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Friday 26 November 2021

Markets Slippery

Too too strong of a quick drop there.

Naturally, they will 'save' it, save things until they can torture you some more, well beyond your limits.

But these kinds of sudden moves the day after a normal break are telling.

They are literally trying to pin it on the 'new Covid-19 variant.'

Time for a small celebration.

The fact is there is nothing left in the underlying 'real' equities market.

P/Es are beyond the simply ridiculous.

Just remember though, the standard tactic is to go to war now.

...This time however, there is the obscure hand of a third player. And there is nothing funnier to me than the look of anxiousness and confusion on the faces of bookmakers.

You know, just trust me on this - any question at all that Kamala might have been subjected to the 'Havana Syndrome' weapon in Singapore recently, means they are sticking her head under lots and lots of MRI scans.

And if she is losing white matter in there, well, then you have two idiots in the White House, not just one. And don't they know it too. Burns was literally spitting chips just the other day over the 'Havana Syndrome.'

Because he knows it's real and he doesn't know who's doing it.


Too bad.

You didn't beat these guys. This is not a pic
of a force that you defeated - this is
a pic of you in defeat!
All nicely lining up.

Nimrod, will still try to ascend the mountain to see Das Blaue Licht for you, though. Don't you worry 'bout that.

But things are a mess everywhere - Chinese getting beat up in the Solomon Islands, Uighurs killing Communist Party officials all over the place and the media not reporting it of course.

Because the media, they want to tell you that the Chinese can just overpower anyone and walk right in and take Taiwan.

More lolz.

Biggest truth in business, markets, anything is, if you can, well you do. And if you cannot, well you bang the gong.

Chinese are banging a lot of gongs.

You watch the trees fall now though.

Gotta be careful though. You know, don't want to provoke the wrong people, and give the other wrong people the entirely unwanted wrong impression.

No. We want to give them a good hard headache.

Who. Who will it be. Lay down your money and spin the wheel and we shall see.

Remember a day ago I said 'so-and-so many million dollars...' Well today they don't got those dollars.

So I guess I just keep it to myself.

Dead Pool.

This is a real picture - it consists of two
photographs stuck together, though;
because the cameras could not take in
the whole scene effectively in one shot.

Who goes.

Boy. What if you are stuck in Singapore and the South African 'new variant' got there a while back and the government suppressed it...?

Because they wouldn't do that, right? Because they have open and transparent media laws. Right?

Get out of Singapore.

Too late, I guess.

Apparently, by the way - and I'm just sayin' - some victims of the Havana Syndrome have blood pouring from their eyes.

Could be anyone doing it, really. Lots of candidates. God only knows what the motivations would be, though.

Yeah they're all so very clever.

So, someone is going to die.

This we know. This I have said.

And then the FBI will come knocking: 'How did you know??! What do you know?'

W-e-e-e-ll, I'll tell you boys, and you know, it all sounds so simple and easy once you've been told - but, when thieves, and you are thieves; that's what you all are - when thieves fall out, they fight among themselves. That's how I know and that's all how I know. LOL

Your Taylor's red, Bill...

It's no rocket science to say they will aggressively attack one another.

Yes when things look rosy on the surface, and they have the public utterly squashed, then, then they all hang tough and act tough and their many black-hooded jack-booted thugs all run around barking and biting too.

And then, someone slips.

And then many slip. And then something unexpected happens. And then next - biggest, weakest, yellow-streaked cowards you have ever seen.

But boy will they snarl and snap at one another and rip each other to shreds.

Fish in a barrel. You can pick them off, take some scalps home to Yautja Prime.

No one will know a thing.

'Yauatcha' is a restaurant in Soho, London.

'Yautja Prime' is an imaginary Alien Home World from a Hollywood Movie.

And for right now, everything stays imaginary. Don't want nobody to get hurt - not the good guys, anyway. And gals too. 



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