You are shortly going to see some major fireworks and not because everyone wants a replay of 4 July.
There will be people looking backwards over their shoulders to see who was taking the shots. Figuratively speaking, of course. They won't know what's happening.
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Amazing marketing, this brand - good product, sure but damn the price! |
People have still not yet worked out that although all of these sophisticated plans have been in the pipeline for a while, they were 'brought on' suddenly without anyone really knowing what 'pushed the button.'
Really the thing to do to pull back from what's about to happen is that... ...ah well, no -, there's no one going to pull back from anything; they're all so in control, right?
So we can leave off all of this depressing stuff and shift focus to some brighter territory. Time to buy some LVMH prestige materialism. These people have easy-to-access on-line though incredibly high-end things you can spend your time and money on. For example, they own and have branded - using one of the most politically-connected marketing groups in London, Commission Studio - this outfit called 'Clos19.'
'Clos' is a french word that means an enclosure, and the word is applied to fenced-off pieces of terroir, in other words vineyards in the most expensive grape-growing real estate.
And in french translations of the Bible, it is also the word used for the 'Garden' of Eden.
It has the explicit implication of some place being 'walled off,' totally walled off.
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The rich elite, well they like to 'close themselves' off from the rest of us. When they try to 'close you off' - get worried! |
Shifting gears once again, I saw that interview Don Jr. did with his dad where he asked the President about Area 51. It was clear enough from the answer that there are classified things going on there - as of course there are in a large number of other enclosed facilities. Real, enclosed facilities. Could easily re-name the place 'Clos51.'
As long as it isn't 'Slaughterhouse 5,' at least.
One of the things that is being developed by large military-industrial groups, in this specific instance Boeing being the key partner - is scaled-up applications of a specific superfluid polariton Bose-Einstein condensate effect. Which is, namely, an anti-gravity process. Small application units are already part of some of the high-end 'standard' interceptor jet technology - as they are too, in Russian-made military aircraft technology.
There is no possible way that the US Military is going to risk something like this accidentally falling into the hands of, say, China - and so they are not going to fly anything that uses this technology over actual China airspace despite the fact they can easily technically breach any human radar system on Earth right now. So you will see these typical recent 'tic-tac' style UAP's/UAV's all 'filmed' flying over open ocean or well inside American-controlled airspace, although in the case of the recent India/China incidents it seems that India is regarded as some kind of trustable partner - and let's face it, Bose himself albeit an American citizen, was an ethnic Bengali. There have been a few 'air displays' over India recently, and then a hot run-through in Ladakh following which the Chinese army retreated in a hurry.
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Calm down, have a cup of tea - it is not, the End of the World... ...yet. There's still a bit of hurt to go before that. |
Bose-Einstein condensate is the main underlying scientific medium, in which people are playing around with this new field of 'spintronics.' Spintronics though, does not only involve data being conveyed via electron spin, but also other exotic effects of propagated electromagnetic waves using pulse inversion to massively augment power - since, as you know, circles are not actually continuous, being made up of radial line segments in discrete order around the axis.
Anyway, to hell with all of that - which I don't really fully understand anyway - and back to this simple fact about how funny humans (especially who are coming at things from the strictly political, at least the public political standpoint) are in always thinking about technology, whenever it comes to what we can 'learn' from the aliens who may, or may not but probably did though(!) send something down there at Area 51 some time ago.
I guess one of the problems with literally anyone being able to dissect any of the pop fiction/fantasy stuff and pull out anything reliably factual and therefore useful, is that mainstream figures in the world of entertainment and propaganda such as Robert Heinlein, were active intelligence 'contacts' if not operatives exactly, right throughout their whole careers and lives. So there's a lot of sheer propaganda out there. And it has been driven with government-scale marketing dollars. Humans beings are like this - you can stick the truth squarely in their face and if they have a standing mindset to 'go a certain way,' it's effectively a religion you're dealing with, not any kind of willingness to see 'truth.' You will never undo the idea that ET alien vehicles, or a vehicle, crashed there. I mean that is one of the most stupid, ludicrous ideas of all time when you think about it, but it has been an idea people readily swallowed.
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I have to be careful posting this kind of thing - but, this is the place where the Clos19 branding was thought up. |
The programs being run at Area 51 were at quite a different level (to what people suppose) - highly active, still, and completely sanctioned at the top level of command - and they involved development of cutting-edge military-use technology but also, and very critically, aspects of 'human response' research. I suppose you could say, broadly, psychology.
Seeing that we have established, haven't we, that much of what I post here is sort of 'thought experiment' speculation -, so then along these lines now, you would have to suppose that ET aliens habitually among themselves speak a completely different language to what is common here on the Earth. If for the purpose of speculation, we assume that ET aliens who could care less about intellectualizing with us, have rather similar mouths and mouth and throat and face muscles, to us, then the kind of language they have is not necessarily amazingly dissimilar by the same token. Funny, because you could look at ancient texts about 'speaking in tongues' and it will have a new meaning if you look at it this way.
Wonder what the background bacteria levels are 'up there' on 'Death Star 1...' Not to worry, just make sure you wash your hands with anti-bac and so that you won't get disturbed by the seriously sardonic mouths, they can all cover their mouths with a mask as they 'blend in.' OCD little bastards.
I'm just pulling your legs.
The truth is, right, the truth..., that the Rothschilds are in control of everything and so are the Jesuits and the Zionists and everyone else that everyone knows for sure, is, in control. And the radical Left. And the MSM. And Ellen DeGeneris. Oh yeah. They are so powerful all of these.
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'Q' from Star Trek, in the good ol' words of the Quran - 'ahad' meaning, 'one of' ('Q'); guaranteed 100% ethnic... ...Russian. |
Back to maths and physics...
When it comes to things like superfluidity, we are verging on aspects of the so-called 'extra-dimensional' in the theoretical maths and physics here, and here things also become a touch weird from our ordinary day-to-day perspective, because as I'm sure all of you know, there are no knots in 4-dimensional space.
Whereas, we here on Earth, playing in our little sandbox, seem to have nothing but knots everywhere in just about everything we turn our hands and our minds to, nothing is straightforward for us. You can hit someone clear in the face with something and they will go 'I didn't feel a thing.' And then after that, what you have to do, is... Well... Maybe we don't need to signal punches either. And 'one sword is enough,' they say.
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