One of the aspects that will emerge is just exactly how varied and different people are; that human beings come in all sorts of different packages/designs.
They are slightly similar, but in so many ways totally different one from the other.
As you know, Darwinism is no longer mainstream science, and Alfred Russel Wallace, who collaborated with, even helped critically, Darwin publish his much feted books, right from the start disagreed with Darwin that human evolution was really a scientific fact at all - and never was likely to be affirmed as a fact.
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The 'tools' that humans make. Come on, ET - this is pretty good stuff, you have to admit. |
The Vatican ancient text translator and ancient languages specialist, Mauro Biglino, who I have a lot of time for, explicitly says that all of the Sumerian and Ugaritic and from there the Hebrew sacred texts, really say that there was a genetic intervention by an Alien species some time ago,for the purposes of having physical beings with brains large enough and structured in such a way that they were able to carry out the complex work that these Aliens required be done (for them).
It is not clear whether Mauro believes the humans were designed and bred to both to work and also literally to be 'farmed' - as in taken and ate, I think... But it sometimes seems from his discourses that he verges on saying as much.
I am saying this personally somewhat with tongue-in-cheek because Biglino himself is inclined to make jokes along these lines, and at the end of the day, he drifts more towards the idea that humans are designed to make and use sophisticated tools and equipment, but then also to develop, with the aide of external beings, to be able to adapt to a fully extraterrestrial, certainly not Earth-human kind of society.
To this end, he says that Enoch was both literally from the Biblical-chronicled lineage of a non-human progenitor, and so was Noah, and that Enoch was 'selected' out of a group or a generation, because he as an outstanding physical specimen - moreover that he was relatively young compared to those other humans around him at the time, and was 'taken away' permanently far younger than the age at which most humans then died.
I suppose we are left wondering today, where are these 'Elohim' characters, who were completely acknowledged by the ancient scriptural writers in their day as being 'not of this planet,' and really what was their actual objective in manipulating the human genes - or at least the animal genes that then became the human species.
Biglino points out neoteny and the design of the (human) brain to do far more complex things than primitive Man and present-day ultra-traditional indigenous societies need to do to survive.
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When you look at what the Vatican ancient text translator Biglino says the Elohim look like - they look like this. Yes they do. In what the texts actually read. |
Well regardless of what kinds of theories and hypotheses are around on these matters of where did the Elohim go, and what did they try to achieve here, over coming weeks you will get to see, albeit probably very briefly only, actual Alien beings here...
And you will also see side-by-side, human beings, and you will observe the critical differences but also the moral and thus also powerful ethical requirement for very advanced beings to care for the human species and particularly for individual members of it, although not all of them necessarily, in the same ways that particular ones must be.
Biglino is very specific that the actual reasons behind things like 'anointing' using the ingredients and instructions given by the Elohim, was nothing at all like the 'two drops of oil' used in churches and mosques and synagogues everywhere today, and has the modern science basis (if you were to look at it through that lens) of antibacterial preparation and precautions at minimum.
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Where are we? Where the heck are we? |
From my own perspective, the 'fire that issued from the mouth when they spoke' and the dangerous lights from the head and face and eyes, should be readily recognizable by people who watch movies about Yautja and generally, advanced and futuristic technological societies - that these are wearables on the face and head to do with language translator devices and also personally-worn weapons systems.
When it comes to using the mind patterns and neural signalling modes that I have at earlier junctures talked about, one does not need to 'believe' anything, or force some act of personal faith to endow material reality with characteristics it does not have, or to 'think one's way into manifesting' (practical and material outcomes as desired).
The human brain does actually possess certain 'masked programming' features that once uncovered, make it possible for a living organic human body under the control of its own mind and brain, to work into a quite different pattern of response and thinking compared to what ordinary humans are doing all around you.
But this also brings into view, the fact that ordinary humans and typical normal ordinary human society is stunted and stilted and limited - defective, in fact; also dying and almost virtually dead as such in the sense of what an advanced intelligence would be expected to be like.
It is clearly not an advanced intelligence - human intelligence.
It repeats patterns of error, over and over.
Teal Swan says it like this: humans deep down need profound intimate connection that is reliable, but fear that this will limit all the other things they want to achieve or attain to being and having. That fear is of course justified because human society does not work along such lines. It is a 'control' situation, not a 'connection' one.
Even Enoch, one of the very first experimental successes, very near to the plan's first execution, and undamaged by the kinds of utter crassness of thousands of years of human social tribal defective pattern reinforcement - had to undergo quite a lot of training and conditioning and preparing, by agents of this external super-intelligent group, before he was finally taken away for keeps albeit beforehand he had been 'toing and froing' with them (as Biglino points out, this phrase 'going out and coming in with the Elohim' has nothing to do with going into some 'holy' tent in the desert, and 'walking with the Lord' literally actually says in the text more like 'hanging out with these Alien people').
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24 hours of Le Mans is on in six days. I am watching the Penske Team this year. They will be going fast. But they will not be in a hurry; it's over 24 hours. |
Your brain has a radio station inside it.
Maybe it could be upgraded to have television - pretty much just like when there was television in human society first, and then that was just black & white firstly, and then color...
Listen if you called the radio broadcast station, and spoke to the Wolf Man, being what he is like, he is not going to reveal himself exactly, but you'd better just listen to him and go to the street corner where he said...
You remember that scene in American Graffiti...
Yeah ya do.
If you think we can't play games and have fun with you, you don't just know who we are.
Except it's not a game and it has never been a game.
Don't be in a frikkin' hurry.
You've been in a frikkin' hurry and look what happened - you watched American Graffit and you forgot that you'd seen it!
Listen, Socrates told you thousands of years ago - the artists and poets have no clue what they are doing, they are affected by a field and 'see' things and say things but they don't why they say them.
Well he also meant movie producers are that way too.
George Lucas. American Graffiti. Modesto, California, USA. Something was going on there - something more than just Gallo Wine, I guess.
ReplyDeleteSure was.