So I'm listening to a kind of a debate earlier today, more of an argument really, between one Muslim guy and another, and with a third person - not Muslim - in the middle pretending to moderate.
There's around 300 million Shia (Muslims) on the planet and around 1.7 billion Sunnis (Muslims).
The Sunni guy says to the Shia, 'Oh you know that Aisha, Mother of the Believers, tried to kill Hussein.'
And the Shia guy says 'God forbid such a thing!'
And the two go at it for quite a few minutes saying first one thing to scandalize the other, and then the other giving back as much as he was given.
The third guy suddenly steps in and says 'Do you believe what the Quran says - 100% completely?'
'Oh yes, oh yes...' They both announce.
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Mont Blanc has a 'library leather' collection out now. Do they care about actual libraries? Not a bit. Well, nobody else does either so what does it matter. Lie-braries. Is what they have. |
'So when I go to Heaven (aka 'Jannah' in the Arabic) if I am a Believer, I can have sex with Aisha, right...'
Waaaa?! Noooo.
'What do you mean 'no?' It says so in the Quran.'
'Where?? Where??'
'Right there: those who enter in Jannah will be able to have whatever they want.'
...And then he proceeds to quote half-a-dozen famous and respected authorities of the past who voiced their 'love' of Aisha to the point that they voiced the wish to 'have sex with Aisha' (Arabic is a much cruder language than we suppose though, and the source phraseology is in fact pretty crude).
And he gets them to affirm that so many various important and esteemed scholars opine that each of these 'would surely go to Jannah' on account of their struggles for Allah and his Messenger.
So what happens next with this kind of contentious argument?
Who knows? I don't know. I never stayed to hear the whole thing out.
Along the way it was already clear the Sunni guy was veering to the typical 'Oh Shias believe crazy stuff' while the Shia guy was making noises about how insulting Sunnis were towards great figures of early Islam, and how much lack-of-respect they all held for the Beloved Aisha Mother of the Believers.
At the foot of the Cross where Jesus was being (also) killed, as our current friend Ammon tells us, the texts say that there were two Marys, one the Mother of God and the other, the Magdalene...
And Ammon goes on to say how Jesus calls the young guy there as well, by the Greek title ascribed to the god Hermes...
And then Ammon tells us what no one has ever before said, namely that 'Magdalene' means the 'witch who has the power over life and death' - or Chaldean female magus.
Somewhere in the world, there are Seventh Day Adventists arguing about which day of the week -, whatever...
1.7 billion and 300 million.
And so on and so forth.
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The Witch Queen. Maybe. Could be. Prolly is. Why not? |
People. Humans.
And then - so let's just propose -, hypothetically, this super-incredible advanced intelligent species turns up here, and absolutely does have the technical systems to ascertain if the Shia is right or the Sunni guy, or the third guy, or if Ammon Hillman has any truth in what his contentions are.
And these Aliens come to a particular conclusion, let's say, and then what?
Are they going to be able to 'convince' Sunni guy?
What about Shia guy?
What about those listening to Ammon? What about the Pope... ...for that matter.
Or anyone else.
One thing is for sure and is absolutely clear. All of the human beings firmly believe within themselves that they are honest, and that they have nothing but the best of all possible intentions and that they are inherently 'good' beings, and maybe sure of course they could be subject to better information and better conditions and so on.
But fundamentally the one thing you will never get any of them to say inside of their own minds, is this: 'I am a liar to myself and to others, and most of all I am a liar about what truly motivates me at every step. And I am not just ignorant, but I am a militantly stupid, militantly intent, self-deceiving liar. I would rather (literally) go to my grave holding onto whatever stupid nonsense I choose to believe and to think, rather than operate always on the basis that there is an objective Truth outside of myself which might not be what I know and think or imagine.'
As you position yourself in human society - in the present human social context - then you have to be a liar!
'I am a human and I want to be in human society.'
The first part might be true - the second part is very tenuous of a statement to make broadly on behalf of everyone.
Well now I'm going to tell you something that is true and that is horrifying and most people will simply not accept it at all.
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Human political truth is like saying the Macron truly cares about the flowers of Versailles... |
The reason that (some) 'people' exist on this planet, who kill others and do deliberately damaging things, is not at all for any reason of 'power' or political rule and widespread power over others, but it is because they are not alive in the Aionic Time sense. The Jewish Kabbalah people want to use the terminology and metaphorical language about a 'husk' and say these 'people' have nothing of the 'heavenly spark' inside of them.
A creature that exists on the planet - an animal - that also is like this, is the Komodo Dragon. And these animals are literally physical manifestations of what these other 'people' are really like if you could see them with the kinds of eyes that disclose it.
The 'people' have the objective of holding a real living human person in a position in which they have to give up either all of their living internal spark, or some of it, to the non-Aionic Time 'people' - and then they will be 'free.' Or freed.
You don't believe this.
