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Saturday 7 September 2024

To The Wire: Delusion Equals Death

This is quite hard for me to write...

Possibly you will have observed that most of the day-to-day people around you, wherever you are, are stuck inside a net of very strong and powerful ties which keep them held to whatever job they are doing, whatever seeming means they use to 'make money.' 

They are not making money - not in terms of getting to keep any of it - but they are moving along in a human social stream of value exchange which takes something from them whilst keeping them alive.This is called parasitism in organic (biological) science terms.

But the delusions they are under are extremely powerful and hold total sway over them.

If you tried to convince any of them to deeply consider what it is they are doing, and then to change their actions and behavior - well you just wouldn't be able to; it is what keeps the planet (of human beings) going along the same path to nowhere that it has been going on for thousands of years.

These are not them, but
one expensive brand makes 
a 'Kubrick' style of eye-wear.
We'll be talking Kubrick a little
down below here.

This is not all happening by accident or by mistake; there is an animating spirit doing it.

Means there is an active intelligence at work here. You can't necessarily see it physically, not as a person or a sole individual human being.

Someone is benefiting from all of this and it is not you or me.

There are people acting under the belief that the capital value increase year-on-year of their home or real estate investments are making them wealthy. 

But net aggregate demand is driving inflation through the roof across all modern Western Nations - and in large part this directly comes exactly from unearned income (as it were) emerging into the domestic economies either through borrowings against equity, or the simple banking fact of M1 driving increases in the quanta of liquidity necessitated through the Central or Reserve Banks (read the Fed if you are in the USA) because of those real estate valuation increases.

So-called checkable deposits are compelled to be available as liquidity to banks when mortgages are rising. The Federal Reserve makes such liquidity available. 

Actual net aggregate demand though, is a function of daily velocity circulation - rather than some theoretical/hypothetical once-in-ten/thirty year actual sale of any given property.

So - inflation. Your spending power goes down the drain and you need to buy groceries and gas every day.

When it comes to this seemingly ridiculous idea about super-advanced not-from-Earth intelligent people (aka 'beings' as others say), I can tell you they never act or interact with humans living and growing here before any critical moment - it's always at what looks like the absolute very last minute.

I'm very 'old-fashioned,'

They take things down to the wire.

In Biblical terms it's like this:'We gave Jezebel time and space in which to repent but she did not.'

Look the whole world is in the thrall of a very evil creature, a very evil let's say type of creature, whether you want to still think of it as a human mindset, or as a paranormal malevolent mindset or even actual individual being like a Satanic Figure which sits on a throne somewhere in some gated estate in California(!).

The Trump-Harris Debate is on in two days...

The contest between natural human mind potential, and the deluded human mind is still very much on and is a contested space.

What makes anyone think the live debating skills of someone like Harris can suddenly zoom up and be so markedly different (better) than at any other - previous - time?

This debate is going to be a disaster for Kamala Harris and the present-era Democrat group.

Doesn't matter how many 'rules' you want to toss in to even things up the reality is different to the delusional beliefs that somehow she can speak clearly with accuracy and substantive content in a live speaking context.

Two days.

You will not see anything in the media to show the disquiet that any non-delusional person who is supporting the Democrat group at this time ought to be consumed with right now.

These people are deluded.


Not forgetting that in the last election, the world all-time record vote that the Republicans got - was 'trumped' by an even bigger vote from out of somewhere that went to Joe Biden. LOL

Over a million 'dead people' votes were last week purged from the Texas voting register...

Only someone who is able to see into the future will be able to say whether some amazing new rabbit will be pulled out of the hat in November 2024. 

What you are up against is a power, and a force, and an intelligent mind-group, that wants to hold you to your 'job,' to your low pay, to your 'lifestyle,' where you have no time to think about the kinds of stuff that is talked about in here - and that will see to it that you are well-and-truly dead after a working lifetime.

Slavery lifetime; put it more accurately that way.

Someone is benefiting.

