I'm sure you know yourselves, that all over the internet, are just mountains and mountains of people explaining things about 'chakras,' 'meditation,' 'angel messages,' 'spirituality,' 'Reiki,' basically everything woo-woo, you know.
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The Forbidden Apple! |
Gogen Yamaguchi, the 'catman' Goju-ryu Karate 10th Dan Grand Master, was a personal friend of my teachers in Shaolin Kung Fu, the 'revered' (I just love saying that! LOL) Lai-Tze Brothers ('Lacey Brothers'). Yamaguchi was factually the first person to ever introduce 'Rei' + 'Ki' practice in that actual form, to Western martial artists. Yes it's true there is a commercial side of 'Reiki' that developed from the person who established the format to practice that as it is widely in fact, done today - namely a certain Mikao Usui.
Like every other thing of this kind, it is simply a waste of time critiquing what are effectively 'brands' of some particular set of ideas. And I'm not going to be doing any of that here.
Yamaguchi, despite his being a Japanese, never made any bones about it that he was accessing the practice from a particular Korean shamanic practice. And this is known over there as 'Chor Ri Ki...' Or something like that, from memory. I'm not exactly certain and I don't speak Korean.
However if I tell you some of the things characteristic of the Korean shamanic or shamanistic practices, you will no doubt see certain similarities, well, to basic Christianity's 'mystery' aspects:
In the Korean practice, there is a thing called 'shinmyeong' - 'divine wind.' And to experience it, you have to go through 'shinbyeong' or, 'loss of self' and other strange things. And these shamans more or less go out of their minds. Much like you will see at any EDM trance music festival, or when people are using powerful hallucinogenic drugs and so on.
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A deep, mystical, shamanic experience... |
Anyway, all I'm trying to establish in talking about these specific things, is that there is a tradition of it all over the place across the whole entire globe. In different cultures.
Now. Now. Getting back to the demands, I think, made on 'content providers' across the internet, well, if you watch any of them over some time, eventually they all end up saying anything, any old nonsense just to pump out content, I think...
Sometimes people will say interesting, factual, valuable things, but then often they'll also drift off into utter nonsense too at some stage.
And it's also true of standard mainstream religions as well. For maybe different reasons, but still, most of them end up swerving well away from the actual source texts and they never make any sensible attempt at comprehending what is trying to be communicated, by people writing in archaic idiomatics and ancient languages.
So we end up with 'angels are energies,' and 'the chakra system uses energies' and all of this. When you die and go to heaven, you will be in the energy... ...of God. And you will not have a material body because you will just be energy. Even Sadhguru ends up 'going there' when he should know better. But he's just 'playing to the L.A. gallery' is he not.
In the modern world I think everyone has been mesmerized by Einstein and atomic energies; and the bomb! Boom! ...Wow.
Okay. Again, let me say, the expectation is that 'when Jesus returns' (...right? When He returns...) He will be attired in a bed-sheet and wear sandals, or bare feet even.
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The 'god' wine - Aurumred. Some impossibly huge price. |
But let me take you into the John heresy here. LOL
And my heresy is this, I am going to unveil for you exactly what it does say in um, let's take Corinthians 11:10 and on-wards from there somewhat. Because what it says, if you take it as it reads, without making up new interpretations for the words, is probably one of the most scary, austerely bracing, passages in the whole of the Bible. What is says is NOT, that women have long hair because this is some indication of their peculiar underling status, especially as chattels of men, and it specifically makes it expressly clear that there is no such tradition regarding short or long hair on women in the Christian/Judaeic (in that form) tradition at all - but that wearing a veil is a sign of something when people gather together at a 'sacred ceremony...'
And what sign is it? Well the text says it is a sign for the angels who are present to lay off taking any beautiful women they are attracted to away and having sex with them.
I think I should let that sink in a bit.
That is what the actual Greek text says. And it makes it clear that God will not protect such women from such 'advances,' let's be generous and call them that.
So what now - are energies going to have sex with women??
