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Friday 24 December 2021

Merry Christmas!

Today, my time down here (is already Christmas Day!) I shall be going out in a million degrees heat to a small private function with John A., (another John - we're everywhere) and his family.

They will have their very good quality air conditioner on full blast, I hope.

I will keep my mouth shut on tricky subjects and the only politics being talked will be from their end, and I will nod and go 'yes yes.'

Australians have lamb this time of year
down here. Prolly not
set out like this though. Mostly not.
But you can get it like this too...

They have Millennial kids however, and I like Millennials. Other people don't but I do.

They always go 'awesome' or 'too easy' or 'no problems' and they make coffee too.

Cannot complain about that kind of thing. How can you complain about it?

Christmas is this time when the Christians celebrate the birth of actual God God, as a human being, following which some other human beings then killed Him.


You've got to hand it to the 'some other human beings.'

They seem to be with us all the time, these 'some other human beings' - never died out with the dinosaurs, think and act like the dinosaurs though and off they go, killing and pillaging and ravaging and crashing all over everything nice, pretty much all of the time. They make 'rules,' too. And they hold guns to your head or swords to your neck so that you have to follow their rules.

And God, what does He think about the fellas that killed Him?

Actually never mind what He thinks about them, the question is, what is He going to do about them?

It's all about the red.
This coming year.

That's one problem as you know, with 'Christians.' They all think their 'God' is this lunatic who forgives the literally worst people, and ignores His most faithful followers (parable of the prodigal son, right?).

That is not actually what the parable in question says and nowhere does it say God is not a God of Retributive actions. But hey, Christians all believe any kind of thing they want.

There is nobody alive with half a brain who is sitting around this Christmas going 'Ho Ho Ho I am so pleased that governments and leaders and so on are that kind of person who is just so forgivable.'

The people who killed God back then might have been somewhat forgivable - none of them had actually seen Him turn up back from the dead at the time they wanted to kill Him!

So it is at least reasonable to accept that they were protecting their power and their position the only way they knew how, still know how and do still today - which is that they kill their opposition.

I guess though, here is the bottom line with this matter. Nobody still has seen this guy turn up back from the dead, at least not in their own lifetimes now; and I do agree, we cannot simply just take other people's word for these kinds of stupendously, incredibly, important things.

If someone really came back from the dead, it's an important and a serious matter. Philosophically, scientifically, everything. It's just important.

You can't just go hide, and 'forgive' bad people but hide and let all the good people go down miserably.

I am hoping we can do 'red' but do it
with some panache and some 'design.'


I guess you have never been told about the 'Seven Thunders.'

It's a bitter thing to swallow.

And whoever has swallowed it, has to prophecy again before many peoples, and nations and tongues and kings.

The thing was sealed up, as you recall.

'Has to...' 'prophecy.'

I tell you what -, my guess is, it is not about how nice things are going to be for all of them.

What is your guess?

Do you think prophets are allowed to make money on the side? Thales did. But was he a prophet?

Well yes, yes he was. Ancient astronaut theorists say that 'yes!'

And so do I.

...Just some nice calming, quiet music so that you don't have to feel so disturbed. After all, it is Christmas, and - . Not sure what else 'and.' LOL

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Why I Am Reticent

Off and on for many years, well, no, I'd better put it this way - my mother's side of the family has had businesses in this local city of mine for a hundred years since before I ever started here.

Let me quickly add though, because we had been away from the country for forty years, albeit my grandmother was here, I had to start totally independently, with my own capital and 'no friends at all!'

Sonya Glyn Nicholson - wife
of the estimable Hugo Jacomet,
personal friend of...
...Edmond de Rothschild.
Vipe? Are you listening?

Nevertheless, what with one thing and another, I ended up more or less picking up the exact same family associations all over again that my grandfather, grandmother and mother had here a million years ago.

One of these is Perth's (literally is this) biggest individual private landowner in the city - his surname is Freedman. Viper? Are you around? LOL

He's a stunningly nice guy - I like him because just about everyone else hates him. The Council hates him except they need him.

But anyway, aside from all of the politics, it's due to these fairly loose associations that I get to rub shoulders with some pretty well-known international celebrities, one reason I guess is because Jacobson's (Viper, are you paying attention?) is the biggest bookings and management agency in the the whole of Australasia and by a very long stretch of the straight too. And Jacobson's books in Freedman's places, obviously.