And what could be more perfect of a system of enslavement, when the slaves enforce the slavery on themselves.

It's easy to fear changing your life to one away from enslavement.

There is nothing the slave loves better than his own chains.

There is nothing he fears more than breaking them.

...But let's upgrade Kubrick's vision for the ending of everything in '2001 A Space Odyssey.'

Oh yeah sure there you are on that bed, in that baroque bedroom. Maybe it's all being run in a sensory simulation by an AI entity somewhere behind the scene. Maybe it is the 'God-Mind' giving you an amenable way out of physical organic reality, strictured by its rules of gravity and entropy: maybe human physical organic reality is a mistake of some 'Engineer' (a very poor movie, in my view - 'Prometheus').

But we have uncovered that we can 'upgrade' that scene's dynamics.

I am completely in line with one of our number here who suggested recently there was a name for a 'hidden way' up through the space wall - something called the Saratri. I'll go along with that 100%.

'Seeing' the Green Fairy is not
delusional at all. It is an effect of chemicals
inside the brain which creates impressions
on the senses and in the optical frame
of sensory perception.
To believe more things about those
impressions than what is really true,
is delusional.

Kubrick's model gives you the idea that David Bowman in that ornate room at the end of the movie appears to be able to 'encourage' the super-imposing intelligent mind that is arranging things, to supply him with a variety of appealing experiences.

My experience appears to have no limit though to the dangerous, the risky, the aggressive, side of human intentions...

I happen to know that one of the 'bargaining' items demanded by Hamas to Israel (but really, to the US government) was the release of Abu Zubaydah, the one-eyed Palestinian citizen born in Saudi Arabia and held in Guantanamo. This demand backed by the offer to either release hostages or to kill them (some of, them) was prefaced by the demand for 'proof-of-life' (of Zubaydah).

But Zubaydah is dead.

So we have a lot of problems in the world today.

I also, like David Bowman, could be in that White Room. So could you be, and some of you certainly are. Unlike David Bowman, whose entire personality seems to contain only thoughts of peace, my thoughts are much more sanguine.

And yes, I know there are a lot of egos out there in so-called 'elite world.' They would all want to doubt any kind of power that stands against them from some 'occult' or at least let's call it hidden, place.

No doubt some of them are less evil than I am painting them. I don't fancy any of their chances though, against the Overall Mind in the White Room.

No one and no thing, can enter the supernal state -, who or which is under any form of delusion.

Because any real, any genuinely Absolute Truth condition cannot admit of falseness within its personal entity space. 

What goes on forever cannot 'die;' what cannot last forever, dies. Delusion in the minds of humans, is what causes their deaths.

Underneath the place of Absolute Truth exists the ordinary, the mundane world. And in here we all wait painfully for the decent kinds of advanced technology-possessing intelligent visitors to turn up. To show. To be on show for everyone. To physically have literally come from far away across the galaxies.

They will. At the very last minute.

Meanwhile, you must cut your ties with burden. And that is not a Harris-ism.



Monday 2 September 2024

The Theory Or The Practice?

So, I'm way behind with all of you on the practice... ...well okay, by my standards of what should be 'on the money.'

'Way behind' for me in this particular context means a series of postponements for something fairly, I guess, grandiose if you knew what was in my mind about this.

But I can give you the theory.

It's not even my own enunciation of a set of current timescale or current focus beliefs which I am prepared to declare are valid in relation to all of the accessible facts (from whatever sources). The theory can be heard from Eric Weinstein.

This implicitly speaks of the time 
necessary to appreciate beauty.

I think he's a genius and he I think he's right; about modern or 'right-now' contemporary society.

Without me getting into a full description of exactly what it is we are doing over here, one of the salient aspects to me of what I have been encountering (and I simply mean encountering with plain ordinary other people), is that it strikes me as not even closely possible that a genuinely rich person could be having such a great time living in today's world.

Oh sure, Davos and all of that crowd of insane 'silent generation/Baby Boomer' people are going to rail against what I just said and howl loud and long about how great life is with them but I doubt it.