Beings on this Earth, have only mortal lives to play with in the ordinary physical run of things.
'Mortal' means they live a certain number of years, and then they die.
Now either you believe there is a Good Deity in command of the Cosmos, or else that beings can have advanced to the point where they daisy-chain internal consciousness, into new physical bodies, and by so doing, effectively 'live forever' - but are not exactly what you would call 'morally and ethically good.'
In other words, if no 'Good Deity' then it is possible that quite evil beings can definitely still 'evolve' and 'advance' technologically to the stage I outlined.
But if a Good Deity, then no way can that happen, or ever have happened.
But then too, if a Good Deity (is posited) then we cannot insist such advanced physical beings are going to live their own lives in a permanent state of silly ignorance about all kinds of other things - instead, they will always insist on being as close to actual existential (real) Truth as is materially and intellectually possible.
Which leads me back to the beginning - to the central point of the argument - how can you persist in craziness all day long, sign up to utter nonsense, stuff that is provably wrong, never showing any desire or willingness to challenge naked falsehoods with appeals to evidence and to existential (means real and experienced) Truth, and then be in any kind of harmonic accord with an advanced Alien race that shies away from such absurdity of thinking all the time?
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Dead people can still make great things. Humans are all (mostly all) eventually dead people because they are mortals. This is linear time; Aionic Time is different. |
You have no idea who taught the human race how to make bread in the Bronze Ages - which is how to repeatedly grow and re-grow wheat from seeds that are neither distinctly male or female. No idea who taught Alexander's army to make what today we would recognize as 'carbon fiber' employed to construct light, super-strong armored clothes.
No idea what inspired the great religions of the Western World. No idea what languages they were composed as texts in. No idea who 'Moses' was. No idea what was there in the Harappan Valley civilization. No idea who built Gobekli Tepe. No idea who worked out the process of extracting the purple dye from the Murex sea-snail or why that color is reserved only for Royalty.
But you want to make a nuclear bomb to kill people with - to get your way because your way is guaranteed better than that guy's way who you are going to kill.
So today - tonight in fact - some 'friends' are arriving out at Red Rocks Colorado. And you have not much time left to get your act together.
It's tonight.
Okay actually you have plenty of time. Because you know exactly what to work on.
It's the rest of the world who are in some difficulty here.
Wait. I live near Red Rocks! (Bulldog lives here, too.) Is there something we should do?!
ReplyDeleteNah. Nothing. Most of the audience will likely be so out of it they won't even know what happened. It's not a big BIG deal. We'll see if someone gets some pics. ...Or if, in seeing who is there openly on stage anyway, realize what they are looking at. Remember - elongated tops of ear, straight across eyebrows, fairly sharp features.
Delete"Live Nation is thrilled to announce OMAR APOLLO live at Red Rocks Amphitheatre Thursday, September 26th, 2024."
ReplyDeleteWhat to do? Go there? Or flee?!
You don't do anything. This is about alerting your mind, and coming up to speed fast. Ammon Hillman is 92% (! my fake estimation) correct. He has left out ALL of the other passages though, in looking at 'who was the little naked boy in the garden at 4 AM when Jesus was arrested.'
DeleteContention is an interesting thing. For instance, what I hear from the human people who claim to represent "non human" people: "Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin ARE the white hats." (Elena Danaan, "Galactic News Network.") What I hear from the "somewhere" via the moment between sleeping and waking: The spirit of the law is not established after codification of law. In an enlightened system the codification is the successor to the prior established spirit.
ReplyDeleteSo apparently I have a bone to pick with Thor Han or something. Thor Han is not my buddy, maybe because he's too involved in high level top secret military generals fate of the galaxy shit. But via Elena he has apparently told me and many others "thought forms imprint the physical reality." And so there is in that a slight possibility that "spirit of law" can indeed be established through some sort of adaptive process involving the minds of a small or even large group of people. A toe-hold on a very steep climb.
In the meantime I'm left laughing at the thought of the possibility of "white hats" existing at all among those who deal in codification of law, which can not possibly exist in anything but a state of complete corruption (since it is developed with the idea that the spirit will be established later, through court actions.)
"We do not vote, we adapt. You can think of wood being steam bent to a form." (Again from a dream.) Wood has an interesting structure. It could be fibrous. The steam makes fibers pliable, in which state they are able to adapt to external forms.
Contention is a good thing insofar as it "softens the fibers up." They can then be bent this way and that, but after the new form cools the essential structure of the fibers remains. If you are uncomfortable with the idea that people are "fibers" being bent to some external form established by someone else's will, then make some other choice about what the "fibers" are in this analogy.