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Rave culture pashmina shawl |
No, what you're talking about is 'people,' perhaps people that you cannot see, or maybe that you don't observe are there, or perhaps even, the ceremony itself just does not constitute what can be properly described as sufficiently 'sacred' to have anyone of this kind present at all.
You see, let me put it again another way still. If you have some extremely powerful people, more powerful than you are, regardless of just who you think you are, and, they are in most other ways exactly like you, susceptible to all kinds of similar things, then it is unlikely 'God' is going to give them less of their own recognizance, less of their own self-responsibility, of action, d'you see? You would think, logically, He would give them even more latitude than He affords to you and He gives you pretty much the freedom of choice for you to do anything you damn well want!
Ah yeah. That's where it all sits you see.
In a your daily 'waking life' your conscious mind is absorbed in dealing with data streaming in through your material sense channels. That, is why people indulge in all of this 'chakra/Reiki/meditation/everything and everything else' stuff. And it's fine if you want to slow down or diminish or block your material senses in order to 'see' what other stuff your mind wants to 'show' you.
But that's not what actual real-life ultra-advanced ET beings are looking at when they look into the brains of human beings. They're looking at how you process information, what your levels of deep complex comprehension might be when provisioned with higher matters.
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Russian Orthodox culture pavlovo posad shawl. What do you think? Do you think there's any chance at all that I am wrong? And what if I'm right anyway? What does that do to your thinking? |
Which is why, why-y-y-y, you are far better off going to an opera, listening to highly complex classical music, messing around with higher maths even though maybe like me you don't understand even a quarter of it(!), and well I certainly don't. You're better off extending your neurology to perceiving the differences between soliflore linear olfactory stimulus versus layered compositions with different electron spin molecules. You're better off reading Shakespeare or Shelley or something, and Nikolai Gogol (or at least watching some performed drama versions of). ...Than you are, in doing 'internal meditation' exercises to 'get in touch' with external spiritual energies and forces - they, the actual real beings, already know who you are and they can see you for everything that you are.
I mean I know you're not a boring person.
You don't want to be a boring person. Maybe you have to constrain yourself because of material circumstances. You certainly have to be a morally responsible person to ever ever be interacted with, overtly. How many people do you know, who are not mindless dogmatic know-it-all's on the one hand, or utterly wretched accountants on the other, or Mennonites or the equivalent but under different branding, on the face of this planet, everywhere, right now? I mean where do people get off, pretending they are 'equals' because they can do trigonometry and blow up nuclear devices and get research grant funding at major Universities - in the face of even the tiniest vanguard of people here from a couple of light years away? Or, by the same token, alternatively, if they were from the 'Throne Room of Allah?' ...For that matter.
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Trust me, ladies, you're in big big trouble! They're not really interested in guys for the most part. |
We are most of us here, well over fifty years of age. We don't have the necessary fourteen/fifteen years of study that would be required, to amp-us-up, to the levels of mind, the mindset, to be able to interact with facility, with these creatures. They don't even speak our languages naturally, as such -, well - it is very different, so some human would have to even learn that too, along with a lot of other material, to really get anywhere close to 'equal terms with.' They have us at a strong disadvantage. We should just give up.
We should give up if we think we are going to counter their plans, their ideas, their way.
Their's is the way; we don't have a way. We have stupidity and nonsense and narrow-minded self-involved ego.
But, they are, very very interesting people. Very, um, plangent.
It's just the first few seconds of this that tells enough of the whole story..
I'd trade them all my gold in exchange for transcendence - or something like that.
ReplyDeleteNo, you don't need to. Here it comes. For free. I think 'for free...' LOL I think so, anyway.
DeleteI wonder if humanity can be given a morality upgrade? Maybe we just need a few bad weeds to be pulled and the rest of us would see the light. Especially without constant bad brand info as you describe. I would think there are many people who have been deceived from birth and would do the right things if they only knew what they were. Such big questions for such a puny brain! If they are taking requests, I need a ram memory upgrade. A better processor would be nice too but my logic is not too bad and I don't want to get greedy! Haha!