The person with the absolute best library that I know - and that I guarantee you will not be rivaled anywhere on the planet at all right now - is me it's not Jeff Bezos or even Elon Musk.

Musk would get a fright at what I could I show him...

I possess documents - and they're all ordinary copies not anything like 'collector originals' or anything like that - that no one else has. Period.

Or if here and there some people do have (one or two of them), they don't know what they mean. Not in terms of ideas, not in terms of value.

Unless you are this,
literally, although it cannot be
seen by others in this obvious
way, you are not truly

Nobody else has all of them.

I have all of them.

I have lost at least four whole libraries in my life; once through a war situation, and once in a race riot. And the others for other reasons not important right now.

Sheer envy was one reason, no doubt.

I had a prominent local chartered accountant literally steal a small set of hard back books one time... LOL

What do these books do?

They will resolve every single inter-relating/relationship problem you ever had, they will lay out knowledge about chemistry from basic and available things that will do anything and everything 'Science TM' pretends it can do (which it always 'can do' for money, though; if you notice), and it will 'open doors' to places others can only dream about (going).

There is simply nothing across the whole internet that can rival this 'codex.'

And that's just stating a fact.

One other thing it will do is show you how to get paid what you are really worth in absolute terms, while the economy run by the Davos crew is trying to expand the labor pool so that all average labor is worth less (er, worthless, lol).

I cannot understand how a truly cash rich or 'wealthy' person can live going on like everybody else right now.

Let me give you one example.

Fifty years ago my grandmother and my mother too, wanted to start a 'Turkish baths' by which they meant a health resort with teaching on food and lifestyle and with highly-trained people able to do actual therapeutic massage.

There is a difference between the
fantasies of a stuck-in-the-mud
mind, and someone who has the
practical powers required.
Power is energy into mechanical balance.
Most people today are unbalanced 
because their lives have no time.

The implication back in those days whenever anyone said 'massage' was that there was an illicit intention pure and simple (well not pure, I guess). 

Today, there are thousands of massage centers around the city here and all of them are more-or-less accredited via government-backed 'authoritative' academic colleges or whatever you want to call them.

They teach rubbish and they know nothing. Well, of course that is not completely true but everything they do 'know' they have stolen from traditional sources that would not have ever been open to converting to a Western(-ized) industrialized 'McDonald's' version of an art-form.

So what the pseudo-rich people here in the city have easy general access to - is rubbish.


Well are you happy with that, idiots? Idiot rich people?!

Are you supposed to be rich, are you?

One person said to me today, vis-a-vis the subject of Oseltamivir (the pharmacy medicine) that 'there must be something more to it than... (just what I told her it was derived from) ...because, she knew the guy who 'invented' it and he had the molecules sent up on a NASA space flight and tested out there with the specific proteins to see what exact compound would 'catch' onto the disease components and so on.

And I said to her how long did she think the human race had been surviving on the Earth just now? 

I'm not completely sure she got what I was saying.

Even this - which is close to
good - has too tight sleeves.
But this is close. To reasonably okay.

But she actually shut up though and her mind was considering things because her original complaint was that it was late, everywhere was closed (meaning in situ doctor places) and so she had to go to one of these new 'phone consults' and get a non-subsidized script (meaning it would cost some decent money), because her daughter was immunocompromised with a form of cancer and undergoing therapy and so on and needed the drug right now within a day or things would go from very bad to a whole lot worse.

And I had said, well, when it's late sometime again maybe and you can't find a doctor at the hour and all of that, better have this stuff handy in your kitchen.

The fact is it's actually a whole lot better than the pharmacy/doctor medicine.

Good luck though, if you're one of these idiotic 'rich' people who cannot comprehend that a real massage, for example, is going to take you a whole day - even just 'coming back down' will take you six hours at least.

He he he.Good luck on your hour-and-a-half long, five hundred dollar 'accredited' BS massage though. If that's what you think is 'real.' Pay the money.