Viper, are you listening?

Okay, okay, forget all of the Semitic references...

So just yesterday I was able to casually throw a few questions at this really huge talent (cannot, simply cannot say whom), and I ask her how on earth she manages to produce hit after hit (it must take so much work to produce each one of those things in the first place) and do so much 'live performance' work too, like, for one thing - doesn't she get tired?

Easy when you have the wealth
to put on the masks.

And she tells me, that her act is based on an up-beat self-expression mode, and that once she goes into that it's really a performance mask and she is able to do it, one reason being that she does not actually have to 'face' deeply, encounter inside, anything people throw at her (we had been talking about the amount of back-biting and negativity all around the world these days, especially in American entertainment and media) - because the people around her are effectively talking to a mask.


Well. Works for her, but I did not like to press the point with her that she is also really really super talented as well! That kind of helps, I think maybe, to some extent. They need her, to make money out of her. Still I am aware though, some of them are pretty rough and they don't 'tone it down' any. I would not survive three weeks in that 'industry.'

It's dice-y. I think it still is pretty dice-y - they can dump you overnight. The big money backers; all tax-exiles in Switzerland and Monaco and those kinds of place, even Medellin! And Buenos Aires - where most people are poor these days.

Our Bill Smith was just this week showing me some Saudi news and also Saudi social media about how MBS 'has gone astray from the fold of Islam' and is doing so many 'murtad' things there recently - this was portrayed for example, with pics and short clips of the recent 'EDM live music festivals.'

And then, lo and behold I discovered Daniela De Lillo (DJ - 'Nora En Pure') was one of the headliners at the Saudi gig! 

Well she has just - and I mean over the last three weeks - gone from the West Coast of the US to Florida, to South Africa, to Saudi, back to Switzerland, and now she's headed off to somewhere else for another show somewhere, don't know where off the top of my head.

God, my head would spin.

Look at the way they feed you!
Three levels of 'healthy' salad, or something.
Three, levels.

So Nora En Pure was not here, and she was not the individual I was just speaking with (this lady is in a fairly different kind of musical genre, and much much 'higher up' on the celebrity scale) - but the same thing applies. How do they do it, really?

And will it all get to them at some point?

Sanskrit teachings say that these people are from the 'Gandharva' race, and their personal human lives all end in misery even though they bring a lot of joy to the world.

...Which leads me into the cause of my reticence to discuss with y'all, just right for the moment, how well we 'might' be doing right now.

There is no such thing as 'doing well.' Anything can happen. There can be interruptions, disruptions and slip-ups at any moment.

And I don't know how individuals are going to 'understand' things anyway - if I opened up on some 'strange and exotic subjects...'

Dark street somewhere - Milan,
maybe. Disappear you off in that kind of
setting - easy.

The Irish have folklore which has been turned into rubbish in recent times about gypsies stealing babies. It is not the gypsies that steal babies - it is the elves who rescue these 'Gandharvas' from the world of humans.

And they could take you too; no one needs to be some kind of 'genius' for them to show an interest in that person.

But if they took you, you would not be coming back.

So, just for the present time at least, let's go with the flow, and stick around here and play around with the idiots known as 'the human race.'

And what would they (the fellas upstairs, or the elves, whichever way you want to look at it) do with you, eh?

Maybe the Reptilians might want to eat you. Even the Amanita Elves will eat you.



Monday 20 December 2021

I'm Sort Of A 'Jungle-Wala!'

Look I'm going to have to say what I never wanted to say virtually at any point...

And the only reason I am saying this is to give some proper 'dimension' to some things that I have been saying.

I want to take you first, to the political situation with the Tibetan 'tulkus.' This is a tradition about reincarnated lamas - which the current Dalai Lama says he wants to terminate or eliminate (I'm not sure what the right phrase would be) because he says it 'encourages feudalism.'

This is a main 'Kavadi' chariot.
Very heavy thing. Ten rugby players would not
be able to carry it anywhere. It is literally gold.

Now unless you've actually been there, to one of the locations where these high lamas reincarnate and demonstrate their power - all you have to go on is second and third hand narratives which are extremely deceitful in the modern era.

