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Thursday 13 June 2024

Le Mans 2024

I am very excited about this year's 24 Hours of Le Mans.

The drama of the all-day-and-then-right-through-the-night endurance car race is unparalleled in modern sporting affairs.

In days gone by there was of course the Paris-Dakar Rally - which doesn't go any more through the same route...

And there is the fictional 'around-the-world-in-80-days' contest.

There is still the Monte Carlo Rally.

Once upon a time there was the Mille Miglia.

But there are still authentic 'gentleman racers' at Le Mans.

And there are women racers too.

It is all so tempting for me to forget about the problems of France today and the mindless elites driving the place into oblivion, seemingly at this most recent juncture to be apprehended by the widespread public voting trends.

But trends alone and a few votes here and there in defiance of the edicts and 'policies' dictated by Macron using only the Presidential decree powers do not a French summer make.

It has become too easy to manipulate nominal outcomes using technology tools such as the Dominion Voting System.

And then of course, from 'algorithm' to outright fraud takes only the complicity of a handful of top bureaucrats who blur the technicalities and the mechanisms of fraud with their complete arrogance and sheer disdain for the private individual and their rights. ...And who with their loud voices are promoted in the general media in order to shout critics and independent observers down.

The public has not enough brains and not enough fight left to have another Revolution - anywhere in the developed world.

The master will kill their own slave in order to preserve the status quo.

This cannot end well...

I will pretend to be oblivious as the 'action' starts; and I mean the action in the streets not the action on the racetrack.

Already the few bottles of french wine (good french wine) bought quite recently have more than tripled in value since when I first suggested that french wines and cognacs would rise in prices and values.

Buying the wines and talking about them here was not some kind of 'get rich' plan. The purpose was to denote some moment in time of critical import as far as national and global politics goes and create a marker so that no one will be able to say in the future 'you did not say' or 'you did not know.'

Though what I really could say would sound so absurd and hyper-conspiracy theorizing that none of you would credit it as being from someone who literally has seen but rather from a fevered mind.

Because for one thing, time travel into the future is impossible, right?

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