This is the same kind of stupid nonsense that is going on with the car business, and with men's clothes: the Rolls Royce Spectre is disgusting and even so-called 'hand-made bespoke' men's suites are too tight everywhere and short at the ankle; both things look ridiculous in RL and this is all now a matter of 'the Emperor's New Clothes.' 

I do not know one single person here where I live whose brain is not consumed each day with the price of properties...

If there were elevators now, and there were elevator boys, they'd all be preaching about how to make a million in real estate.

And y'all know where that leads and when.

We have watched Central Banks wreck the money markets now for thirty years. And so it is easy to think that they will never be called to pay the piper.

But listen, if you happen to be actually rich and you want to know what a true traditional massage is, well I will arrange for you to get one - it'll cost you a whole weekend of time and ten grand in money. And you cannot get such a thing for less anywhere.

This is 'for an example' of what money ought to be able to buy the actually rich.

But there are no or very few 'actually rich' because those who think they have large positive digital figures in their accounts, have no brains, are completely uncultured with no intellectual means to appreciate good things personally (in silence and without showing off to others as the point of their spending of money), and do not have anywhere like the time needed to enjoy themselves fully and deeply.

Saturday 31 August 2024

Who Cannot Cross The Bridge

right now...

Does not mean they will not cross later on.

But there are oh so many who will not cross; right now.

As one expansion on this theme, there is the parable of the rich young man, of course. Except in the narrative he was not just 'rich' - he was very rich.

He said: 'What must I do to inherit ETERNAL LIFE?'

Jeez, he's not asking for much though, is he...

The clouds are grey and gathering, and the ceiling 
seems clear and penetrable.
But there is protection.


Anyway, he is told to 'sell all that you have, give your money to the poor, and come -,' follow this weird dude.


And he became crestfallen, and felt sad, because he could not do it.


Ah well, I guess the immediate entertainment value of having all that wealth was just too attractive for him to give it up for the sake of some - well, unknown future across all of eternity. Who can blame him.

Look I think the problem is not the wealth. It is not having lots of money, or a lot of money or a moderate to medium-large amount of money. It is that money in the human earthly typical normal domain comes with a lot of catches, the principal one being that it denies you the right to a free mind and the time to really deeply consider what you are doing and what is going on and in what ways you want to relate to others.

Many people think money buys you free time but it does not - wisdom gets you the right kind of money to give you enough of the right kind of time!

A lot of ancient scriptural stuff is just commentary - someone's own personal perceptions; whereas the actual key elements cut to the chase.

Pack your bags, you are going 
To the Bridge.
To cross it.
To enter into somewhere...

'The word issues forth (literally for God) and it falls like rain, some upon rocks and hard ground, some upon good earth and then the plants grow from there.' (We're going to witness some of it in a few moments).

Some people encounter something which is categorically a Divine Source thing, and it is part of the field and therefore there is a field effect, except some of those individuals are unable to 'hear' the substance of that field. 

But for those who do hear and are able to feel it, then the field itself passes into them and they become part of the field themselves.

And this is super important.

And then what you must understand and really, try and accept to begin with, even though at first it might seem to you that there is no immediate evidence being displayed as reflection back to you from those other people around you, the fact is, they are being affected by you for sure and by-and-by things happen - literally because you have become the Divine Field itself.

And you will have all of the characteristics of such a field, which are namely, or at least that include, what appears as if it is supernatural power.

Well I guess it is supernatural, but all that is saying is that the ordinary condition and state of people and the human race is mediocre, limited, with self-imposed limitations. And don't forget that the powers against you, the forces within ordinary people, are titanic, and therefore not small. They are primordial, and evil. And you can overpower them and overcome them, but first not without the pressure of resistance. 

We have played this before but it is time to remember it. Best best-quality over-the-ear headphones that you can find!

Each individual life a 
golden book.
In a Divine Library...
...of books.
Nothing is lost.

