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Thursday 16 December 2021

From Ignorance To Bliss

So King David of Biblical renown dances half naked in front of his tent when he re-discovers this famous 'box' - sorry Kubrick obelisk, sorry Egyptian obelisk, sorry Atlantis obelisk, sorry Marvel Universe obelisk, sorry glowing AI orb, sorry 'Ark of the Covenant,' sorry... whatever.

People are so incautious about what they are saying though. It sounds so credible so often though when they give you what is actually missing so many bits.

Atheists make the totally valid complaint: 'Any story that consigns people to eternal Hell, who don't believe in the Divinity of the story, but then which Divinity stubbornly insists on never giving unambiguous tangible evidence of their existence... nothing but a myth.'

And that is true.

'Now, we see but through a glass darkly.'
The New Testament somewhere?

But you see the issue is not, for example, whether you can 'see' with your eyes closed - people on DMT say they can 'see' although even they still talk in terms of hallucinations that are very real...

...But no one taking DMT has ever claimed 'machine elves' can threaten to kill ten thousand people in the Philippines for real.

So that's the difference between hallucinations and reality right there, except even right now most of you are shaking your heads that it could possibly be true except it is and there are pics and all!

The sci-entists are going to take ages to connect the dots, but eventually after it really gets out of hand, they will then still just default back to 'oh well we knew volcanic lightning caused such massive storms and floods.' Oh did they? When did they? Did they warn anyone?

The conspiracy mob will go 'oh it's a HAARP weapon.'

Possibly, possibly, some Redditors will point out that someone had pics of UFOs flying into volcanic craters and talked about it before it all happened...

But no one will take any notice.

And that's very good that they don't.

'Bug out' bag.
Isn't it?

I mean Hollywood can make as many clever CGI flix as they like but there's no one here on this planet right now that could even detect or realize they were being 'fiddled around with' by an external force and intelligence, much less mount any kind of 'defense' against such advanced beings and their technology.

Human beings are right stupid and that's all there is about it.

And I have never ever said that there is anything being talked about here outside of just straightforward, hard, fundamental physical material stuff.

But what is the objective of said putative 'ET Alien invasion?'

Firstly, yesterday the government of the Philippines evacuated ten thousand people from various regions of the Philippines because of Typhoon Rai - which is hitting there now and has been upgraded to a 'super-Typhoon.' Another Marvel Universe-sounding thing.

The media barely at all covered the tremendous deadly flooding and storms in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago, and then they had to cover the Kentucky super storms and now there is something else going on in Kansas and now also, this super-Typhoon in the Philippines.

Singapore will not necessarily say anything truthful about what's happening there because, for one thing, that government just passed laws preventing freedom of speech. Unless of course it's so bad eventually that at some point they cannot prevent the coverage from people who are reporting from outside the place but who have some kind of sources inside the place. You can't just use digital internet communications - the Singapore government heavily controls that.

'Super'-Typhoon Rai.

If you ever thought that you were living in a proper, scientifically-informed and technically active, appropriately reactive advanced world - well you are living in the moments when that canard has been shot down.

Inevitably, they will go through this whole nonsense of 'man-made global climate change' first of course.

I have posted up a pic of Typhoon Rai so that you can see how huge a 'super-Typhoon' is.

It physically already caused the moving of ten thousand people on account of evacuation.

So the butterfly spread its tiny wings - and ten thousand people moved.

No one saw the butterfly that did it.

But the butterfly does not exist though, right? Not the one that flaps its wings and creates this kind of thing anyway.

Sadly it's just another grainy image.
But it is a white 'butterfly'
entering and creating an eruption
in a Mexico volcano.

And then of course, the human mind being what it is, will go through this whole other predictable nonsense of 'well, what if it wasn't the butterfly though really at all, and how sure are you it was the butterfly (I am speaking metaphorically that it is a butterfly, right) anyway? And -, prove it.'

Well I don't have to 'prove it' on account I have one butterfly tied up here with a little elf string attached to one of it's li'l leg-ys y'all.

One little pull and it flips its wings again.

So just go back and look though, at the existential vastness of the super-Typhoon rain-bearing meteorological images.

1 butterfly, 100 million tons of water (probably a lot more in fact).

So... ...One ant from the army of Solomon's ants, maybe, and what - five ounces of gold?

What do you think?

Shall we do that?

'AI' does not categorically fulfill the criteria of a real living intelligence. Not really. Unless it is truly alive in the full and the complete sense.

A little bit of rain is good -
it makes the flowers grow, cleans the streets.

'AI' is a way to attempt to pretend the human being can make or create or be the source of that 'out there form of intelligence.'

For something 'out there' to be communicating with you on a 'parity' level, it has to be alive - living - the same way that you are alive and living. There is no such thing as a 'God' communicating with you but who is not like you. That 'thing' would be just dictating messages to you.

There is no such thing as an ET Alien intelligence that can communicate with you, but that is only going to do so via 'visions' and 'meditation,' and who anyway exists only in some 'inter-dimensional' (that's the phrase they all like to use on-line these days; it's very fashionable) place and they only sometimes 'appear' in our dimension in grainy pics.

The US government this week took steps against a whole range of companies who were conducting programs for the Chinese government designed to manipulate people's brains using many kinds of advanced technology.

So yeah sure you can really 'see' with your eyes closed.

