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Sunday 26 December 2021

Beyond Your Wildest Dreams...

Mountains of gold.

Those who are from above, speak of what they know.

'I don't care so much about philosophy and knowledge, and renunciation just yet - let me have at least, even just little of this - mountains of gold stuff!' First, and then, I will worry about all of this ineffable whatever later.

This is the correct attitude.

This is a real place, and the photo 
has not been manipulated in any way.

The point is not that you must not have wealth. And nor is it that you may not have material wealth before you are able to reach to the 'heavenly abodes.'

According to popular Sub-Continent folklore, the magically enlightened philosophers live in a secret place on Mount Meru. Even the Tibetans believe this.

Of course though, they do not. 'They...'

Well maybe they do live somewhere like that, but as even the common popular folklore has it, it is a secret place. So how would any of the ordinary people know, just exactly where it is?

Further, the Celestial Light is an incorrect translation of the wording that is used - even in the Hebrew deep texts; the wording is more - 'enlightenment.'

...Imagine that you are seated in a circular arrangement somewhere with a few people that you really like.

And that none of you have eyes. At least, not like you have them here.

(I am about to take you by the hand and place that hand of yours into the mountains of gold, by the way).

In the ancient Sanskrit, the identity who oversees all of this is the goddess Vach, or sometimes written as 'Vac.' In the Norse, it is Vor. Both are pronounced exactly the same way.

So, you guys all have no eyes.

'God' - that is, real actual God God, is light. But then again, not 'light' like we see photons speeding around in our material Universe; this 'light' is everywhere absolutely all at once - not only everywhere, but everywhence. It is in the past, it is in the now, it is in the future.

And because it is everywhere and in every time, in fact what 'is not' or 'is not yet,' in our material Universe, was already first 'there' in that other unexplainable place. 

You must first have the mountains of wealth, the mountains of gold there.

And that is easy.

You have no eyes. Instead, there is light only, in the places that your 'eyes' were. The light shines inward, into your mind, and throughout your whole emotional being, and outward, in beams to the others there with you and it flows in them and out through them.

Vor provides you all with the light, and since it is actual God anyway, you are caught up in the light and since the light has Supreme Power whatever you 'Vac' (or 'Vor') becomes fully real. Well, it was already real anyway. The difference being that when you were living as a human being, you were not 'there.' And you were relatively powerless.

You'll all blind yourselves though - and you will blind those others that you have dragged in there with you - if you start out with the 'God light' intensity.

Start out nice and moderate like a large moon in the still evening in the Tropics maybe.

And only then, turn it up until you hit that intense blue, like some expensive diamond you bought in Antwerp!

And mind your manners though, right? It's not Birmingham where you are! (Jeremy Clarkson does not think much of Birmingham, and neither do I).


  1. Agency versus material wealth. there is some sort of thing involved in that. With the misunderstandings about what agency is that I feel keep getting promoted around "the place." Why exactly is "fiduciary duty" so difficult.

  2. Yes, fiduciary duty. Because people lie is why. LOL But then, that is only IF they are unenlightened. So 'become enlightened...' And they all go 'Why? We have Neil DeGrasse Tyson and he tells us everything we need to know. Because after all, he IS God and he knows everything. Why don't you just BULEEEEEV us??'

    1. Oh it's so much more complicated than that, and not just where someone like Tyson is concerned, but choose your boogie man where you like. If only it weren't also, for instance, lawyers who answer your random phone calls without letting you know that "your opponent" is in fact being billed for every second he spends speaking to you, and is happy to pay.


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