The Jedi Religion has, I believe, IRS status in Texas, so... It must be a religion then.
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'Help me, Obi Wan...' |
The standard Jedi religious concept is, or so I understand, that there is a Force, throughout the Universe, which is neither Good nor Evil, but there are two 'sides' that use it to advance their polar opposite positions: there is the Dark Side, and the, presumably, Light Side. Hence too, I suppose we have 'light sabers' in the related imagery -, which are weapons that have some kind of self-contained discrete beam of light with a terminating end point. That appears to be an impossibility in our current state of knowledge of physics. Not to worry, Hollywood has special rules.
One of the totally challenging issues with actual ET aliens coming here from literally very far away, is that they cannot have the same Sun solar orbital lifespans that we all do... They can clearly traverse too far across Time-Space to have our natural lifespans.
The speculation is that there are close sectional folds in manifold space(-time) they are able to exploit materially, and that this is the way they achieve such great 'traverses;' and this 'might' mean they still do have an experienced 'similar' natural lifespan. But that cannot really be the case, because of the way time functions on matter when that matter speeds up close to light speed velocity.
In other words, they either do live physically a lot longer than we do, or in fact, they may not actually die at all through potentially all kinds of mechanisms of Time-Space leaping techniques, and even preserved 'consciousness' although this is nothing but speculation on my part as I try to 'present' human mechanistic 'scientific' style discussion... In other words, these things 'could be,' if taken through our present understandings.
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Mechanisms, science, and technology. |
Going back to the Kardashev Scale parallel stepping paradigm, let's say some people already do have a firm clear, accurate - a correct - understanding of who these beings are and what they are, still it is not the case that anyone can be specific about it just yet.
In other words, I am leaving it quite open what you want to believe - you have to come to some satisfying conception within your own mind.
Categorically though, there absolutely are ET aliens already here and that is reflected in at minimum an available conclusion from the public record -, the Cooper film, the Nimitz films and the more recent USAF filming of the same UAP's/UAV's. And, the key reason this is so categorical, is that especially in the case of the Navy incidents, they were over a long continuous daily period, following which orders were given to actually go intercept what was being observed through electronic instruments and ship-based human visuals, with consequent aerial tracking and so-called 'boxing' video taken. In which events a large range of maneuvers were made seemingly, in 'concert' or with intelligent responses from the UAV's.
Once the filming was made, the UAV's did not return to the area.
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They all saw Jesus rise from the dead, right... And they all made it up. Not. |
It's possible, that I personally know one of the crew, or a family member, from the Nimitz encounters, although that would have to be concurrent to the era that Cathy O'Brien talks about; so we were really tiny little kids then. ; ) If that Kevin Day is related to John Day Sr., the US Ambassador (in a certain place) prior to the other gentleman involved latter (also an ambassador; the next one) in the jungle events I have mentioned previously...
Here's the big problem with all of us here on 'Planet Earth:' we die - we do not live a long time like these other creatures evidently do. Why do we die? Because it is natural that we do.
A-a-a-a-n-d, that is not the traditional 'religious' story, though, is it?
The Jedi religion is not entirely stupid, but it maintains the same fundamental 'flaw' that almost all religious or human metaphysical ideologies have - Buddhism, Islam, Shinto, New Age manifesting and blended Eastern-origin Meditation systems - which is that we have some hidden inner means to overcome moral 'badness.' If only we could just 'get in touch' with the God Within, so to speak... opposed to the God that is utterly outside of our own mentality and personal implied potential characteristics. You see, we can and do have absolute access to the entire profile of Goodness and Evil... Not only that, we can employ those things as we choose - hence we can have the outcomes of our actions: we can steal other people's temples and shrines, we can steal other people's knowledge about physics (as in the case of Olinto de Pretto and the fact that no one has much heard of him these days), we can murder millions of people and take 'back' a whole country (EG Hong Kong) via a contract that the people we murdered actually had the contract about, and not us ourselves, and claim it's 'ours' to have. We can slay 6 million Jews (or ten of them) because we don't like their ethnicity. In short, we 'may' go to the whole complete logical and even 'metaphysical' limit. We could even kill ourselves all off entirely - in fact, that itself, is the speculation most University scientists do hold as to why 'the ET aliens have not discovered us;' namely, because they all killed themselves off once they got sufficiently 'advanced' and 'evolved' just like we will probably also do one day in the far future... ...because, their technical ability to commit mass slaughter would be so great. Might conquers right, and apparently, all we can think about ever, is how to slaughter as many as possible as efficiently as possible. Carl Sagan said that, and he believed it.
