'In flaming fire taking vengeance on those that know not God.'
We would anyone 'take vengeance' on the merely ignorant?
Well, since I have quoted from an ancestor's translation of the Bible in the King's English, we must first certainly then at least consider what the word 'vengeance' means: it means to inflict harm on or against those who did you an injury or wrong.
Why are the ignorant doing you wrong?
How can ignorance be deemed a deliberate causing of harm or injury?
This is humans though, right, that we are talking about. They are not permitted any latitude of 'ignorance' about God and the nature of God. Because...
Well, no indeed; instead, all people that you know - all, mind you - are quite deliberately and willfully, stubbornly, insistent on ideas of god that are wholly inconsistent with experienced and with known reality. Where did they get those completely false ideas from?
Shortly you will see that they could not have got them legitimately.
Of course God will have all of the organized structural characteristics of reality as it is - it is not logically permissible to say that somehow God will be different to what most or very very many religious people assert that 'He' in the first place created. Not that He 'created it' as such!
He did not 'create' it of course; 'it' (natural reality) is 'Him' in the essential qualities that make 'it' up. You might be able to say, 'the Mind of God' formed all of the reality in its underlying logical structures, since all of these are permanently existent (IE 'immortal'); the ideas themselves are limitless and unending. Something enforces those eternally-existing ideas on material reality - this we term 'the Laws of Physics.' All those forces are conveyed moment-to-moment in fluid and continuous time, and from particle to particle. How that exactly happens is not actually known (by science). It is just observed by scientific rationality.
That it does happen is simply an existential fact.
Perhaps the complex movements and action relationships are geometrically dependent on the Atomic Shapes (the shapes of Democritus). Which still makes 'geometry' some mysterious factor that requires a certain amount of explanation as to why it is so at all. But that a flat side conforms to another flat side at quantum levels instead of randomly crenelating, is existential and shows that the Universe has consistent order.
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Humans are like drivers in the driver's seat of a Ferrari. But the Ferrari, when driven, gets old and tired and worn. |
But not only does it have order but it is organised.
You are organised. You are subject to intensely high degrees of organization, and that is why it is not so simple to break the material order of daily human life and get together with creatures and people outside of the human world...
The most recent comment that I am responding to (and will continue to expand on over forthcoming rubrics), yearns for a simple meeting outright.
But when you look at this closely, it is not simple.
A human being grows materially from a tiny form of human life, and absorbs an enormous amount of data and sensory information over many years into their material brain cells. Yet all the same, we must realize that the living human internal 'mind being' is precisely like a driver behind the steering wheel of a Ferrari (well that is the pic example here for argument's sake, anyway). The brain cells live and they grow and then they too, die.
When you look at the pic, it shows a car in fine condition, pristine, unused, effectively. It's an object-of-art not a moving living functioning thing in its intended way.
And you know that whether your own life or the car, once used -, becomes worn and old(-er).
You are not a museum piece never to be touched or used.
Nevertheless, the inquirer, the comment-poster, validly asked well why can't we just get together with those up there... By which they mean get together obviously, clearly, materially/physically in ordinary life and material human proximity.
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Our technology is becoming more integrated, more personal, more portable. More intensely-focused. |
You can, and as soon as you have, so soon you will desire to start to most fully exploit the human body and its natural condition back within the Earth context, at least until you have tested your 'road skills' because the very first thing you will notice is that the life skills of those up there are seriously more advanced than most anyone else down here.
Which does not mean you are outside of the circle or incapable of being inside that loop. It does mean though that you categorically become aware of how far away people are, even those you would approve of on many or most levels. ...And necessarily by natural moral duty you will want to 'upgrade them.' You will not just abandon them. The world abandons them.
Plato writes: 'To be in temples where the gods truly are, and to see them as they really are.'
An electric current cannot conduct information using electrons other than down a physical line. Electromagnetic flows may but they still require some electron flow channel.
Only light goes everywhere without any line of channel medium or media.
Today we have coherent light technologies and we can use that into a crystal resonator and observe, see, particular discrete wavelengths.
You want to experience CONTACT.
Contact is a complete matter - it is not just 'seeing' something or having a vision. You must engage fully. All of your important neurons in synchronized frequency. You will feel engaged. I may put it no other way. You will see but you will feel. And you must communicate, and relate - everyone must be in a vague form of accord.
There are many occasions in the Sacred Scriptures (and that is everywhere found, in the Sanskrit Vedas too, for one good instance) where some Nhabi (mistranslated 'prophet') gets in contact with some elevated being and attempts to worship that being only to be told 'stop doing that.'
Well okay I am not so particular about it.
Turn your laser light on - your red laser because that is what best conveys the emotional and feeling states of the human being - and point at your external large crystal resonator (there is already a resonator inside the laser of course; that's what makes its light signal a coherent beam in a particular wavelength).