There were, online, old super-8 B&W film of one of the young lamas performing various magical acts, and it was clearly impossible to fabricate back in those days -, what you were watching in the film. But those uploads have all disappeared from the internet - I cannot even locate the odd still pic of the event, which was I think, a Cambridge University documentary but even they are not describing the expedition properly any more.

Leaving aside that the present Dalai Lama has had pressure placed on him by the Beijing CCP, nevertheless his statements through the years overall are unusual and suspect in my view for other reasons, not just the Communist influence one.

The reason I mention the Tibetan situation, is because most people in the West are fairly well aware of it, at least to some 'workable' extent.

So, I want you to keep that subject in mind when I now talk about the Sanskrit tradition in the mountain location of Ayer Itam in Penang.

What makes the 'Paal Kavadi' women
any different to the 'Kanephoroi' of the
Egyptians and the Greeks?
They're in a complete trance by the way.

When I was a small child, around eight years old, I used to go with my Tamil household staff, to the 'Kavadi' festival each year. And (I think I've mentioned this before) I would sidle up the the elderly and well-founded American tourists with their very latest cine-cameras, and for reasons I never could work out, the guys never placed the lanyard around their necks when they intended to film. There were always so many people looking on, that the tourists could not get close where they wanted to be, and so I, unsuspecting by them, would literally take the guy by the hand, swear a few choice spears at the crowd, and get the guy right up to the very front. ...And watch; the tourist guy, not the 'show.' I'd seen that.

When the large, heavy, golden chariots came right up close, I always waited to see the guy's mouth drop open, and then his hands fall and the camera crash to the ground. Every single year.

Again, all of you (well, that's some of you not all of you) who toss this 'where is the evidence' rubbish, are simply being ignorant. 

Because unless you were ever actually there, you have no idea what goes on. Nat Geo isn't going to tell you.

They're in a total complete trance.

What the eff'n f (excuse the French) makes you think Nat Geo has any better of a chance of really getting to the front of a Kavadi ritual than the dumb 'American tourists??'

The basic approach of all of these people is to throw their 'credentials' on the floor in front of whatever Eastern, Southern, Northern, 'Aus'-land-ern (means 'Outlander/Outsider...' German) and expect the yogi or whatever to bow in deference. But instead they think you're being an idiot. No - they know you are an idiot. They're not going to show you nuthin'.

Yet, if Nat Geo were able to actually 'get to the front' of the real thing... They wouldn't be able to fathom it.

And, neither you nor one thousand Stanford scientists with all of their modern versions of 'cine-cams' (because that's all they are) would be able to fathom it either. Don't lie. Don't pretend and don't lie (principally to yourself) about what you don't know about.

The real reasons why the people participating in the Kavadi rituals are all in a trance state is not for what you have ever been led into thinking it's for.

The Pentagon wants 'proof and evidence' of UFOs - real ones. That they can film easily, and maybe even speak with the occupants thereof.

...Well let me take you by the hands, idiots.

You all think you're real smart, those of you with zero perceptive mindset and no reverence because you have nothing reverential yourselves. 'The Bomb' never did it. Because for one thing, it never fell on your head.

Someone 'off page' asked me a good question: 'If as you are saying Cal., they are responsible for the storms and flood and stuff, why are they killing innocent poor people?'

Good question.

Well how can I possibly answer that question at all if the mindset of the modern 'Western' mind is so illiterate, under-educated in terms of say, the Vedic/Sanskrit way of looking at these things, that even were I to say outright what I thought, it would really really 'sound stupid.'

Yet - it would be in keeping, for example, with what the Zohar teaches. And I'm not going to go into it here.

Anyway, here is the bit I never wanted to say.

This week there was some news in Malaysia about Edmond de Rothschild holding some 'exclusive dinner functions' at Macalister Mansion in Penang.

We're talking the actual Edmond de R., here, and not just the bank that is named after his ancestor.

Well David Icke talks a whole helluva lot about 'the Reptilians' well how come he has never spoken to me - I can do 'reptile eyes' and the Katy Perry throat thing. Actually I'm not interested, I'm just saying; these guys know some stuff, but not the real stuff.

Macalister Mansion.

Yeah well I grew up in Macalister Mansion until my mother told my father - 'stop it.'  

I guarantee you there's still a few odd French, especially 'Hugo's' - from that mob - who know me, and, as I was telling our 'Bill Smith' they would know him too because of the sugar traders and so on that his family were part of.

