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Thursday 16 July 2020

Beware Of Clever Dissembling

As always, we have to be aware that anything valuable and powerful within its own lane, is apt to be 'stolen' and proposed in a copy form - a false form - of the real thing. And people get away with that because the bulk of the general population is not equipped with anywhere near sufficient critical thinking skills.

It's absolutely as true in the modern world of science as it is anywhere else - in fact this is one of the places where it is particularly easy to employ the so-called 'straw man' tactic. This is where someone says a person has said such-and-such (which they haven't), and then they tear down that false depiction with its deliberately inherent flaws.
This is a huge 'Christian' music festival called 'Awakenings.'
It is not the same thing I have been referring to. It is something designed
arguably, to commercially exploit marketplaces like Brazil
and elsewhere that there are a
lot of Christian religious in the general population. It is doubtful in my own mind,
how actually 'Christian' this particular thing is in the first place!

And of course it's very true in the world of religions. 'Religion' coming from the Latin root 'to be bound.' In other words, you are obligated, bound, to someone or something.

But even such things as the Sanskrit Vedas, are taken by all of these modern-day 'yoga' teachers and 'masters' and what-not, twisted around, and vended to people as the real thing. They are not. None these 'experts' either really reads these texts, or if they do, many deliberately misconstrue what is being said in there.

Yes there are a tiny few Veda scholars who have an understanding of what is being said; too few to say that if you go and practice 'Yoga' you are really doing what it says in the Vedas. And there are plenty enough ethnically Indian people who will scream me down on this, but it remains the case - what I have said.

The same is true of those purporting to be able to teach just about any religion there is, be it Christianity, any of the Nordic systems, tribal systems.
Colors of the past

So why do I think that just because we 'discover' there really are alien beings out there, some right here too - somehow this challenges the stupidity and ignorance already 'in place' in the minds of a huge proportion of the population?


I don't!

You need personal critical thinking now, you needed it beforehand, before any such 'revelations' appear in the 'officially respected' media - and you will certainly need it afterwards. You'll need it when we move firmly into the Age of AI.


I'm going to show you some reality.

This is the level of things going one right now.

If you have a really good headset-style earphones, you will notice that at around (exactly in fact) 1:05 in, after a brief lowering of the overall sound level, there is a 'clicking sound' that should be seeming to come from your rear and slightly off to the left. 
Colors of the 'now.'

In the old old old days, there was this thing called 'clock code,' where one covert person, would make a finger-mark on a dusty car window or some dusty screen, in the shape of a circle, and then place a mark at the relative 'hour mark' that they wanted the other person to meet with them. It still works!

And you can easily locate someone, if you know what you're looking for, even in a vast crowd... ...if you were given the appropriate signal.

I promise I will soon find some nice, sedate, calming music:

...Everything's easy when you've been told what to 'watch' for; everything's easy 'when you know how.'

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