These are masters. And what they are conveying is not merely mastery, but it is the field - and so if you 'get it' you literally absorb something of it and become a thing in it; carrying it with you as you walk and live and exist.

And all other people around you are affected by 'you' thereafter.

Do you actually imagine, there is better than this somewhere else? What where 'else?' And if this is part of the Divine Place, then it is automatically part of the field, and you are encountering it. And crossing into somewhere. 

The main point for earth-bound humans is whether they are even able to hear it, to sense it, to perceive it, to know and understand it.


You want substance for sure. This is appreciated.

But first you must possess the tools of acquisition of the whole substance. 

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Instant Bridge

It's interesting that the concept of entropy was just now raised (in the immediate previous post's comment section).

Entropy is the 'unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work.'

However the current physics extension of this is the notion that everything in the material Universe is tending towards absolute randomness and 'unavailability of thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work.'

This is just a blatantly false idea about hard reality.

I mean I guess it's only 'blatantly false' to those whose perspective is already from a certain enlightened standpoint...

The figure of the obelisk
is an ancient one.

It seems to forever elude the minds of the scientists of recent centuries, that in absolute observable categorical fact - the 'Universe' is not anything linear at all.

The Universe both tends towards randomness, as well and at the same time that it tends towards complete amorphous continuity which includes flow and function(/s). In other words it is only expanding insofar as it may be considered a 'bubble' from the human mind's perspective on the inside, but it is a contained set in absolute reality within which light maintains a perfect 'everywhere' existence within the sum set of material normalcy, and the so-called 'black holes' actually being something outside of the normalcy conditions... far as people know just for the present moment.

Not only need we say 'light' but the sub-photon quanta such as neutrinos in particular must be held to be part of the 'everywhere field' potential; they (can) go everywhere, and they are everywhere, and they are in permanent motion. Neutrinos do not stop and neither do photons.

If consciousness is the 'obelisk' (referencing the famous symbol in Kubrick's movie 2001), and we are conscious - then we should be 'praying' (if we're going to do that - or else let's call it 'looking to the inner mystical obelisk') to the Universally interchangeable monoliths of our own consciousness...

And this is not the same thing at all as supposing that 'we are God;' it simply proposes that we are the obelisk - which in turn has some mysterious, possibly divine, relationship to the existential reality.

'Obelisk' literally means the shaft of Baal.

And the Book of Genesis speaks of a shaft - which has been mistranslated into this idea about a 'tree' in the garden and so on. 

But all-in-all, critically, it is necessary to observe that light and sub-atomic field components such as neutrinos - connect our consciousness with the Universe.

The bridge - and it is an instant bridge - is light.

The Red Rocks amphitheater
in Colorado.

The peak conscious mind at any given moment in the seeming or apparent linear existence of the material Universe - is therefore necessarily also the same mind as the real 'God mind' whatever that is (in the same was as Kubrick never clearly defined what was behind the intelligence of the obelisk).

Kubrick shows the obelisk as benevolent, powerful - indeed it is literally all-powerful - all-knowing, but in some ways ineffable.

The peak example of a conscious intelligent mind must be the 'chief cornerstone.' It has to be that or at minimum a materially existing equivalent to some ineffable 'super mind/God mind.'

You don't actually have to be such a mind yourself. You merely need to be in touch with it and the bridge is categorically that of whatever thing is everywhere and goes everywhere in the Universe: it is bound to be light plain and simple; and all of the other tied co-efficient's of field theory and electromagnetic propagation caused by light.

In the total (relatively total...! lol) darkness of deep nighttime, your own living electromagnetic and thermal energy is sufficient light albeit at low wavelengths. And in the broad daylight there is a stupendous amount of bouncing around photons except the orderliness of these is dubious - hence here the system is tending towards randomness and chaos.

'I cannot see God.' 'I cannot make contact with super-advanced ET Aliens (EG Kubrick's obelisk) who may be here or coming here.'

Yes you can.

What does this cost in money...