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'...To be in temples where the gods truly are.' |
How can it be that the communications of 'God' will be other than on and through light?
It cannot be (anything other than). Well, it does not need to be anything other than light since light is the Universal transmission form/format of distance crossing and data conveying.
You don't see God? You don't know where to turn, or who to ask directly and manifestly physically?
Why not the light you are looking at.
When you do all the things that were previously told, and get up into the White Room, for sure you will at some stage (not always, sometimes you will have physically worn yourself out and just fall asleep and deeply!) - at some stage you will feel connected, really feel it. With something, some being, other beings, many instances of living beings... ...because that is the process of becoming experienced with real communication between really alive things.
In the course of the usual daily world, people are in fact dead. They only imagine they are alive but are not truly alive.
Today you will have to fill some schedule, attend to some time constraints, be somewhere, go somewhere, do something - all of them deemed super-important by the world.
And your mind will be pressured into leaving higher levels of thinking and be forced to have your present body do things.
That is all by willful and evil design. This does not mean to say you must chuck your job in.
It means you must be aware that there are time pressures that disallow you to focus and concentrate on what you really should be doing.
And that is to get in touch with genuine states of feeling - positive feelings - that exist between people.
Just as the laser resonator does not exist as a one-way generator at all - it resonates between the light energy source and the coherence medium.
Lasing light is a relationship between things.
So too, you cannot feel, unless the object is resonating. Fact.
Remember this.
But because nobody in human society uses light (as in lased coherent light) to communicate between each other, there are tremendous blocks and flaws going on all the time.
What is your task down here?
Mn. This is a vexxed point for outsiders because you are actually the one that calls the shots.
And I mean that in very precise language terms. 'Call the shots.'
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Little pointlets of light, back down on the Earth. |
The rest of that Biblical context says 'with His countless mighty angels.'
Mnn. Well that is you. You're the one (ones) that came down here. It's mostly not anyone else because those up there are not down here and they have no moral right to 'call any shots.'
No sooner will you have found your feeling state through one of the beams, than you will realize that there are 'shot' states somewhere there too. ...There are kill shot states.
This, nobody wants to accept as being utterly and completely, and dangerously, true.
But it is true.
Personally, I am waiting for you to shoot.
At the same time, I am more than willing to wait for a long time for you and others to find their feet with the red beam and what that is for.
The tenor of the comment was a sense of pushing ahead if not urgency.
What is the urgency?
Do you know who you are teamed up with?
Have you found that yet?
Are you all resonating... ...yet?
Nhabi does not mean 'prophet' the way modern people are saying. It means someone who dances (with music; and music means harmonic resonance...) until they fall (or fall down) in a trance.
This just means stopping your false daily material brain's junk thinking and moving with your higher mind.
The coherent lased light does not contain the flaws of the human thinking brain.
It is a pure light frequency. Well is not that the wording we use to talk about 'God?'
Why do you think that if you were to talk to your laser light beam you are not speaking directly to a communicating go-between, if not actual God itself/Himself? Is it because you think light is not intelligent?
Thank you. Thank you. This helps a lot.
ReplyDeleteEverything you say resonates deeply with me.
The red laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation. All particles/neurons emitting radiation in phase.
I think I now understand a little better. Basically I think you are saying, "stop focusing on all that other nonsense like sin and the past, and focus on the one thing you know you're supposed to be!" Right? If so I take it to heart, and immediately I see how right you are and I also see the nature of my error.
Talking to that light absolutely works. I ask it to focus and it does so seemingly on its own.
It really does appear or "feel" red. I can't explain it any other way than that.
"Calling shots," huh. Suffice it to say that this specific concept in this particular context has been impressed upon me as well. From here it may be best to hold my tongue.
It feels urgent to me. But perhaps the sense of urgency has been impressed on me to teach me I must remain diligent and fervent. Perhaps I will get my act together just in the nick of time. Though I hope to have a moment to feel prepared when the time comes to act. It all depends on the quality and diligence of this work I am trying to finish up now, setting up this laser.
I think the laser is the name of God Himself. As in: "I have seen the name?"
I will be a better steward of this gift than my old ancestor. I promise.
This tired old alchemist is still working hard and keeping the furnace burning. I see no way that this crystal, this stone, can be far from completion.
Thank you again.
Looking good, dude! : ) ...Listen, these guys upstairs are real pains-in-the-neck. They come when they want and not a moment sooner. It only makes sense to us down-here humans after the fact. I think sometimes, that we are living in a slowed phase time situation and we cannot see things with total clarity because of that delay in our experienced process (of life, of living, of moving).
DeleteI'll leave this one up a bit longer so that people can key into the core ideas in it at some leisure. The next one we will shift away a little from what could be seen as really, a male-centered position and take a look at the female side of it all. I have to 'consult' on this one.