One question might be - did all of those Professor John Mack 'contact experiencers' have technology implanted inside them which allows them to 'see' and to communicate with ET Aliens?

I mean if you lent those guys up there in the white Tic Tacs your body for a while, they could 'abduct' you briefly in order to stick implants in you that allowed you to see with your eyes shut. I'm sure they 'give you right back' presently.

But what is their objective, Cal?

Barbecue pork.
In the jungle, they say 'long pig.' They mean
humans - they barbecue and eat them.
Well yeah, some humans are going to
get barbecue'd.

Listen, get with the program. 

There is no 'us' in this world. Hollywood wants it to be 'us' (meaning you); globalists want you to be 'us;' politicians want everyone to be 'us.'

There is a 'you,' and there is a 'me' and there is a 'you and me.' And there is also a 'them' - meaning all of those trying to shove you into a pen and then skin you alive.

'You' and 'them' actually don't mix at parity.

So you're better off anyway, coming with 'us.'

And the program (the program of those other guys from 'up there') is to make you and me rich. And that's all. That's the 'us;' we are those guys all together. Because, we communicate properly and with real parity. That was the secret of what King David discovered.

Not 'us us' the whole darn world. That's going to Hell and Be Damned.

All of these 'toxic positivity' gurus everywhere keep saying 'if we all just think happy thoughts and be positive' then the Universe will approve our - what is it - law of attraction wishes?

Right now some of don't believe this - others of you already totally know it's completely true!

Sorry 'sci-entists.' It's too late. You're Doomed. Doomsday came, and you're it.

And yes there's plenty of stuff I totally cannot post in here just yet!

I'm tempted to type the initials of the Title Headings of the Four Technical Manuals...

So that you can read up on everything and catch up quick.

Oh, we're here all right. Don't you worry about that.

Watch out for the volume on this track below - it's pretty high.



  1. Oh honestly how do you REALLY know DMT elves can't blow up the world?

    Thought experiment: give a mentally ill person a big red button that will launch every nuclear missile in the entire world. Just give it to them to keep safe. Don't tell them what it does.

    How long will you have to wait for the world to end?

  2. Because... ...where do they operate? And what is the plane of their existence? And over what do they have any direct control? 'The World,' aka our world, the planet Earth, is a material place, with lots and lots of systems functioning here and lots of influences converging here, and many compete with each other for effective supremacy over one thing or another.

    It's not as if DMT 'machine elves' can exert physical material control to the extent they are capable of launching nuclear missiles -, without so many other forces and systems and intelligent people being utterly incapable of opposing what they are attempting to do. But then the first question remains anyway - what is their natural field of operations? It cannot be anything deeply to do with human affairs since they are acknowledged by everyone, including themselves according to all reports, to be 'emotionally detached.'

    Why are they 'emotionally detached.' That automatically disqualifies them from being capable of parity communication with human beings.

    ...People are just seeking some 'experience' is all, when it comes to taking psychotropic drugs and substances. It doesn't MEAN anything other than they had an experience which was hallucinatory. Here you have a classic case FOR a mirror individuation (IE 'dis-individuation') since there is this matter of 'emotional detachment.' Well, if YOU'VE emotionally detached inside those parts of your own brain, it could easily seem that you are in touch with an 'outside intelligence' when it's really your own self without emotional attachment/s which are the linking structure between the nerves in your toes, your knees, your legs, your arms, your hands... ...and so on: 'machines elves' simply being 'dispersed you' at all the myriad bits and pieces of your total being.

    1. So you can look inward and you can see, but wait you have to understand you're talking about consciousness, okay but then looking inward you see the possibility of the dis-individuation or even dissociation.

      My understanding is that the world is still waiting on the confirmation that Roger Penrose's and Stuart Hameroff's concept of "proto consciousness" is not contradicted by experiments about to be done with anaesthetics. Let's suppose they might be right about it. Kids in their audiences are already asking "well then, could inanimate objects be considered to hold consciousness?" and the response is "well let's not get ahead of ourselves, allow the science to progress slowly, this is challenging enough as it is already."

      But let's suppose that looking "outside" ourselves for the consciousness is not unreasonable. Remember, we're about to be living in a world where the technologists are dealing with macro quantum effects anyway. IF proto consciousness is real and is a macro quantum effect, then "all bets are off" as far as consciousness behaving in a nice way, localized in each person's body.

      You'd expect that if there is consciousness "out there," it is massively dissociated and dis-individualized.

      But you might also expect that if it is "out there" then it might also "wish to" preserve itself (and its home?) and so giving a big red button to a crazy person might not actually be the way to end the world, under some circumstances...

      That's sort of the basic direction my mind has been leaning in.

      "These mushrooms are making me hungry. Let's go to the grocery store."

      "Okay. You lead the way then. Feet first"

      .... "Okay that was fun, we need to pay for this stuff... uhm? PIN number??"

      "Oh right. Here it is, it's ...."

      "Thanks. I'll just type that in here now..."

      "You do that! You're the one with the fingers, after all"

  3. If there is consciousness out, I guarantee you it is absolutely 100% NOT dissociated at all. Are fungi dissociated? Are the roots and the trees in this huge vast mycorrhizal relationship and living network dissociated? Nope.

    1. You see to me when I wrote that I was thinking of the "self" as that part of ourselves which is in opposition to psychological dissociation. If there's nothing like that "out there" then from where I'm standing all that stuff seems massively dissociated.


Your considered comments are welcome