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Friday 3 May 2024

A Single Tiny Lamp

In this world Evil rules - or seemingly does rule everywhere.

Far and away Evil is the thing that covers all and determines how people proceed.

That is to say how the bulk of people in human society -; how they must proceed.

God is not in any building or at any place or in anyone that is a publicly-known figure, certainly not one that is thought of as godly.


This means that you cannot go to some place or inquire of some person, or attend some ceremony - again, certainly not one that is publicly well-known - and there come face-to-face with a god or God or even any divine aspect fully revealed.

...So that you may inquire of it, of that source be they person or thing - what it is you must do, to gain the heavenly abodes; or merely just to overcome Evil and the power and the force of it which will act against you everywhere and at every time and opportunity.

Allah is an unethical being; he causes Adam to sin (in the Quran), he makes Satan to be wicked (in the Quran): for all of these matters are predetermined, predestined. 

Muslims are compelled by their religion to believe in destiny - that is to say the destiny that is devised for them by Allah.

The secular courts of the land are highly unethical: they jail people promoting weight-loss products...

But they turn a blind eye to the complete impossibility of efficacy of the same weight-loss products when these are in the hands of major corporate and professional concerns blurring functionality. Nobody jails people for deliberately going 'off script.' Yet the very phrase 'off-script' means that it is not officially recommended by medical authorities. 

Sign of the artist, engineer, and alchemist
Bernardo Buontalenti, the 16th
century figure who was a friend of
Catherine de Medici, Queen of France.
This sign is in one of her chambers, in which
it is said that she consorted with the occultist
and magician Cosimo Ruggeri, who by use
of a revolving hand mirror, was able to see
visions of the future...
By the way, those two guys are credited with
inventing modern ice cream - in Florence.
A flavor of Gelato is named after Buontalenti.

The present structure of society is geared to creating situations of panic and stress in people, created to cause necessary states of anxiety - and then for those to be 'treated' by anti-anxiety substances but not processes and changes of the deleterious condition or conditions of that specific person in their social context.

The standard Western Judaeo-Christian institutions are irregular, mixed, heretical, even apostate in some instances, and often highly corrupt.

Hinduism is a mixed bag of loud and insistent but nevertheless grossly inaccurate modern interpretations of Veda commentators, not even the Vedas themselves - and Buddhism is fraught with rumors that it is subverted by politics and money, Sri Lanka and the Dalai Lama being the most obvious examples.

The wild winds of Evil are howling around every place, and whistling through every lane-way.

Yet somehow you are here, at your table, one single solitary small methylated spirit flame lamp burning under a brass spoon to melt your sealing wax in order to drip it onto your leaves of hand-filled paper.

And nothing exists in the entire Universe that can put out your flame.

You are the most powerful thing.

And at some point you must use that power. You must learn to accept that you can use it; that you must use it.

It is said that no imperfect thing can enter the Gates of Heaven.

So all who will enter must leave their flaws behind them as they travel upwards, and enter...

For the way is difficult and the path is narrow WHICH LEADS TO LIFE, AND THERE ARE FEW WHO FIND IT!

...On the completely unrelated subject of our Autism project, there are future plans for a 'photo-opportunity' with local politicians who are sitting members and ministers, with the disabled kids demonstrating some amazing technology.

So much for my decrying of common modern politics then! 


...A single small lamp... all that is required.


  1. Are demons unbridled emotions?

    1. Yes they are - in the sense that, in the Vedas for example, they literally are beings who are personifications of intense emotions that have no limitations; only the good Divine Powers and Beings are able to restraint them or defeat them. But since humans are part-Titan themselves, they too possess the same supernatural capacities to unleash unbridled obsessions and emotions.

    2. Well, not even so much simply 'in the sense that...' ...they are.


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