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Sunday 19 December 2021

Humans Operate By Deducing

This whole fairy tale of 'sci-ence' is an extension, even you could say, a natural extension, of the only 'given truth' we have as a species, that is to say, of a thinking species. And this is namely, the power of deduction.

I mean sure, horses and dogs and birds all think in their own way, but we pride ourselves that we are the best thinkers. Of the Animal Kingdom. Interestingly, Allah does not ascribe to himself as one of his 'attributes' that he is 'the best of thinkers...' He is a planner and a schemer, but not a thinker; and that makes sense. I mean he's gotten away with a lot of things so far because he is indeed a pretty good schemer.

This is not Kubrick's Obelisk.
This is a shower.

Human society has simply nothing at all in the way of this 'Kubrick Obelisk' which imparts to it real, genuine, powerful Cosmic TRUTH, actually hands on. 

People use their natural powers of deduction to come up with theories and narrative propositions and assertions about what is 'TRUE.'

Sociologically, there is also handed-on folklore and this is very important too. But then, you could say that was simply someone else's earlier deductions that are accepted by a broad group of an on-going, a living, particular social network as 'true' and then these are handed on, passed down so to speak.

Moses said 'God' actually turned up for real.

Muhammad likewise also claimed some being who didn't introduced himself at all, but who was later on assumed to be 'Jibreel' (the Hebrew angel Gabriel...! LOL) actually also turned up.

So here we have a slight difference to the usual situation of people deducing from the available information around them.

But generally speaking, there is no existential 'Obelisk' (I'm intentionally using capitalization) the mere touching of which imparts important information on all of those mysterious matters of our lives.

The original Atlantis Obelisk (which is the same as the Egyptian/Phoenician ones) was an object dedicated to whatever is 'up there' where the gods all lived - specifically with the Phoenicians and Atlantis people, it was just to the god Poseidon, whose sons they were said to have been. And they burned bulls at the base of the Obelisk as a sacred sacrifice.

I mean no one held that the Obelisk itself was somehow not an 'Earthly' structure. They saw the men building it. They saw what it was made from.

This is a Filet Mignon,
with mushroom sauce...
See the new addition in the
top right hand corner of the page? 
It's not for you guys. You might get that
for free. Might.

So it's a kind of a deductive 'intellectual leap' to think that well, the sacrifices and the desires and prayers all 'go up to the top of the Obelisk' and then from there to wherever it is that the unseen gods actually were...

Modern man has been doing the same thing with sci fi movies: Star Trek goes 'out there where no one has gone before' (and, where you can't see either) and then the writers make all of these same intellectual leaps to formulate 'reasonable' depictions of super societies and super technology and whatever.

'Sci-ence' does the exact same thing but it uses the fallacy of Sorites to convince you it has a hold of the truth - it goes along along along, at each step narrowing down the focus, ever smaller, ever closer to the edge of the knowable horizon using ever more sophisticated instruments that gather information BUT FROM THEN ON AT WHICH BLURRY 'POINT' PEOPLE DEDUCE THINGS ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING!! LOL

It isn't exactly BS, but well, it is though.

You can place your foot on something held to be true on account of folklore and it stands. And you can place your foot on something held to be true on account of science and it too also stands.

The human powers of deduction are pretty good. Don't get me wrong.

It's when the same people indulge in lies intentionally, and/or when they make incorrect deductions that you can run into trouble.

But the very first lie - the insurmountable one - is that the human power of deduction itself is paramount, reliable and guaranteed by some natural-born faculty in the head...

Back to Kubrick's Obelisk.

Step right this way...
Ne ne ne ne ne ne.

What is he saying?

He's saying: 'This is what you want.'

You want external, independent signification, even if it's of 'something, anything.' 

Because really, we haven't got that. 

There are no 'Ten Commandments' written by the hand of God. Not anywhere.

There is no 'Jibreel.'

So what is there? Is there anything? Well, we have this meager human power of deduction...

It's not enough of course. We want the Obelisk.

Even the United States Government and the Pentagon is looking at UFOs as 'the Obelisk,' you see. All the scientists are doing it as well. If only, if, only we could prove something is out there. This time with our 'sci-ence.' Because that's never wrong, right?

Look, I tell you what - I'm gonna dong you on the head with that dinosaur bone that the ape threw into the air, in that Kubrick movie, just for fun. To see if your head hurts afterwards.

And to see how far 'advanced' the human race really is, from the time of the apes. When, according to the 'sci-entist' Richard Dawkins, humans were apes and then became 'intelligent' like he is now.

Because he is so intelligent. Isn't he. A correspondent recently posed to me this question how come it would be that a truly advanced ET Alien species would just cull people here or kill innocent if ignorant though still benign ordinary human beings.

And I quickly wrote back well I don't think they would!

But they would kill Richard Dawkins though.

And you know the reason why they would... Don't you?

Or don't you?

See the light yet?

I tell you what, I'll make it simple - you pick an intellectual fight with someone who really is more intelligent than you and see what happens.

What are we playing for here, after all, as these godallmighty, wonderful intelligent beings that we claim to be? 

You want to be in that space? Is that what your natural-born ambition is? Are you sure you can make it in that space?

The day human people stop lying to themselves, will be the day super advanced ET Aliens, gods and angels will just turn up, with no fan fare, and play with you.

But go on, keep telling yourself you somehow know better than that.


  1. Well that's cool. Conflict. Back to that old horse again. Whack whack. Wahck.

    Let's get back to the idea that the Self as each of us experiences it, is a kind of state (associative state) that one works at to maintain (spends energy on) in opposition to the or another possible state (dissociative) which is mental illness or drug induced, or from stress, or whatever.

    If you intentionally stop doing that, and it's tricky because intention sort of implies the maintenance of a self for a moment, but if you could suspend that, and sort of direct that energy to some other process that might also be going on but is sort of suppressed by our need to maintain some semblance of mental fitness.. You know, what could possibly go on?

  2. Well I just thing the 'equilibrium' state is one of quite some simple neutrality, whereas 'mental illness' is a bit BELOW the 'normal' base-line. However, yes, I tend to think we need to perceive what 'associative' is compared to our own individual dissociation from any ideal form of social grouping, and this highly artificial modern conception, template of what 'being a social animal' appears to mean. It is an entirely - ENTIRELY - false meaning, as far as I'm concerned, in the modern era. I mean too, you said it there yourself: 'our need to maintain some semblance of (mental) fitness...' According to whose dictat though?

    My own template - 'Calvin, are you quite mentally fit to walk among us?'

    Calvin: 'No darn way!! You'll all drive me mad if I hang around in here too long or else, declare that I am mad anyway as far as you're concerned - so what am I doing here at all and bowing to all of this nonsensical edictology from the licensed Borg Community??' LOL


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