And by the way, just because the word 'obelisk' means 'the shaft of Baal' does not mean that you are 'worshiping Baal' whenever you think about the light field as the paramount means of communicating with some 'Divine' or some super-sensory aware/super sensory technology system's personal identity and mind.

Paul (Bulos, in the Arabic Islamic literature - same guy by the way) was on the road to Damascus when he was struck to the ground by some 'invisible force field' and had his mind illuminated to the point of a kind of optical vertigo, which he called blindness through the brightness of the light.

This all 'happened to him' whereas you are happening into the light field all on your own account, by the actual intentional will of your own deciding self.

'I want to see the light.' 

Well actually no, you do not want to simply 'see it.' You want to acknowledge that it is the connecting thing between you, between your mind -, and whatever benevolent, super-powerful, super-intelligent, mind, is out there. And it is not through words or even ideas that provide the actual path, the connection - it is through whatever makes up the uniform field around you and that extends into the place that there is another mind not your mind.

Paul said a super-bright surrounding light - but that was happening to him. 

...Just bringing things back down to earth
a little bit.

And here is where this whole concept of ethics and morality comes right into a very sharp focus:

If, there is such a mind, and it is truly benevolent, truly honest, also 'existential Truth' as such - then you have to be very careful that you do not tread on its sensibilities because you are (let's just say for the sake of the argument's case) not honest, not benevolent, not truthful or attracted by truth and otherwise arrogant in such a way as to provoke some unhappy response!

Yet, all the same, if you are an example of the potential for 'peak mind,' then you are both entitled to bridge the gap, as well as obligated as an intelligent being seeking proper place in the Universal existence to attempt to bridge that gap.

The process is thus, utterly straightforward. You want, you want things, you desire, you have desires, so you probe the Existential Universal Reality for Intelligent Super-Mind via connection.

I guarantee that you will get the most fulsome results.

This 'lingua franca' of money that virtually everyone uses today in the modern world to pretend that are going to get what they want via it - is absolute rubbish.

There is your 'entropy:' your tendency towards chaos and randomness, because all of the intentions and will-powers of people are all so conflicted.

And that is why you are also 'not God.' 'God' is the Super Mind thing that you channel your thoughts into via the light field. It is a discrete area outside of you but that you can breach into and connect with on its terms and only beneficially when these are also mutual terms (IE you agree with them)  And then that Super Mind processes all of the realities and renders back to you the empowered outcome. It only seems like an 'AI' mind or 'AI-powered obelisk' (EG Kubrick's conception) because it calculates on the basis of full facts and complete knowledge.

Except it is not machine mind and therefore only artificial intelligence.

It is real intelligence and when you realize that it is, I mean fully feel that it is - that's when you have made connection.

All things (that you can imagine and think of) are possible.

They are.

You need faith because you are living in a linear paradigm and reside only on one spot as it moves forward along that line.

You are not a servant of this Super Mind.

Not the only person whose feet
I would...
...But it's a start for an arrogant
guy like me, right?

That is precisely what the meaning of being entranced by the Demonic or Satanic mind, is. This supremely hostile mind does not want you to be mutually involved with the actual Super Mind! It cannot afford that to happen.

What makes you or anyone believe, that they are inferior to the intentions, and to the Will, and to the designs of a designing God-Mind? So inferior that they are merely servants?

How does the scriptural saying 'God made Man in His own Image and Likeness' fit with any such contradicting concept of inferiority and servant status?

It does not.


Tear the mask off the Devil. As soon as you see or hear the unqualified phrase 'servant of God' run like hell.

Friend of God you should be. A friend also serves, yes; but as a friend not a slave.

Beware the incredible subtleties of intelligence and of 'mind.'

Yes, servant; but this is qualified by 'in what way a servant?'

Yes Jesus washed feet but He was not ordered by anyone to do that - He did it as a spontaneous act of His own choosing.

Sunday 25 August 2024

'Imminent' By Elizondo

It was/is not ever my intention whatsoever, to cut across what someone like a Lou Elizondo wants to record, write about, and subsequently publish.

