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Saturday 11 December 2021

The Solution

No doubt at all but there will be some who read here, in whose lives such terrible things have happened, that if you asked 'on balance, did your life experience justice or injustice?' The correct answer would be a vast amount of injustice - namely, things that simply never occurred to other people, and that others never had to deal with.

We live in a world that is still partly primal, primitive, and titanic.

The Hebrew phrase is 'Tanninim.' And in the Arabic it is spoken of in a metaphor of the color blue: 'az Zarka.' Which in itself is an ancient Egyptian, or even Graeco-Egyptian pun about the dead body - zarka.

Closed. But not for you...

If you wrote down the nine components that the consciousness interacts with continuously, and that are used to interact with everything else around it - then it's quite easy to answer the question 'what is your soul made up of/what are the dynamic aspects of it?'

But if that template or diagram with annotations is removed from a person's immediate vision, you will soon see how much of it they retain within their conscious being... ...and that will be for most people, very little.

Unless those primitive, titanic aspects are controlled, subdued and in some cases literally killed, no one can reach 'heaven.'

The Christian 'story,' is of course the Eleusinian Mysteries. And please employ your phonemic common sense to detect the 'El' there...

Now we are going to impart something so stunningly crucial and important, that not for all ears and eyes should it be.

And Noddy.
Got to keep your feet on the ground,
right? LOL

All that you need - you - is to be able to place your hands on a completely reliable source of power, wealth, and support.

And then be able to do that as and when you require to.

You don't have to keep 'touching your money,' all the time, as the Germans say.

In the titanic world, there is nothing but pain and suffering, contest, aggression and defeat or prevailing.

And this is because in the animal kingdom, if you do not fight to survive and to eat - you die.

But you should wish to reside in 'the world above' - in the realm of true civilization, and among other civilized people.

And that is not here. That is, it is not here here in the world right now today.

Stanford Geneticist Dr Garry Nolan - a very clever man - is probably treading into deep waters, and he might even find himself in hot water, too.

He's a trained researcher and pathologist and although you would not suppose it is his field, he has been collaborating on a project to analyze some 'unusual materials' said to have been found at the sites of UFO landings.

Or you can hang with the beautiful people.
It's all the same thing. Kind of...
People need help wherever they are.
And we must respect the truth and the reality
of that, and not imagine someone
is so much better off than anyone else.

Well I dunno, but - I do know why he is going down this road.

You see, as a geneticist and pathologist, he did conduct very 'high art' research on the brains of people like Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ and half a dozen others including these so-called 'contact experiencers' and of course, he found some 'odd brain structures' in there!

He has not so much 'concluded,' but floated the idea that those structures have been added by ET Aliens (he literally has said it) in order that those, mostly all scientists and high-level technicians engaged in military technology research - would be able to 'pick up at ultra high speed' information not available to the rest of the population.

Now you know what - he is going to land himself in a world of screaming complaining whining whinging objections now of course.

But you don't need to worry about that.

Many of you know very well, that you need to encourage those parts of the brain to grow as much as possible, so that you too will have access to the same information streams.

All it takes is a super super quick and usually quite sudden 'miraculous' hand-across of some money right? Or something that leads to it pretty directly.

So super quick in fact, that no one else will 1. know you got it, 2. see you get it, 3. realize that you have been given it...

So you say to the vegan girl, right:
'Do you want this or not? It is soft Florentine
leather.' Made from cows after we kill them.
And then too, we cook and eat them - it's
called 'steak.' Have you heard of that?

And so they can go on living their lives with however many of those nine components that they have.

And most of them are, as it reads in the Bhagavad Gita - rushing headlong into the jaws of Death. 

But not you. At this stage at least, probably not thee or thou.

'...And saw he by night, Zechariah, a man on a red horse among the myrtle trees.' (Book of Zechariah). 

Myrtle is sacred to the Goddess of Love but then also of the young God of the Treasures held beneath the Earth, in the dark places. And that passage is in that book not for nothing.

The Eleusinian Mysteries.


Not for everyone, and only able to be revealed at the right time.

Which is now.

Learn to 'see' so fast, that no one else notices what you saw.


  1. You don't see the force, you feel it.

  2. Feel the Force, yes Luke. Feel it. Thank you.

    I am mixing up Chevy Chase in 'Caddy Shack:'

    'Be the future, Danny, SEE, the future... ...Danny.

    He's looking at the golf-ball like it's this 'future.'

    'Hit the ball, Danny.'


  3. Good call on the record breaking Tornado, by the way. You are definitely plugged in to something.

  4. I'm not really up to the task of understanding the Eleusinian thing, beyond just reading about it quickly on the old W'pdia. Oh, and pythagoras showed up and told people to build temples! Wow. What a time to live in. Dude shows up and says "build this thing" and they build it. And anyone in highschool or college is going to be sitting there thinking "uh, there must be more to this story..." Where I went to school you were not really encouraged to ask that question.

    I've got some myrtlewood oil arriving today. And some beech too, as far as that goes. I will have to substitute a good sniff of the myrtlewood for a lifetime of classical languages studies. That will be the best I can do as far as delving into things Eleusinian

    I know you like dreams, so I'm going to report. I was with some people, and there was a landscape of sorts, and dwellings to be investigated, and a sense that we needed to find some space for ourselves around there. But then there was a battle with an ape like creature bent on destroying you. It was a pretty threatening tussle, but I found I could easily pin it down and even pry its jaws apart, which I didn't want to do for fear I might break it, and cause it too much pain and blood and mayhem. BUT. The important thing is that 1) I had powers in my hand I could use to "beam" into it body but I wasn't sure how safe or evil it would be to use them, and 2) its mouth emitted a BLUE gas or vapor, which on contact with my hands turned them numb, black, and basically like carbon. Like what happened to Dumbledore in the movie, but not really a permanent condition. After a short time I had my hands back again, ready to decide whether to bust the ape for good, or continue the tussle and hope I might find some way to convince it to leave off.

    1. Okay. Here's how it is. Hanuman has to stay out of the house. He and the dog can hang in the back yard.

    2. Birch is an incredible tree - you can drink the sap, chew the saplings or the ends of the twigs at least. And light fires with the bark in the middle of heavy rain and snow. Amazing thing.

    3. Actual or metaphorical fires?

  5. "All that you need - you - is to be able to place your hands on a completely reliable source of power, wealth, and support.

    "And then be able to do that as and when you require to."

    That sounds a little bit like: "You will own nothing, and you will be happy."

    (And I gotta admit, that part of the Great Reset would be something of a relief.)


Your considered comments are welcome