Some of you here, some, at least, are absolutely suspecting that 'something is up' and that 'we are here.'
Er, they, they.
Things will already have been happening to you, happening in your lives that, albeit seemingly so briefly in time, are signposts, markers - categorical indicators of something very unexplainable in the usual ways of things, going on.
In this life there are heroic women.
Not that the vast majority of women are not operating on the edges of heroism all the time anyway, but some go out there onto and past the edges.
They are the truly heroic.
The gods favor the heroic.
Mauro Biglino, who for all the world in his public lectures appears to believe that there is nothing beyond the span of an individual's natural life, that there is only death the absolute and final ending for the person; at the same time says that (from his extremely academic and highly accurate reading of written narratives in their original language forms), those heroes of the ancient past, those whom the Bible refers to as 'the famous men of old, the heroes' - and in the Greek and Sumerian and Persian and Syriac writings were those well-known characters down to this day who featured in myths and legends - were literally and materially the offspring of unions between extraterrestrial people and humans.
He says that.
He says it is categorically what the Bible really says in its original language forms.
He says that the Vatican completely knows this.
And I agree with him that it does say that and that the Vatican does know it.
What we have all been left with in our modern times, is theology which has developed over centuries - not a cold reading uninterpreted of ancient literature and sacred writings.
There is not, for instance, any known historical evidence at all, for the existence of any place 'Mecca' on any trade route at the time of the claimed prophet Muhammad. There is not.
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When we grow up, well - we know the truth. Or can know it. If we choose. |
The trade routes were over water and actually on the Western side of the Red Sea, not even on the Eastern side.
The 'manuscript culture' was in Persia, not Arabia, but when the Persian Empire imploded leaving thousands of unemployed professional soldiers and thousands of trained craftsmen of the manuscript culture, the desert-hiding trade route robbers were able to give employment to the mainstream of lower-rank soldiers (some who used their weapons to steal and then run into the desert to hide) and to the manuscript writers - who then fabricated Islam as it is known today in order to give politico-religious justification to the expanding tribes and their new-found ex-Persian Empire wealth and armor.
The port city of Jedda happened only after then, in order to service this expanded group who were positioned inland but who had money to buy goods and even trade in contraband and slaves (which was economically a very cheap form of labor).
In other words the facts as they exist in real history, over and over gainsay completely the stupidity of what is pushed as orthodoxy and mainstream belief - but there's the problem: it is only belief.
Facts though, are facts.
The consequence of widespread social stupidity and false belief are the reason that your lifestyle sucks.
That is if you allow your lifestyle to be dominated by so-called orthodoxy and mainstream belief.
Yukio Mishima, who ended up dramatically ending his own life with the Hara Kiri ritual, continually claimed that the modern man had no drama in his life yet required it to be a genuine and authentic human male.
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This girl is taking a lot of chances wearing this kind of outfit... Even the Hindus say you must not wear Tulsi, especially not indoors, nor wear the feathers sacred to Parvati. |
I'm not convinced committing Hara Kiri is really the way to go about having this drama(!), but one fact is that there is an equivalency between committing suicide and what a woman needs to do to be a hero in truth and in reality.
She must 'go out there' and by that I mean be 'out there for real' and not in this faked, this superficial bunch of nonsense behavior that is passed off in society as 'fashion' or 'glamour' or 'getting married' or 'having kids' and being responsible.
To fight for your romance, to fight for your partner/s is a humanly impossible task today.
It is the same as Hercules killing the Nemean Lion.
And Hercules is acknowledged a hero.
And in the end, Hera had to acknowledge that he was a son of God.
Hera was, even so, strung up by cords in the clouds and with mighty anvils tied to her feet by Zeus first before she was 'amenable' to the truth and to the reality.
Hera was not originally a god of course, She was made a god by Zeus, Ruler of the gods and all men.
Women are not gods either - not originally, not by birth and not in the course of normal human life.
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Women's food - Lobster Thermidor and truffles vol-au-vent. |
They fight a Titanic struggle with God. They lie, principally to themselves, they deny truth all day long, and they argue with the Divinities in everything.
But some manage to have their hands tied to clouds in the sky, and become trapped and entranced by lovers, and have their ankles stretched down to the material Earth as by mighty and Divine anvils.
And then they and they alone, are allowed to wear the peacock livery - which is sacred to the Goddess Hera - in honor of completing the cycle of being compelled by Ultimate God.
And then, during the stages, there is the ennoblement - for that is when they are the most noble: when all is not yet fully seen, not yet fully known, and only a vague and misty hope exists and even that with great uncertainty.
But fail to do this and you do indeed die, as Biglino seems to say (that he believes). And you will never see God and you will never know true Life or True Love.
Some of you say to yourself, but I have not yet seen any hint of this 'encounter' that you are talking about always here.'
Oh? Have you not? And not yet felt the inward moving, the sense of what it all means...?
Three minutes and five seconds into this, though firstly you will be taken this way and that and seemingly down a false trail too - if you at that point do not feel it, perhaps you never will.
Some suspect. Tied to the clouds though you are, yet it also means we will not let you down, not let you fall. Do not think the material reality will not happen. It is sure to. The clouds, the storm. Everything.
But first, this is the beginning of the encounter right here. Look up, for your time has come:
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