Which one do you think is the more difficult...?
That was a Jesus question too, or so I recall from some old texts. You know, as in, He asked the people around him whether they thought it was easier to 'forgive their sins' or to do material miracles.
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Mystical fire... LOL |
I know there are some, what I would term 'kids' by which I mean people, who read here - actually they would have to be rather smart people - who are much younger than most of us who venture here!
Now they're going to potentially fall into the trap of becoming too wrapped-up in the 'cares of the world,' as they say, where in fact, they would be far better off in some effectively, Benedictine-style Monastery!! LOL Well, okay, maybe not so extreme of a life of seclusion from 'the world.'
Just earlier today, I had a discussion with one of our closest colleagues here, who happens to be a Muslim, perhaps more of a 'Westminster' version - as in, like a 'Baronness Warsi' of the UK House of Lords-style of Muslim. And this conversation was to do with the Iraqi scholar Sheikh Ahmed Al-Gubbanchi. Al-Gubbanchi is one of the top three Arabic language and Islamic scholars in the world today, the other two being Mufti Abu Layth and Christian Prince, the latter one being a Christian not a Muslim albeit he is formally trained in Islamic Jurisprudence.
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That's one of the Maktoum's shaking the Sheikh's hand. Ahmed Al-Gubbanchi is on the right. |
Al-Gubbanchi is widely misquoted in the West and also misquoted and completely misunderstood in the Middle East as well. Most Muslims want to cut his head off.
However, what he has proposed is that the Quran is a text inspired by some 'spiritual wind,' yet otherwise it is the expression of men and not exactly the actual written speech of Allah.
And the meaning of this is that the words in it, are an expression in the context of the times, of various ideas, which require re-interpreting into our modern language and context. This is more or less exactly the same proposition that Christian apologists have regarding the Old Testament - namely, that it is a human-made narrative account of people's interactions with spiritual morality and also of what they perceived as encounters with 'God.'
I am mentioning this in reference to a rather peculiar notion I am, let's say, slowly edging forward here, namely that again, let's say, you suddenly see a whole lot of money being 'miraculously,' as it were, made here, and maybe you even get a piece of the action rather easily - then what happens next, though? Do you sit back, waiting for super-advanced Alien intelligent beings to knock on your door, and take you away in their space craft to some phase of extended physical longevity but which is still more or less 'burdened' with the problematic nature of human proclivities and regular tendency to do 'wickedness?'
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There's no point making money unless you can relax with it. |
What would be the point of that?
Right now in the American Christian mindset, there is a clear dichotomy between the so-called 'Progressives' and 'New Age' Christians, and the regular Scriptural Christians, who consider things like 'Yoga' and 'Reiki' and other Eastern or Oriental teachings clear-cut 'works of Satan' and demonic and 'non-Christian.' Of course we just don't need to even go into where atheists or agnostics stand in the considerations.
Older readers here can look after themselves at least to the extent that they will have already found some way to come to their own judgments about things, especially any new things that they see. Everything does have to 'sit well' in the experienced reality... The closer you get to death the more you come to some form of terms with what that means - and categorically, what it does mean, is that it is natural.
So really, you (the mature people) want to make the money, and if it looks as though - oh dear, this was made by some 'very very strange process;' it doesn't necessarily matter that you spin your remaining years out just living a natural life then, thereafter. That was going to happen anyway. You don't need to go for a ride in a space craft that travels even faster than '17x the speed of sound' (Donald Trump's recent admission about the latest US missile technology). Not if you have the latest M3 BMW in the garage.
But for the younger people, their feet are going to get itchy. Especially if they 'see' something, get a real inkling that something funny has been going on. And so what I am suggesting is, that you need to get your mind into a real, a realistic, place of being comfortable and completely satisfied in its framework of understanding how the Universe works, aka 'what it is all about.'
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Stupid stupid joke - 'blague' is the French-Swiss word for it. |
And that is completely possible. You're not going to find it at any University anywhere on the planet. Give that idea up.
And I'm not going to give any ideas away too openly here.
But it is possible. You can get there. And you should try to.
Because you see, you cannot get 'up there' unless they know, you are not going to stab them in the back. Promises promises, right? Humans. SMH. You keep on telling yourself that you are trustworthy. Are you so sure? Really?
The 'Yoga Christians' are just falling prey to commercial enterprises, oh maybe there are a few 'demonic forces' around too - I mean, if there ever was a 'Reptilian' it would have to be that Kenneth Copeland(!) So sue me.