Could we? You know, grab a few casual mil for risky purposes?

But see I'm not what you would call 'domesticated.'

I know where the Siddhis are in Ayer Itam and it's not where the big temples and lights and tourist-y stuff all is. I'm showing you where they are - in the pic there.  

Do you see anyone or anything there? No.

See anyone, anything in that jungle apron
there? You wait till you get to the back of it! LOL
You could shoot down a Malaysian Airways
plane into there and no one would
ever find it.

Because you can't see it. Unless they want you to see it.

People think these 'tulkus' in Tibet are born - that is, 're-born' aka 're-incarnated.'

Nu-uh. That's not how they get there.

Except you don't believe that because you think all of your radar systems know what goes in and out of these 'high mountain places' and jungles and all...

...And so you do, though, don't you, Lue?

I mean hey, Lue knows. And he knows for sure!

Aaargh, don't worry about Lue (Elizondo).

Let's worry about you.

You want to see, don't you?

Luridly, to see.

What's it all about, eh?

You want to know, you want to see - you want to give yourselves grandiose ideas about what 'modern Western sc-ience and education' gives you but absolutely none of you at all, have read all of Plato. Correct?

And that includes every dumb m-f in every single University on the whole goddamn planet and I can prove it too. Because... ...what, seriously do you think Einstein was smarter? Do you?

See nobody has the cash for this type of conversation. I could show you something that would make you instantly sick, you would throw up on the spot. And you would know, absolutely 100% finito la musica know, at that second for sure, that there is no one here on this planet that is really as smart as they've been making out and giving themselves big heads over.

Not Einstein, not anyone.

You wanna bet?

Anyone wanna bet real money?

Dumb as house bricks, let me tell you. Long way to go.

But 'you' (as in the big heads, not you) want a ride in a Tic Tac. ...So the gentleman asks me 'why are they killing people, innocent people?'

I couldn't properly answer him except I do know the answer.

Some of you are still looking at the pics of the Tamil women and going 'psychology, psychology.' As if that somehow makes you understand. You are kidding yourselves those of you who think like this. It has nothing to do with 'psychology' whatsoever.

Will the Stock-Market make a come-back?

Sunday 19 December 2021

Humans Operate By Deducing

This whole fairy tale of 'sci-ence' is an extension, even you could say, a natural extension, of the only 'given truth' we have as a species, that is to say, of a thinking species. And this is namely, the power of deduction.

I mean sure, horses and dogs and birds all think in their own way, but we pride ourselves that we are the best thinkers. Of the Animal Kingdom. Interestingly, Allah does not ascribe to himself as one of his 'attributes' that he is 'the best of thinkers...' He is a planner and a schemer, but not a thinker; and that makes sense. I mean he's gotten away with a lot of things so far because he is indeed a pretty good schemer.

This is not Kubrick's Obelisk.
This is a shower.

Human society has simply nothing at all in the way of this 'Kubrick Obelisk' which imparts to it real, genuine, powerful Cosmic TRUTH, actually hands on. 

People use their natural powers of deduction to come up with theories and narrative propositions and assertions about what is 'TRUE.'

Sociologically, there is also handed-on folklore and this is very important too. But then, you could say that was simply someone else's earlier deductions that are accepted by a broad group of an on-going, a living, particular social network as 'true' and then these are handed on, passed down so to speak.

Moses said 'God' actually turned up for real.

Muhammad likewise also claimed some being who didn't introduced himself at all, but who was later on assumed to be 'Jibreel' (the Hebrew angel Gabriel...! LOL) actually also turned up.

So here we have a slight difference to the usual situation of people deducing from the available information around them.

But generally speaking, there is no existential 'Obelisk' (I'm intentionally using capitalization) the mere touching of which imparts important information on all of those mysterious matters of our lives.

The original Atlantis Obelisk (which is the same as the Egyptian/Phoenician ones) was an object dedicated to whatever is 'up there' where the gods all lived - specifically with the Phoenicians and Atlantis people, it was just to the god Poseidon, whose sons they were said to have been. And they burned bulls at the base of the Obelisk as a sacred sacrifice.

I mean no one held that the Obelisk itself was somehow not an 'Earthly' structure. They saw the men building it. They saw what it was made from.

