.
If an ET Alien showed up right now next to me, materializing here Star Trek style in a way I know to be impossible, we'd have this conversation:
ET: You're mistaken about that.
Me: And who the hell are you?
ET: Impossible for you to understand who I am given your current state of mind.
Me: Damn right! So get the fuck out, ya damn liar!
Oh. One more thing. That would be the only reasonable conversation we could have, because the other conversation, where I go "oh holy cow! that is so cool! What are you and how can I become more like you?" would involve the Alien in complete silence, or in a morally compromised situation, which you're saying in your next post is significant.
DeleteWait a minute, wait a minute... that's a dodecahedron, isn't it?!
ReplyDeleteYes. It was explicitly drawn in several of the texts by Plato, in which he repeats what he has heard from students of Democritus of Cos, and what he was either taught himself by Parmenides or by direct pupils of Parmenides. All Atomic numbers come from this mathematics. Few understand how far you can take the basics...
DeleteWould actually be termed 'icosahedron.'
DeleteYour mind: I find it rather interesting. The writing is familiar. I expect I (could have) wrote it myself, if I'd taken a different path. Perhaps I did; after all, I tend towards solipsism. I wish we had a solid mind-machine-mind interface. After recovering from the disgust, I don't believe things would be all that 'foreign'. Thank you for the stimulation. Cheers!
ReplyDelete'After recovering from the disgust...' Erhehehehehe. LOLz I like. You'd never recover, though. Even the machines SMH when it comes to my mind and the minds of our friends; besides, you are one of them anyway. I don't like to get into, certainly not 'creep into,' other people's minds. Not unless they are already highly trained - by that very machine you talk about. then at least one has some chance of survival or at least 'getting away' not too completely scathed!