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Not a hooded Jedi - this is a guy at a music festival. |
Going back to my friends from Islam, when 'we' were in the GardenS (Muslims say 'plural gardens') of Eden, we ate of this infamous Tree of Knowledge, right? Well, it could not have been just any old tree this one - the Gardens of Eden are Eternal, they exist now, and they always will, and so the trees there are also Eternal, and 'Evil' does really mean Eternal limitless Evil... This is Ultimate 'Divine' Evil, we are talking about.
And this is us. This is who we are.
Now just leaving all of this Cosmic Moral Paradigm questioning right here, let's move onto something much much more technically practical, notwithstanding that I am saying advanced intelligent beings have a right to view us with some wariness. And that is to put things mildly.
Two things are quite important to look at, and maybe to use - firstly, the human 'perceptual present' is a duration of 'thoughts' of about 3 - 8 seconds. Try it. Hold your concentration for about 3 to 8 seconds. You should be able to note or observe, that indeed, this is what you never even consciously consider or think about, but which is your sense of 'the present.'
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Same music festival... |
If something happens to you, and your brain registers it significantly, it will have happened over 3 to 8 seconds in actual duration. The rest of the time is memory and the effects of biochemistry rather than incoming sense perceptions and stimuli.
Peak threshold for adrenaline and other negative or morbid neuro-chemicals (panic, fear, other similar) is about thirty minutes in active counterbalancing conditions (and people who lose that self-adjusting capability for real conscious self-control become violent or aggressive or depressed).
Let's say though, you are John McCain in a Vietnam camp, and you are being tortured - the sense that the torture will persist beyond the next thirty minutes means you do not have a straightforward way of 'counteracting' whatever the bad incoming stimuli situation is. So we do not have anything like absolute self-available 'control' over our circumstances at all.
Book of Psalms says it takes around thirty minutes for Divine Spiritual Agencies ('the Force') to respond positively, if it is going to do that.
I don't even know where I got this from but I think it is an understanding by those modern-day deep Hebrew text scholars of something David in the Bible said somewhere in there; they worked out what it all meant in terms of Jewish ideas of the daylight hours and so on back in 'those days.'
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And they know a helluva lot more than you might think they do. |
Memory of a pulse is something we call... ...'music.' The Weber Fraction, also known as the Weber-Fechner Law, says that the human brain cannot distinguish a 'beat' from a 'note' beyond 100 milliseconds, and the threshold at which we perceive 'pitch' is 50 milliseconds of what are called 'interonset intervals.'
When we start to take into things ideas like inverted waves, and harmonics of very high frequencies, in fact, you can transmit a lot of implied data via light and sound and of course, particle beams and hell, even Neutrinos.
I say implied, because all of your newsprint is only implied data, your television screens are implied data, and even your cinema movies are only implied data from what is it, 12 frames a second, minimum? There is no genuine 'continuous motion' in a movie film. It's all still shots sent into your brain at greater than 12 frames of still images per second.
"... off-world vehicles not made on this earth..."
ReplyDeleteIt sends chills down the spine.
Well, mine anyway.
I have great doubts that what is 'known' will be exposed to the public, officially. Unless it is done in a way to induce more spending on satellites and ventures to Mars and so on.
ReplyDeleteI just came back from watching the new release movie starring Mick Jagger and Donald Sutherland 'The Burnt Orange Heresy,' and it spells out the basic problem, although not in any context to do with this actual subject. Nonetheless, it spells out humanity's present basic 'issue.' No advanced intelligence is likely to invest anything here by way of 'co-operative arrangements.' At the same time, since there is some kind of 'activity' afoot, it is becoming increasingly more difficult for governments to avoid the subject and pretend it will just go away if they stick their heads in the sand. I am aware of at least some very senior academics who are in the 'strategic analysis' field, who are pushing to go public soon.
And I should add quickly that this is notwithstanding there is likely to be some proper formal 'disclosure' maybe in a year or so. And I also think there is still a lot of 'argument' and internal discussion still to be had about what to say exactly. I don't believe there HAS EVER been ANY crash landings or bits of something fall off and so on, in 'Area 51' or anywhere else - these are just feeble attempts at claiming 'backwards engineering.'
DeleteThere are plenty of people inside of government who think this is all mil-int making up stuff to get more money and have greater leverage as if they haven't already got enough.
And so it has fallen to the lobbying of academicians, to sway politicians and higher up bureaucrats who are there for political angles - along the lines of 'proceeding with caution, we should take this stance, since the indications are that this is true to an extent.'
And that is all there is that is going on, officially.