In his up-coming new book 'Imminent' he writes about what caused him to break out of the government Intel official structure, and thus most of the strictures it placed him under, in order to further the investigation into what government knows of non-human beings coming here.

But it is a fact that we here already foreshadowed this main thing about the morphology effects of human brains that have been interacting with ET.

I personally think, that you can
attract superior ET Aliens,with 
simple human artifacts.

It's contained in the literature that was previously posted up on Inkitt. I can't remember precisely where as actual phrases but holistically it is all there and you can tell it.

Then again it is possibly more significant of a thing when looked at from the perspective of Elizondo's past official role and his position in government with the authority and power to get best data and have all of it checked and examined through academic scientific eyes.

And the basic conclusion of those guys, according to Elizondo's latest book, is that all of the people who are what has been termed 'experiencers' and who do have or apparently claim to have 'remote viewing' capabilities have a section of their brain much more developed - larger, more active, more functioning - than those same sections in other people; other 'normal' people.

This section is known as the caudate putamen, which are two linked areas whose function is to receive the input from the cerebral cortex, with the putamen being the part which organizes 'correct responses' from all of the sensory inputs plus the cerebral determinings of what those inputs mean.

So in other words it is not that these people are simply having vastly increased awareness of whatever is going on around them, down to extremely subtle levels, but they are more capable of accurately assessing the signals, interpreting the sensory signs, and reacting in appropriate, correct ways.

Such people can easily tell what is a faked ET pic or video or film; can easily tell what is a faked portrayal being presented of some seemingly real-time incident or visitation.

In simplistic but effective phrasing, the caudate region gives someone their capacities for intuitive thinking; aka their intuition.

Caudate-putamen location.

But he goes on to say that from what various Intel branches were analyzing, people who had these advanced developed areas in their brain were also acting almost like beacons for contact.

And so, without wishing to truncate Elizondo's book - and it is one worth acquiring if you have the time and money to do so - I am simply stating it as a fact now that all of you who have been going down this path of doing the regime of things that have been discussed here already, will be developing the caudate putamen regions in your brain and it is an inevitable fact thereafter at some certain point, you will yourselves all be 'attracting attention...'

Elizondo's book underscores what I just said and he puts things in exactly the same terms.

Secondly, you will be able to recognize others like you from out of any group of apparent 'strangers.'

Intuition that fails is one thing, and it is not in that case really intuitive thinking at all - but true intuitive thinking is the genuine capacity to be picking up information, data, sensory signals, extremely subtle signals, and processing it in the thinking mind, the assessing mind -, and deriving right conclusions from all of that process.

I think probably one very unfortunate aspect of the matter is that you will be noticing more and more how weak are the minds of so-called 'normal' people, and how self-limited they are, how much in darkness their minds are and how short-ranged the scope of their thinking is.

They still feel suffering - it is not as if the mere fact that their minds are limited means the depth of their feeling is any the less.

But they cannot get out of their cages, cannot break out from their boundaries; are not liberated and cannot be liberated.

Victoria Ray.
Sings in the track below.

Here's the key thing:

On the one hand you might have long desired to make contact - and presumably this is desired to be with an actually advanced intelligent species and not some demonic entity for the objective of gaining wealth - on the other hand this has never proven easily achieved along any guaranteed pathway.

Virtually every single description of the 'contact' encounter by anyone at all, always talks about the way the 'beings' can look into your brain, into your thoughts.

Unless you have the equivalent capabilities the whole thing will always be a kind of an invasion of your personal space. 

Yes things are imminent. The timing is all to do with you.

It's remarkable the number of times the ancient writings are dealing in what we can look upon now as 'contact:'

The Wise Men are in some versions said to have been 'told by an angel' about Herod's true intentions, in other versions they simply intuited what he had in his mind.

Your own mind can be a search light. You are what you will be, what you will become, what you are becoming... The song (lyrics part) starts at about 1:20+ in: