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Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Predictable Holding Pattern

So, the two guys whose DJ music sets always begin with Cristina Soto saying the words 'change one thing, change everything' - are just back from a long trip to Nepal or some place like that; where they did the whole 'meditation' and whatever other cool Indian stuff things that they all do up there these days.

Largely for the rich American tourists, I think.

Chad - his name is Chad (from Tritonal) - waxed on in his latest set about what he learned and how he grew ('spiritually' - I should not laugh and I really don't mean to be deprecating about his experience at all) through the Tibetan practices. Actually, what he spoke to fundamentally was the nature of addiction, and mentioned that more than twenty years ago now, he was addicted to various substances. 

This is nonetheless the type of
image of person, who is liable to
go to or want to go to
Tibet or Nepal and so on - to 
indulge in fantasies about Eastern or 
Sub-Continent 'meditation practices.'
What possible thing would anyone
in the ordinary middle classes
of the West know, about exactly where
you could find authentic Eastern
Philosophy stuff other than what is common
and much-publicized?

The number of times I see this, where some artist or performer decries their own personal addictions - but then are not able to recreate anything like the same standards of music or art when they are 'off' whatever it was they were 'on' at the time.

There is no general recognition on the planet that it is a field effect that accounts for human material bodies, bringing into human sensible material existence, exquisite kinds of art or performance in those bodies.

And one of the biggest mental hurdles is that the human mind - especially the male one - is not easily able to link up one avenue of unfolding and bringing into full realization, with the fact that all other avenues are bound to be functioning in exactly the same way.

So, as soon as you yourself 'discover' or uncover or become aware of one particular obviously working, fully-functioning seemingly non-materialistic feature of your mind, you will naturally tend to go into a 'holding pattern' - appearing to be waiting for some moment when your will and your cognizance that you yourself are making various determinations -, get into the place of being able to accept that 'you can do it' (again) over some other, different matter.

You sought one thing and found it, but you want a lot of (other) things too, why do you halt and think these cannot be attained in the same way?

This realization is really so powerful, that I think people often just shy away from accepting it - and thereby fail to achieve as much as they would actually be able in the right mindset.

The tools are there.

You have to employ them.

You cannot just wait for some 'Alien Landing on the White House Lawn' - or for the 72 Virgins of Jannah after you die(!)

The field is the field. It's just that.

See there's the very point: that 'field' exists... and because it is extended out into the base material Universe, it is in fact the same field as that which is in some different physical place as well.

It is the very same field (which worked for one thing you tried as a field effect).

(Old School). So,
are gemstones the ultimate 
in materialism?
I would say more that a certain
confusion lies in the idea that what is
unseen is different to what is 
'material.' The Bible is crystal-clear
about it: 'you see the effects of the wind
but you cannot see it; in the same way,
you cannot literally see the Spirit but it is
also real and it is there.'
What does this mean but that it all turns on
the human banal capacity of sight; that is,
for the human comprehension of the difference
between material and 'spiritual' let's say.
'Materialism' is just a pejorative drawn 
from the (false) notion that what is beyond
human sight is always what is
not materially there.

Super advanced ET beings are the same thing as the magicians of the White Man invading the primitive and backward places of the uncivilized world that they pillaged from and subjected to colonialization (lololol).

I have said this before: 'daisy-chaining' the same formatted DNA packets in glass tubes to the effect that a single individual person is being regenerated over and over is no different to 'eternal life' so long as there is a genuine authentic process of maintaining the same personal consciousness - but to the extent that such thing, let's say, 'might be' a thing that happens somewhere in the physical material Universe, it cannot be at all, that any other 'non-material' and therefore 'spiritual' Divine Being or God (presuming that existed too) is unaware of it actually going on...

What I am trying to say is the field is the field is the field.

You've by now had a look at some active features of the mind - I mean those rather unusual ones that most people do not think are there but they are there - and found that a certain particular one, say, really works for you...

A feature works - yeah, well, all of them work!

Outside your window there is a road, there are roads, and maybe it is nighttime and there is rain and strong winds blowing too sometimes. There are traffic lights.

So yep all of the extra functions (of your newly discovered real mind) work; the Universe is a heck wild place. But there are traffic lights and systems and all of that too.

Break yourself out of the tendency towards the intellectual - and spiritual - 'holding pattern.'

This is - this music here below - is proper Vedic music; there is the veena and tabla in there.

Why do people imagine that in the higher places everything is about rustic ancient human versions of Divine instruments and ponderous unsophisticated note and rhythmic arranging?

I have been to places... And believe me... It is this:


  1. Yes, field effects. If you laugh at my numbers fine, fine. Talk then, about the difference between intention and desire.

    "Field effects" have indeed widely been accepted as the basis of everything for a long time. I think the issue is that once very small children learn to walk through a room without bumping into tables and chairs everything after that is a refinement or acquiring skill in that very basic childish understanding of space, and then when we learn about "fields" we are also told "this is not how human intuition works, there is no intuitive understanding of this stuff..."

