The idiots who imagine they have power and are running the world, have this position about the news.
They believe that by owning 'the' agenda, they will own and control sufficient of the population to win elections 'naturally' - that is, without placing a thumb down on the scales (which is the actual genesis of the word 'algorithm' as you know).
This stand on things proceeds from a different matter -, that of 'the news.' And if they are ahead of the news curve, being in place and in position as the news breaks or also, on top of the subject matter of 'the news' then everyone will see them as 'on subject.'
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I am basically very conservative and quite old-fashioned at heart... The trouble I guess, lies in the precise meaning of the world 'old.' How old, exactly? LOL |
None of this is particularly new, Alcibiades was behind clandestine propaganda in Athens a couple of thousand years ago and some.
What is new is the advances in technology that human beings possess today, especially communications technology.
Behind the current gale that is blowing for the adoption of AI just about everywhere and for just about everything, is the concept that by using procedural generated content, and having AI then make out that this is simply the currency of what the public is thinking about and believing, politicians can completely take over control of 'the agenda' well before there even is an agenda at all - by pretending that some particular thing is what the people want and believe because after all, the AI is reflecting it (except the 'it' was all along merely procedural generated content; largely internet content and then secondarily but still importantly, legacy styles of news media content as well.
But you simply cannot believe that any of what you see in today's media is what is really going on in the world, now can you...?
Surely not.
Let me add too, another obvious 'benefit' of AI and procedural generated content, is the fact that you do not need to pay real live human beings!
This is a dream - which is of course a complete lunatic fantasy - of modern-day Emperors dressed in their beautiful garments...
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Has clothes. |
Meanwhile, you have an agenda.
You have an agenda of your own.
And this is a list of all the things you need and all the things you want and want to do and to achieve.
If you are as to any doubt at all over what I am saying, then make a list of the things on your personal agenda, and run through the pages of any major masthead newspaper any day of the week and see how many times your agenda items make it to any of the pages.
You might at first thought, say to yourself that hey well, what you personally want are only modest or even small matters, confined to one individual and their private life and living.
But that will not prove to be true as soon as you start to compile your list.
From the moments that you have begun to compile your list, that is when you will start to 'see' real news, and you will find it in all the strangest places but not anywhere in the standard media.
'A Turner (a painting), a perfect (what is that?) canary diamond, a Lear jet, world peace, the best of everything.'
When your brain mulls these propositions of Darien Taylor in the movie Wall Street, it will automatically look at each one of them and sooner or later realize that there is a euphony to the sentence structure itself, a certain cadence - and that if you changed things around the whole effect will change.
Having things is not the same as possessing poetry in your soul.
Many billionaires have a lot of things are they are nothing.
Socrates explained who the most happy individual is.
The dead are not happy.
Some people are not even dead; they are nothing.
But as for the smart ones out there, learn what it is to live first and to be alive.
I will try to stop holding back, because I have been doing that.
Just a little.
You know, fencing around the edges of things.
I need your advice please. I've been following your technique for a few years now. Perhaps you remember me.
ReplyDeleteSo far this technique has given me self healing abilities as well as a lot of esoteric knowledge far beyond the limits of human science. I baaically do not get sick anymore, and I have mental prowess I did not know before.
But there's an imbalance. It feels like there is some kind of small pebble or solid crystal embedded inside my right frontal lobe. Embedded in my brain, right there. When I circulate the energy and it lights up my nerves and brain I feel this pebble or crystal vibrate in a way that disrupts the brain waves. It is physically quite uncomfortable, not painful but just uncomfortable like there is something solid lodged in the right side of my skull.
Sometimes it feels like the pebble or crystal is sentient, or that it is channeling that evil spiritual stuff you talk about. It draws the energy into itself and causes what feels like a blockage. Sometimes it feels like it is reminding me of old sins and flaws I used to have. Sometimes I relive entire scenes from my past failures during my meditations and I feel like this object is causing it.
Moving the energy though my lower body like the solar plexus helps somewhat, but it does not fully correct the state of imbalance.
I keep on seeing images of a large, black, somewhat triangular ship (not the USA made ones either) that is of course highly advanced. And the voice inside my head (not the disruptive one, but the good one) says that the ship already exists, that it belongs to me and is here on earth, hovering, waiting for me to be able to see it and enter it.