This is a Filet Mignon,
with mushroom sauce...
See the new addition in the
top right hand corner of the page? 
It's not for you guys. You might get that
for free. Might.

So it's a kind of a deductive 'intellectual leap' to think that well, the sacrifices and the desires and prayers all 'go up to the top of the Obelisk' and then from there to wherever it is that the unseen gods actually were...

Modern man has been doing the same thing with sci fi movies: Star Trek goes 'out there where no one has gone before' (and, where you can't see either) and then the writers make all of these same intellectual leaps to formulate 'reasonable' depictions of super societies and super technology and whatever.

'Sci-ence' does the exact same thing but it uses the fallacy of Sorites to convince you it has a hold of the truth - it goes along along along, at each step narrowing down the focus, ever smaller, ever closer to the edge of the knowable horizon using ever more sophisticated instruments that gather information BUT FROM THEN ON AT WHICH BLURRY 'POINT' PEOPLE DEDUCE THINGS ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING!! LOL

It isn't exactly BS, but well, it is though.

You can place your foot on something held to be true on account of folklore and it stands. And you can place your foot on something held to be true on account of science and it too also stands.

The human powers of deduction are pretty good. Don't get me wrong.

It's when the same people indulge in lies intentionally, and/or when they make incorrect deductions that you can run into trouble.

But the very first lie - the insurmountable one - is that the human power of deduction itself is paramount, reliable and guaranteed by some natural-born faculty in the head...

Back to Kubrick's Obelisk.

Step right this way...
Ne ne ne ne ne ne.

What is he saying?

He's saying: 'This is what you want.'

You want external, independent signification, even if it's of 'something, anything.' 

Because really, we haven't got that. 

There are no 'Ten Commandments' written by the hand of God. Not anywhere.

There is no 'Jibreel.'

So what is there? Is there anything? Well, we have this meager human power of deduction...

It's not enough of course. We want the Obelisk.

Even the United States Government and the Pentagon is looking at UFOs as 'the Obelisk,' you see. All the scientists are doing it as well. If only, if, only we could prove something is out there. This time with our 'sci-ence.' Because that's never wrong, right?

Look, I tell you what - I'm gonna dong you on the head with that dinosaur bone that the ape threw into the air, in that Kubrick movie, just for fun. To see if your head hurts afterwards.

And to see how far 'advanced' the human race really is, from the time of the apes. When, according to the 'sci-entist' Richard Dawkins, humans were apes and then became 'intelligent' like he is now.

Because he is so intelligent. Isn't he. A correspondent recently posed to me this question how come it would be that a truly advanced ET Alien species would just cull people here or kill innocent if ignorant though still benign ordinary human beings.

And I quickly wrote back well I don't think they would!

But they would kill Richard Dawkins though.

And you know the reason why they would... Don't you?

Or don't you?

See the light yet?

I tell you what, I'll make it simple - you pick an intellectual fight with someone who really is more intelligent than you and see what happens.

What are we playing for here, after all, as these godallmighty, wonderful intelligent beings that we claim to be? 

You want to be in that space? Is that what your natural-born ambition is? Are you sure you can make it in that space?

The day human people stop lying to themselves, will be the day super advanced ET Aliens, gods and angels will just turn up, with no fan fare, and play with you.

But go on, keep telling yourself you somehow know better than that.

Friday 17 December 2021

Happy Birthday Paul van Dyk

The 17th of December is Beethoven's 'Tauftag' (German 'baptism day'), which is the day celebrated for the entry of Beethoven into the world, since no one can be sure of his exact birthday.

In Russian the word is 'kreshenie.'

Beethoven - portrait by 
Christian Hornemann

Today - the 17th of December - is also Paul van Dyk's birthday. Happy Birthday Matthias!!!

Sunday, this coming Sunday, there will be a huge livestream 'Sunday Session' with all of us at PVD's lifestream.

But I don't think I'll stick my own webcam on and get involved in all of the messing around.

It's gonna be huge fun though, for those of us who are into this music thing.

At least nobody throws themselves into pools of mud like they do at the 'psy-trance' live concerts - you know, those ones that attract all of the DMT people! LOL

...And then a little bit later, extra hours with JES. 

The joy never ends.

She's been working out all week, I've been walking for miles trying to figure out if 'Machine Elves' are all that real and whether they can start WWIII and end it too with total absolute destruction of everything.

