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Sunday 2 June 2024

Our Responsibility To The Young

This is strange coming from me; I was not ever young.

There are young people though...

There are also people not internally young but new into a contemporary world with its presently-existing social structures.

And this means you can impart to them things that others will not (and not be able to either) simply because those others will not have the necessary knowledge or the relevant insights.

In business today - and you can see it evidenced in the current matters to do with President Donald Trump signing off on ledger entries labeling certain accounting payments - there are existing structures like a kind of a systematic process matrix, supposedly around which actual business things are being done.

This is the Temple at Luxor.
This was not built without a plan.
There has never been any plan found
of course. And that is because
whoever designed it, did not
need to resort to stone carvings
to write anything down.
It is dedicated to the rejuvenation of

But a really key thing to remember at all times, is that there is a difference between the process matrix and the actual things being actually done.

In my own business life I have almost never (well, in fact never!) shown or disclosed what the real 'things being done' or intended to be carried out, were -, to outsiders; especially to accountants, especially any kinds of bureaucrats or regulatory official bodies.

And this despite that I spent a number of years working for top-line national government bodies.

The ability to disguise what it is I am really doing has been a specialty of mine all along.

All the same, I have nevertheless always kept a paper trail somewhere, of exactly what it was I was doing, and also, how I was going about doing it.

When you have partners or are going to require others to perform certain complex tasks for the advantage of the overall project, it becomes a reality that when they can mentally envisage what is going on, then they can internally and intellectually 'sign up' to the endeavor because they understand its fundamental logic.

And the best way to achieve that is to show them a piece of paper with a plan on it.

This may be in words, or in chart form, or flow diagram format, or all of those sorts of components but in essence they will convey the linked parts, the sequence/s, the planned pathway to the desired outcome.

Why I am telling you all of this?

As an example of something:

Every winning team has a plan.

Because if I simply consorted with some advanced and generally otherwise very well-hidden people hanging out in space craft somewhere nearby, and then suddenly 'things happened,' everything fell into place as it were - how will that help a younger person who is in the same nature of business; and who is not a competitor and may even be a helper in the actual project?

So then I still 'make a plan' then.

This is not a plan which says 'and then you contact these Aliens and they all just make things happen because they have superb technology that we do not enjoy down here at our present state of development...'

This is a plan that says: 'A is the objective; B are the necessary dynamic components; C is the process using normal means.'

The 'C is the process using normal means' however is what is super important to having anything actually work, and this is the step which usually confounds most people. And by 'most people' I mean everyone who is a normal ordinary human being using normal ordinary things that are available to your normal average person.

So that is not something you can afford to waste your time doing though - you do not want to spend five decades of your time with no meaningful results only to discover or at least realize at last, that there are indeed secret hidden groups and networks behind the scenes via which the 'brilliant young geniuses' of business and investment 'suddenly' breakthrough with a stunning monopolistic legal right, supported by the US Department of State, to have warehouses all over the world and ship China products via the national postal services - and come up with fifty billion dollars worth of unsecured debt funding before they start with no chance of being profitable for decades...

Looks 'stitched together'
but is not just 'stitched
I like to know the producers
as much as I like to
know the actresses.

But 'Step C' is the thing you still have to document because it will succeed in giving the young kids the necessary conceptual basis to understand the legitimate logical train of production of the desired eventual outcome.

Otherwise what you will be doing is errantly encouraging younger minds to believe in magical thinking; which this is not.

Secondly, even though you are really 'in touch' with outside beings who are part of an off-world affair, you yourself are still part of the world down here, and by documenting your plan, you are better able to see what is real and what is only fantasy (as far as the actual business thing is concerned), and how which crucial steps are to go together in linear time down here to be able to make things work.


You've spun up your internal axis neuron network circles, you've even had a glimmer of some contact procedure begun and underway, you've flashed laser lights up into the sky or whatever it is Steven M Greer has his people do - and the lights have flashed back down to you but nothing else has happened in the external material world for you.

I guarantee you it is because you haven't made and documented a formal written plan (yet) for whatever it is that you want to have fulfilled.

Book of Enoch - same in Revelation - has one or several of these flashy dressed characters say: 'Write what you see down in a book.'

Well that is not because it is prophecy -, but policy.


It is standard operating procedure.


  1. I'd like to see a book called "The art and intricacies of white collar crime." And not a boring paperback with no photos. A nice big coffee table book with beautiful illustrations.

    1. Oh that's gotta be interesting! ...Heck I think you ought to propose that to a big mainstream publisher.

    2. I would say that I need to read the book first to properly prepare myself for that. Perhaps I can ask AI to write it for me. AND pictures.

    3. "Chapter I. The Amoeba and its ilk."

    4. I think that ChatGPT has already succumbed to the temptations. "I haven't read books specifically on white collar crime, but I have access to a wide range of information and resources ..." THERE YA GO!


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