The inner voice tells me that this pebble or crystal thing in my head is like a key to this ship and that I have to transmute myself and/or this object, so that it resolves. At resolution, the ship will become instantly accessible.
The object reminds me of your post a while back on lithium niobate. It causes what seems to be a massive bifurcation of the brain wave signal.
It seems almost impossible to break this thing up or merge it or whatever. Sometimes I feel like its getting really close and other times it feels hard and immovable.
It seems like this big black ship is one that may have been used for highly destructive purposes in the very diatant past. My inner voice says that by me it will be used to help fix a broken world.
DeleteFriend, at this point I am sick of taking in more and more knowledge I just want to resolve and enjoy a new life. I believe in the ship and who I must make myself into to claim it. This is all I care about or believe in right now.
My professional career is almost totally on autopilot. The technique gives me inherent skill and knowledge, like my career is "running in the background." I am excelling and about to move to a higher paying position at another company.
All I care about is seeing my friends, and seeing the ship and blessing the hell out of people, and also removing the spiritual cancers in this universe.
I need help. I feel so close. But it seems like I'm up against a wall when this blockage really doesn't cooperate. It has caused me to experience every sin I have ever committed and to feel the person's pain as they did. It took a lot to forgive myself.
When I really relax and get into the flow state, then I can feel the ventricle of the left hemisphere of my brain start to blow up like a balloon with this electrical fluid that is flowing through my whole body, and then I start to feel some semblance of balance. But it doesn't stay. It's like it will revert back as soon as I stop. It's frustrating. So close, but missing maybe one piece of the puzzle still....
Is there anything you sense that I could be doing differently or better? Or do I need to keep doing what I am doing and just be patient?
I can imagine the white room and visualize it and even communicate with my people, but I need it complete, concrete and fully crystallized into physical reality. I need the real ship. I need my people here in the flesh.
I have to, MUST carry out a mission, which will necessarily result in the "sky being rolled back like a scroll." And I don't even know what that is going to entail. I feel my only purpose for existing is to bring about the end of this age, into a new world. Using a big black ship with a white interior, and you get inside these tanks that basically are a full immersion reality thing, and from there you pilot the ship and do all sorts of other mental "matrix" type stuff.
I'm not asking if this part is correct. We both know what this is here. But I really could use some advice on how to achieve the resolution and balance. How to make this HAPPEN. Please, and thank you, dear mentor.
Sometimes it even feels like I'm on the ship right now and that what I'm currently experiencing day to day is actually the full immersion thing going on. Like I am here living but somehow on my ship at the same time, in stasis. Like I saod I am looking for the resoluton to this. It feels like these two instances of myself, these two timelines, have to merge, loke I have two bodies that must somehow merge into one. Don't quote know what to make of it. I'm trying
DeleteI am sure you are merely voicing what some others, maybe not a lot of people but at least some others - also feel. And it - you, and those who have the same or similar experiences right now - is/are the reason I just now said I would 'not hold back.' I will try not to hold back. There are one or two tiny things that have a likely commercial aspect so we shall limit what is said about those - but, all-in-all, it is time to move things a step or so, forward; materially, practically, and immediately.
DeleteThank you for this. I feel very alone in this new world that has opened up to me. It just helps to hear you say that I'm not the only one who feels this way.
DeleteBy the way, my remark about being sick of new knowledge wasn't aimed at your posts nor criticizing them. You are guiding me, us, well my friend. I was reading constantly, all manner of esoteric documents and books. I went back over part of 1 Enoch last night. I go back over this and a few other key texts sometimes. There's tons of knowledge in these books, but I know that even the sum total of all the printed knowledge presents an incomplete path.
No book knowledge can take the place of what you are doing here. Actively guiding us. Thank you for providing this service to us.
That being said, one key discovery I made that although not directly helpful to my progress roght now, was interesting: The etymolgy of the name Semjaza. It literally means: "I have seen the name." that's huge. Huge.
Please don't take these remarks as being critical, once again. This student has been on a journey and now I return to my guru with some success, but also in need of more help. One day I hope I will have more to offer.