I'm not attributing this quote because I do not recommend DMT at all, but 'someone' pretty famous said 'Machine Elves' (which was in any case a term he was responsible for) employed 'colorful language that condensed into rotating orbs like Faberge Eggs(!)'

...And, they 'sang' things into existence.

Paul van Dyk - selfie, I guess.

Except the next thing you know people say they (the Machine Elves) are 'trans-human' and detached from emotionality.


So... Nothing to do with Beethoven then. Or PVD. And certainly not JES either!

Isn't that so, Nuno?

But then too, I don't think if you are in any way an artistic person, you would necessarily discount the possibility, even the reality (that you yourself may have indeed experienced) - of there being such things as 'Machine Elves.'

Too much of human life though, is focused on its inception - births and nascent life, and youthful vigor (the celebrating and idolizing of young athletes, film stars and all of that) - whereas it cannot be understand except in context of its ending: IE death.

The Zohar - indeed the deeper Torah scholarship does as well - teaches re-incarnation.

Now frankly, for me, that would be terribly exhausting - since some characters say they are able to remember most or even all, of their past incarnations! Jesus Christ surely that would be most annoying and exhausting.

The stunning novel by Virginia Woolf (whom neither Oxford University nor Cambridge permitted into their hallowed halls, as you recall, because she was a woman...) 'Orlando,' is a brilliant study of this matter of re-incarnation. And you can do a lot worse than simply watch the 1992 movie directed by Sally Potter - 'Orlando' - to get the whole story, and very properly presented dramatically in that film it is too.

Sally Potter, you will also recall, produced, directed and starred in 'the Tango Lesson' featuring the amazing Pablo Veron.

Hey listen, waddya
doing with that?
Are you planning to drink
it or are you just messing with it?
Give it here.

...Which again, is none of that from me to say that there is no such thing as re-incarnation, just that I prefer to read Virginia Woolf-written stories about it, and watch well-made movies about it, rather than worry about anything else about it.

By the way, I suppose you know that the Zohar teaches that women though, do not re-incarnate...


Well, although they do qualify that by adding that 'some do' for specific reasons.

God but what is this all about, this coming and going, to-ing and fro-ing without any manuals of operation and backgrounder files for any of it??

Richard Dawkins has you creeping up from out of the primordial slime, never even giving a nod to the altruism of our early ancestors, the fungi, who consumed salt water, and who gave fresh water to the plants altruistically, only to see the plants later on give them back some much-appreciated sugar in return...

...I suppose he could care less whether any of you can recall when you were some fungi, or some vegetation still living in the oceans, and then being taken to the land and given sustenance to do it by other you - aka the fungi.

And then, when the fungi split off and headed their own way, and some other protein and sugar-converting things turned into gerbils or something.

Mind you, Quran teaches gerbils and mice and hamsters and rats are all evil and haram. 

Not sure who it says created them - was it Allah?

Allah, the Grand Author of All Evil then.

Stealth wealth.
Well, not really.

Even when the Flood happened, the mice snuck on board the Zark 'illegally' and they were causing havoc in there but the lion (who got on when Noah was able to capture it, because Allah invented the cold, flu and fever first at that specific time, giving it to the lion who was sick and couldn't eat up Noah...), well the lion sneezed out a cat from his nostrils, which subdued the mice.

True story.

Islamic true story, 100% true. In the Quran and the authentic hadiths so must be true.

Except it's mostly not in the English translations because it is so damn embarrassing.

Listen, when I say 'storms,' storms happen.

You are dealing with a different bloke here!


Isn't what we're all looking for just those few other people around the place who still retain some of that altruistic fungi DNA? Who can absorb the saltwater and give us some fresh water?

Or maybe we are those people with that ancient primordial altruistic fungi DNA bits - and we can take in the saltwater and give some trees fresh water...

If there's a bunch of children, right - and the teacher says 'here, stick your hand inside the box, and touch the glowing orb, and it will give you power to get whatever you want.' There will always be a few kids who say 'I want the Eiffel Tower!' Or 'I want to own the Moon.'

And then the teacher has to say 'Shut up Charlee and just stop being stupid.' He/She doesn't say 'stop being silly.' They say - and they mean - stop being stupid.

It's critically important to think about what you're thinking!