Thank you old money for your advice about eating. I suspect that I'm to blame for this ^ post. The reason l asked in the first place was to put aside silly humans and their contentions to get to the truth of the matter. I'm a why girl so I'm always after the truth of a thing, I may not always see or understand it. But still I will ask why (I might have to rethink doing that, it seems to cause trouble)
ReplyDeleteFor instance why have l always been overweight (since age 7) and never able to maintain a lean body if eating like my peers? My lived experience is that I can't eat the same as my peers without being overweight. The experts in their field don’t have answers for this so l ask the guy who maybe has access to higher order beings or their muses or whatever because maybe they know the truth of the matter. Is it the food or is it the body? Or is it the mind? The body is in the spirit? Well the eff do I do with that? Oi spirit you sort it out then?
Do I lie to myself. Yes, a lot. I’m well aware that l ignore my better judgement quite frequently even as I'm doing it. Can’t lie about that.
Anyway on to Ammon I've watched his Danny Jones interview and a couple of his early videos on his YouTube (probably gonna get in trouble now). So the death and rebirth mystery using venom and antidotes sounds a lot like nde's in the sense that they are shown things on the other side and return with a new sense of self, a kind of rebirth. How are these processes different from each other?
It’s still early viewing but I’m interested in hearing more about “burning off the mortal” and if that can that be achieved without use of the various drugs and flatliners type rituals.
And one For Kitty. I've not listened to Elena there only one channel I listen to re the galactic federation and that is Matt Kahn. And he only recently reluctantly admitted to an association with that. He is so likeable. Do Elena et al speak about some upcoming burst of light event? Designed to raise our collective frequency and maybe upgrades (please say "upgrades" like matrix Neo for full effect). I could look this up for myself but #lazy #honest
Matt Kahn, never heard of! He doesn't even cross my youtube feed randomly. Will look for.
DeleteI don't watch everything Elena puts out, but recently she delivered a message from someone she calls "Una," regarding the funny noise heard on the Boeing space capsule. According to Una it was both a test for "your scientists" and also a kind of "activation signal" for a small group of people on earth, to play some new role regarding the space arks and their activation. So much the same stuff. Sometimes I wake up at night and see the craziest lights with my eyes closed. I am a believer in the concept of "download." I'm just not convinced that it is "coming from" "someone else" for "me specifically." I think it's there for us all but is experienced differently by different people.
A few years ago she delivered the message that part of the "disclosure process" involved the imminent discovery of life on another planet with the James Webb telescope. In 2023 it seems it did discover dimethyl sulfide.
Thanks Kitty I will have to look her up. I too am a believer in the concept of the download but haven’t received anything meaningful beyond a something I’ve forgotten and if I’m just quiet enough I might remind myself.
DeleteIm also careful about what I joke about ever since my OE to the US and joking about there being an apartment to rent sign in the window around the corner and having to buy two forks, two spoons… and sure enough
I also watch Anne Tucker who channels Angels. Not sure how you feel about that but she mentions a light event (perhaps Betelgeuse) and an earth rupture along the undersea volcanic region south of India which is meant to switch up how humanity behaves towards each other for the better?!?
Believe me, Ammon is very wrong overall with what I am taking to be his ultimate conclusion or maybe what these 'conclusions' are, but nonetheless he is super-important because he is opening up the reality of Western civilization and its authentic history, rather than the diatribes and propaganda that come/s at the ends of swords or guns. It's absolutely vital to know and understand about the time-scales involved, the 'journey' through Ancient Lydia and on through High Classical times like those of Athens and then Rome, and then through the Dark Ages and into the Middle Ages and Renaissance (to now). Hillman has critical bits and pieces missing from his argument, but this does not detract from the basic strength of cleared-up elements of it along the way.
DeleteThey came from the sirius system on an evacuation mission. They came from the future and back into the past and present. They come from a specific segment of linear time, a time line. They enter aionic time by entering into aionic consciousness but this also means that they can create ships with their minds that can travel faster than light speed, which causes the physical body and ship to therefore enter an aionic closed time like curvature, which is one higher ordinal than a time line.
ReplyDeleteOk let's just level here. What is happening and going to happen in a few years is this: Sirius B is going to collapse into Sirius A. This is going to cause a black hole. We do not understand the totality of the laws of physics, but suffice it to say that this collapse will cause a massive outburst of electromagnetic radiation that can and does influence our reality in empirically measurable ways which we in all our scientific "genius" are not even able to conceptualize yet, let alone observe.
The earth passes through the 11000 year or so cycle of the galactic ecliptic, and in a certain part of this cycle we go through a field which contains electromagnetic radiation still being emitted from the incident which occurred around 2000 years ago, when the original Sirius B, a large, burning star like its counterpart A, experienced a partial merger with Sirius A. This likewise caused a massive outburst of EMF which caused a heat wave on the earth.
The monument in French Basque country known as the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye is a testament to this cataclysmic cycle. It tells those who can see it exactly what is going to happen. And if you listen to the spiritual oracle inside us, it will tell you the exact date. I will refrain from posting the date.
That is interesting other Anon. I looked it up on YouTube. Could be what Anne’s Angels are referring to. As for when - their standard answer is “sooooooon”.