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Saturday 30 January 2021

So, Okay, Geniuses...

We are talking 'the Ultra-Violet Catastrophe.'

You've heard of that. Because it's on the news media everyday, right. And besides, just look at what Wikipedia says - Wikipedia, as you all must know, being 'supervised' and 'monitored' by the tyranny of 'evidence' and 'proof' of lots and lots of professional students on campuses everywhere, and University librarians with science qualifications, and of course, most certainly, actual credentialed academics:

They have the audacity to say 'law' and 'formula.'

Problem (Wiki's heading, not mine):

'The ultraviolet catastrophe results from the equipartition theorem of classical statistical mechanics which states that all harmonic oscillator modes of a system at equilibrium have an average energy of kT.'

Solution (again, the Wiki):

'In 1900, Max Planck derived the correct form for the intensity spectral distribution function by making some strange (for the time) assumptions. In particular, Planck assumed that electromagnetic radiation can be emitted or absorbed only in discrete packets, called quanta, of energy. Placnk's assumptions led to the correct form of the spectral distribution functions.'

Now all of that including the diacriticals (brackets stuff) is quoted directly from Wikipedia.

Talk about going round and round in circles and saying nothing but pretentiously pretending that you had.

...theorem ...form ...assumption ...statistical.

All bullshit.

This is at least more honest,
because the left curve says 'experimental data.'

The 'ultra-violet catastrophe' refers to the fact that with a regular logarithmic increase in energy, there is a sine curve (appears 'going backwards,' as it were, because simply the 'x' axis line goes from high frequency to low frequencies) of increasing energy (and heightening frequencies), but around the green/blue wavelengths, the curve suddenly drops off into the ultra-violet spectra, where you would otherwise 'predict' that since the energy is still increasing, the curve should keep ascending.

So. Bullshit. No one has 'solved' anything. People have DESCRIBED the regularity of the packets of energy (we already knew that stuff except Planck - and I love Planck - pinned it down to a number: 'Planck's Constant) using statistical apparent data.

I say 'apparent' because, well - where did the energy go?

No one... ...has solved ...anything.

But we have BILLIONS of dollars wasted on wastrels at Universities, all claiming that they know something they don't know, and clamoring for attention all of the * time and wanting to be feted.

As intellectually 'special,' even 'geniuses.'

Oh yes, the hubris. The ego. The mindless, self-involved utter stupidity.

So - a hundred years have all passed since people actually went into widely-spread print 'noting' that um, er, maybe there was an area of IGNORANCE that required to be thought about.

And what have all the *'s come up with? 'We've solved it and here are some bullshit notations that you don't need to ask any questions about.' ...The first derivative (function) doesn't even work out!

Where are all the missing bits of energy?

Oh, just gone, gone somewhere, they were never there in the first place EVEN THOUGH THE POWER WAS BEING SYSTEMATICALLY INCREASED TO RENDER THE INCREASING FREQUENCIES - but don't worry about that FROM STATISTICAL DATA GATHERED we know they are not there now and you know what, the bits still left behind are also in average energy quanta packets...

Yeah? So what?

'Allah is the Allah and Allah is his name and Allah, well there is only one Allah.'

Okay so 'Allah is Allah and Allah is - there is only one Allah.'

And what am I supposed to take from this, exactly? Allah knows best, but 'SCI-entists' know betterer. Or gooderer, so that you get the point.

I mean for one thing, the 'problem' statement in Wikipedia cannot even be remotely true because 'classical physics' didn't know anything about Planck's Constant until Planck came up with it. Until then, there were still prevailing notions about energy 'trajectories' and certainly virtually everyone thought energy moved in a continuum, not in packets - that's after all, what made Planck's presentation so ground-breaking in the first place. So there could not have been a 'statistical theorem of equipartition' anything otherwise Planck wouldn't have had to invent it! My god. What utter bullshit you find in today's 'modern' 'science.'

Not to worry -, Planck, since he set out the discrete packets of energy (Planck's Constant), could now be pinned for providing the idiots and morons at Universities with a decisive calculus to count up the packets there in blue light, and in the ultra-violet light (and presumably send a monthly recording tally to the campus accountants, no doubt) and into the nothing light - but then alas, boys and girls, where still did the energy go, you know, all that stuff that is 'not there' compared to the AMOUNT OF ENERGY GOING IN??????!!!!!

Now any idiot, that comes up here now, with some trite nonsense claiming that this is what 'academics' say and that they have 'proof' and 'evidence' because their pygmy brains all held hands over it - and expects me to treat that with respect, can go and take a running jump in the lake.

Let me, however, give you a real quote from Herr Planck himself, about a certain moral thing:

"If you are able to gather today 30 such gentlemen, then tomorrow 150 others will come and speak against it, because they are eager to take over the positions of the others."

I'm not going to spell out any exact, precise 'answer' here to what happens to the energy - a lot of you guys and gals here are smart enough to figure most of it out yourself, or at least realize where the fruitful direction points.

The world is about political and social and economic power.

This world, is about political and social and economic power and nothing else at all.

It's 100% NOT about science and knowledge.

Functional science and knowledge belongs to that province where reside people far less venal than what today's crowd have all become.

And functional advanced science - is able to do things that appear indistinguishable from magic...

Friday 29 January 2021

Back To Not Even Crawling...

One gets into the 'normal social world,' sooner or later, where there are your typical 'school yard bullies...' And then there are the adults who want to tell you about morality and the 'Brotherhood of Man.' And what is it? 'The network of consensus...' The what??

Why is it that there are lots of human beings who want to assert that they are anything but animals? They do all the same things that wild animals do - but then they arrogate to themselves a moral superiority or the, I dunno, glistening alba candida (or 'candidior,' if you go by different people) luster, or glow, of the brightest of the angels. Whose common name we all know...

The work of sophisticated animals.

You see, the thing is, if you start out from the humility of being on the same 'natural footing' as ordinary animals, at least you will not expect the hunters to say 'I beg your pardon' when they too, do the natural thing, and kill you. ...Which is what they do, as hunters; which is, namely, to kill you. Unless you are a hunter too, then there is a question of contested space.

Just because one 'knows' what moral good or evil is, does not in its own right give one the attribute of moral superiority.

And just because someone might have moral superiority does not absolve that person from being cautious in wild areas where they are not necessarily among their own.

So here we are, back to the stage of not even crawling.

So let's do that though, why not?

The network of consensus. This is the thing, that allows a mistake to transform into a commonly-held belief, and then to become an acknowledged science 'fact,' and then to be recruited as a reason to try some stupid nonsense, without regard for real consequences, on account, no one by that time sees the consequences because they all have bad information and are most intent at looking across at one another, and like the pygmy minds (apologies to actual pygmies) they are, all hold metaphorical pygmy hands together in consensus with their brother and sister self-involved, self-approving pygmy minds.

Seriously. Can't believe these people. This 
is from an Emirati Airlines brochure that I got sent.

Is that what that is, 'network of consensus?' You explain to me why it isn't that. And please don't come with your crap about how 'peer review' ensures that mistakes are not proliferated.

And then, while you're at it, Doctor McBride - not to mention one Stephen Fry Esq., - why don't you mount that other canard about 'how come bad things happen to good people...' While you are contemplating the limbless victims of the Thalidomide fiasco...

Well I'll tell you part of the answer: you ain't 'good people,' sonny.

So you want the super duper advanced intelligent ET Aliens, to turn up in your living room, so that they can discuss with you - 'network consensus.' How about they kick your ass, instead?

Okay, how about they kick someone's ass, pretty much in front of your eyes, to give you a salutary warning? Would that do any good? Never has in the past...

'If,' (though) 'you don't succeed, Mr Wint...' 'Try, try, try again, Mr Kidd.'

Wednesday 27 January 2021

More Larch - Nothing To See Here

While some of us down here have been 'bush-bashing,' through virtually non-existent tracks and trails, far, far away from the nearest sign of human life (isn't that right Bill...) I have been spending time with some lady professors from France - the Grenoble Institute, to be precise. Cannot really give the exact precise location or the names, since we've all got the emails - which were, by the way, sent out just before the 'Q' thing died away a bit, just prior to the Mueller Report. Hah! Let's see what happens now, though, now that 'the Confusion' begins...

Walpole River inlet. Literally is no one, within
hundreds of miles in any direction.

'The Confusion.' What is 'the Confusion?' The Confusion is what you will see ensue, everywhere, more or less absolutely everywhere, right in front of your eyes over the coming twelve months leading to an absolute disaster around the globe.

Of course, there are always 'Doom-Sayers' all over the place.

But this is not about 'doom,' this is about confusion.

Everyone's so certain, right - always so certain. Why, I mean, just look at what transpired even here, in this tiny backwater of a nothing spot: comments arrive, making absolutely sure, that there will never be any 'disclosure' here.

And what could we possibly disclose, anyway? ...I mean, hey, I am not Professors Yafaev or Royon, you know!

I don't know all that pages and pages of 'notation' in gibberish designed to let you know that you don't know what they know.

They are so smart, those guys - not like you or me - because they are 'scientists' aren't they, kp, and, they have proof and evidence, right?

Actual view, over the back fence,
at Lamb Street

Cannot voice healthy 'skepticism' about anything they say. No sir, Mr. Tibbs. Virgil. No sir.

The Hadron Collider, operates on something called the Regge Theory, which is two things: one of all, it is just a theory, and two, it is based only on statistical analysis of data from which they are deriving all of these 'theories.' None of the theories are functioning formulas or equations like the Planck Constant, for instance.

Nonetheless, the Large Hadron Collider cost $4.75 billion dollars to build over several decades and costs hundreds of millions per year to run. And this is all 'on the strength of theories.'

And what is the point of the Large Hadron Collider? Well it ain't what you think it is, that's for sure. And it ain't anything like the conspiracy theories say, either (see? more theories anyway).

There is an 'intellectual' phenomenon that has the world by the throat and has done for some years now, and if it were not also evident here, there was a chance we might have been able to slip something out there quietly without anyone either making a fuss or adding more dross to the world's funeral pyre of bullshit 'notation' by 'scientists' who are taking godzillions of taxpayer dollars to dress up funny and masquerade at Universities as something extraordinary and special - which they are not - and who confuse you with their interminable and meaningless 'notations' in order to copy and to look like Albert Einstein, who started the fashion in the first place, for all of this utter nonsense on white-boards or chalkboards that goes on forever and leaves you less informed than you were before you started listening to these moronic drones.

Not this house, but they are all,
like this house.

Anyway, back to this mansion I have been hanging out at recently. It's tucked away in a place called 'Lamb Street' South Perth, and you can't really 'see' that it's even there from the basic kinds of typical 'suburban' streets and houses around the location.

It would be nice, and offer some kind of salutary warning, to idiots, to stop doing what they have been, if say, a huge meteorite smacked them in their faces and everyone got to see it on YT videos. But sadly, when actual disaster strikes, it's usually because people could not care less about a lot of warnings that people have been giving over a lot of time anyway, and because the idiot drones want to keep on doing what they have been and will always want to, no matter what.

But you don't need to be confused, unless you are that person who needs to make a political, or a 'social anthropology' point while the headlights of the on-coming train are rushing at you from the opposite end of the tunnel and you think this is 'the light at the end of said tunnel.' It is, but it is rushing to meet you at a hundred miles an hour from the opposite end of where you are... ...standing.

Or, to put it another way, is a series of pomerons coming to collide with your ass.

Because, I mean, hey, without looking up Google Search, you know what a pomeron is, right? And I mean you.

Monday 25 January 2021

The Middle Of The Summer Here

And since we have been taken further and further away, down a path of no return - that is, no turning back from a certain destiny - it is appropriate to mention at this juncture, that where I am right now, it is just past high summer, a time when the evenings are not so hot anymore, not so cool either, but charmingly, rather magically pleasant.

Nothing at all is happening in the grand mansions; there are no fancy parties, no charity events this year.

Andrew 'Twiggy' Forest the local China-money godzillionaire, is complaining that not enough is being done to advance hydrogen energy technology.

One of our friends, 'Bill Smith,' has been meandering his way through the deep South Bushland regions, near to some decent fish-able rivers, in an expensive SUV.

Nothing, really, nothing at all, is happening. The world is quite still.

In the warm air and glim light of the fireflies, many a human head has been transformed to that of a donkey...

Act II, Scene II.

...I wonder who will be able to find their way through these darkening woods, now.

One road this way, one that, a path here, a path there.

'Now the shadow lines are drawn; 

'All roads uneven but they meet.

'Beware! All you who cross the shadow paths, for in the Shadow World  the Shadow Lord is King,

'And fate for you, a rusting iron gate.'

Friday 22 January 2021


E. E. Evans-Pritchard was a leading twentieth century anthropologist whom Wikipedia describes as 'instrumental in the development of social anthropology.'

He was Professor of Social Anthropology at Oxford University from 1946 - 1970.

Fundamental to all modern systems of politics - and how political strategists and their financial backers drive the process - is the understanding described by Evans-Pritchard as 'segmentary opposition.' This is an idea which says that opposed social and political groups suddenly find solidarity in the face of external perceived threats.

"Well I'll be... Yer jest like one of us,
aincha Virgil?'

If ET Aliens had have landed on the Capitol Mall two years ago, and said: 'take us to your President,' 75 mill plus 1 additional person would have all mailed in a message to the Aliens - 'Not my President!'

Today, only 75 million other people would shout: 'Not my President!'

All the same, the working theory that is currently being used by people who could possibly procure a kind of scam 'visitation' ('visitation' by the way, in English, means a ghostly apparition and not, someone just 'visiting') by ET Aliens, is that were they to present the ET Aliens as ghastly and inimical to humanity - then according to the theories of Evans-Pritchard and others, it would act as a 'unifying mechanism' with which to underpin the establishing of a genuine global leadership with all the legal powers and authority of government with armed services and police.

You would suppose, not that one actually knew, certainly, but using rationality and common sense, you would suppose that super-advanced ET Aliens would have knowledge about 'social anthropology' at least as good as E. E. Evans-Pritchard, and likely, a lot better knowledge.

Nothing like Michael Jackson...

I'm certain that it would not be pleasant for me to meet ET Aliens of the kind recently suggested here by the most active recent comment contributor - that 'might have' landed in Ruwa, Zimbabwe - who looked like Michael Jackson and who had really big heads and very large eyes. Uh-uh; not me, 'no thank you Virgil. I mean, Mista Tibbs. No thank You!' 

In The Heat Of The Night: 'No one EVER comes here and visits me - not even ET Aliens, Virgil.'

Well, Rod Steiger's character never quite said that... LOL

And Sidney Poitier's character never quite managed to say this line, either: 'Because if they did, Sheriff Gillespie, you and I both would want them to pull whitey down off the Hill...'