    Always some version of "this is too hard for you to understand, only 3 geniuses in the world ever have really understood this."

    So tell us about the difference between desire and intention. Every time I imagine trying to explain the numbers thing to people I end up with a conversation like "so you can use this to..." and I have to say "no, you are thinking about desire, intention is something very different."

  2. This is very true and sets forth a significant point - namely that the standard conception, or typical assumption, that people seem to have, is always one that is extremely narrow compared with what physicists agree is a complex story about reality and dynamic relationships in the Cosmos/Universe (whatever you want to call it). 'Desire' is a response mechanism; intention is a deliberate conscious decision - they are entwined because they engage the same externals in the Universal material field. 'Intention' is also about whether one agrees with what the Universal Field is suggesting - flow and direction and alignment therefore are also important things here. What is your example to do with 'numbers?'

    1. The example to do with numbers is setting targets for remote viewing, and everything you've said here tends to reinforce my own experience. In particular this sense of "being deliberate" is a good concept for me. The target I posted in comments here was "the maple tree in my back yard." The person who viewed it (not here) saw many things about the urban landscape, and then saw many other things beside that. "nodes of dark energy," "incomprehensible scales of time and vast intelligence without bounds." They had taught themself to do RV by watching farsight videos, and they felt very confused about what they were seeing in my target.

  3. You're coaching me telepathically it seems. You are right. It's the same field.

    I dealt with the symptoms of progressive MS from March till December of 2022. Got my MRIs and they were negative. But the symptoms persisted and worsened until you suggested I seek contact with Ganesha, and this worked. He gave me a verbal lesson, and then I tapped into the field. I was healed in three weeks.

    The last thing Ganesha told me before departing was, "now you can use this to make money."

    Then over the next several months I received lots of lessons on what to do with said money. That's pretty clear now.

    But you are right. The alchemy books call this progression the blackness, then the whiteness, then finally the redness.

    The blackness is this unprocessed, raw matter. It is quite toxic and I fully believe that when I began the alchemical process the symptoms were the first indicator of success.

    The whiteness is the first refinement stage of the matter. It heals lots of major illnesses. I know it is a cure for major nerve damage.

    The redness, well I haven't gotten there quite yet. But basically like you said, the field (black), is the field (white), is the field (red).

    If you can click a single brain cell, you can click a lot of them in such a manner that heals major nerve damage. The person who is normally thinking your everyday thoughts, is constantly clicking lots of these neurons in coordinated patterns. I began by learning how to control just one.

    Now, the force which clicks brain cells on and off whether in singular or in tandem, is you, but it is a level of yourself that is constantly causing energy to be created out of thin air.

    What about "conservation of energy?" As an absolute, it is false.

    In order to cause a brain cell to fire, that takes energy. But the energy we are concerned with is that which is needed to cause the action potential, not the energy of the action itself.

    This is done by cell components called Voltage Gated Sodium Channels. When this channel opens, it releases the stored energy inside the nerve cell.

    What you are doing all the time (even now) is, creating a very small amount of energy out of thin air, using it to open the sodium channels, and then firing the neurons how you want them to fire.

    You are creating energy out of thin air right now. This is like what God does. Literally.

    Again, you are creating energy out of thin air right here, right now. It is simply in a diffused state.

    You can use this to do whatever you want, make whatever material object or event you want. You just have to tap into the source (your own self) and focus it.

    Today just before reading this post, I was focused hard on breaking down what I perceived to be "barriers" within this process. I was promptly reminded to focus on becoming the cause of what breaks down the barriers, ie the cause of the whole process , instead of identifying as someone who is blocked by my own mind (which is exactly where all this began)!

    That's what I have learned so far. Thank you. Im so close now. Bubbling and popping in my head lets me know, the reaction is working. There's nowhere to go but to the finish line.

    Still working, boss man. Hard at it.

  4. You guys are all right on the money right now. I am always just slightly worried - in the near term at least, because people on this path will always eventually completely sort it out - because it is a typical thing with everyone to doubt themselves as soon as they attain any kind of 'unusual' breakthrough: 'Can I do it again? What REALLY causes/d it? Betcha it is limited to this simple or modest result...' But you HAVE to move up some levels as soon as possible - to seek objectives that truly seem out of reach utterly; they are not. The comment was made above: 'the person who is thinking your everyday thoughts is constantly clicking lots of these neurons...' Oh yes. Yes yes ten times ten yes on that. Moreover they are only very narrow-path aligned neurons - linear, or simple multiples. Nothing very dramatically complex and multi-dimensional linked. But they need to be linked in large complex patterns, in sync, harmonic, resonating. Then you get other intelligent beings 'seeing' that you are on the same, well, it isn't a 'wavelength' but 'on the same wavelength' is our English language expression for it.


Your considered comments are welcome