The Scriptural Christians are nearly there but even they will not face those 'never spoken about' passages that none of them even know, apparently, although they'll quote you every other thing in there and preach at you about all of those all day long.
I would definitely entertain anyone who wants to challenge some of the things I have been saying - there must be someone who has fixed, firm views, you know, strong-minded, beliefs that run way counter to what I am saying. I'd love to take on the smart, learned American Christians like Dr Michael Heiser - he has some decent ideas... Or Melissa Dougherty. The trouble is they have material lives - I don't. So I really don't feel like messing with them too much. I can afford to risk my life, and they can't. So they're mostly stuck in the blinds even though they see the cracks of light. Like the men of Hindustan, they're partly right...
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The video below was one of the brand new things she played in the live-stream, out in the open, in the cold, at Gstaad, Switzerland just the other day. |
So... When, not if, WHEN, you start to see the money turn up in force here - I am not going to signal punches to any potential competitors at all (and that's just plain standard operating procedure, 'across the Universe' as far as I can ascertain) - if you're a kid and you start having 'moral philosophy doubts/questions/cravings for information' then by all means contact me privately. Not yet though; wait till you see the green of the green-backs!
Right now, as in, RIGHT NOW, we have been able to acquire something not too dissimilar from 'ten tiles of gold-pressed Latinum.' LOL I don't even know what the whole stock is worth, I haven't calculated. But it's extremely valuable, in very rare supply, has a stunning high demand among pretty much only very rich people, and yeah, I have it all; as in ALL. I have the monopoly.
Protecting a monopoly is a task. You can never show what you're doing, or how you make the money, because in this day and age, as soon as you do that, all the sharks rush in.
We're so far in front now though, it hurts.
Any Bartok classical music fans here:
I'm still hoping I get to meet the advanced beings. Barring that I would be happy with enough money to quietly pursue the life I choose. It's really encouraging to hear that there are young people who read this blog. Maybe humanity does have a bright future!
ReplyDeleteStick with those books. You'll never get 'lost in the mess of the world' and then 'maybe...' Even if the texts seem complicated, quite turgid in many parts, still they are a major advantage. 'Progress' seems to unfold SO SLOWLY, that it feels like nothing will ever happen. The so-called 'highly sensitive people' ('HSP's in psychology talk these days) feel the pain most keenly, the pain of being disconnected from 'the possible optima.' One of my reasons for discussing any of this at all, is due to some insight into high levels of global academia, where it's not above them to 'manufacture' a completely false 'encounter.' Those books are preparation to not be tricked and manipulated. That is notwithstanding there IS indication there is something 'going on' that is real.
DeleteThere is a definite 'contested space' aspect to all of this. I'll be honest I really do view genuine 'externals' as completely benign in intent albeit pretty potentially dangerous too - at the same time there are people, just plain ordinary human beings who have a very primitive and passively highly aggressive mindset and who are toxic to society, and they will ALWAYS materially oppose any contest - even intellectual contest - of their position or ability to 'have' things such as power and rule. Why wouldn't they throw YOUR body and mine as well in front of themselves (if you understand what I'm saying) to confront actual 'ET?' Because look, logically, if they are compelled to SAY there IS an ET presence here, automatically it means they are no longer THE arbiters of truth or science, or ANYTHING. They're not going to like it.
DeleteThe first time I saw pictures of Mars that had been taken from the surface by one of the landers, I was dumbstruck. This was the landscape of another PLANET! Surely, anyone seeing these pictures would have their worldview altered in some fundamental way, right?!
ReplyDeleteNaw. The awe faded even for me.
But even if pics did nothing, I'm certain that if actual representatives of another "landscape" showed up around here, it would shake things up, yes? Who would care about temples, and statues, and ideologies after that, eh?! Okay, then.
So, what's all this about a monopoly? Have you been channeling the Hunt Brothers? I've been wracking my brains, trying to understand what can be monopolized in this world. It's a puzzle.
The awe does fade. People never fade if you like them...
ReplyDeleteAs far as 'monopoly' goes, it is mostly true that one HAS to have 'special access,' right? To something. Something you were privileged to have access to. It IS very difficult to 'invent' anything and thereby attain 'monopoly.' I've tried. It sort of worked one time but the era was different. Right now, I'm going back to looking at putting 'two-and-two together' partly from a family legacy in big industry and partly from some recent um, not-private 'access' for which I got a 'pass' to mess around with. You'll see. Soon enough.