If you wonder why you come and read here at all, then sooner or later things will arrive at a particular theme that is common enough in terms of the question involved, not so common in terms of any satisfying answer.
You will get, however, the answer here.
It isn't a light theme and it of course will seem very grandiose and opinionated to suggest either that there even is an answer or that someone, anyone, especially not anywhere hereabouts who really are just plain nobodies you wouldn't think, has the answer.
The answer has eluded people down through countless millennia.
Enoch went to other worlds and he seemed to have encountered very advanced civilizations that have been construed by most people as giving some insight into the divine, or 'god' matters.
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'Morning comes. The snow is falling....' |
I guess it is too late in the day now, to listen to the most credentialed modern academic scholars re-translate these old writings and render the vehicle that he went up in as having, not 'wheels with a whirlwind' but literally the word 'turbine' (which did have equivalency back then because quite a few early engineers had the concept in terms of dynamic geometry).
But you see, regardless of that, it doesn't really help anyone understand all that much better, what the 'meaning of (your human) life,' is.
Nobody is born with any clear knowledge of anything prior to their birth condition (inside the womb and then outside of) and the emergence of their clear consciousness holds barely any even vague ideas of what was there in their ego selves beforehand.
And nobody comes back from the dead so obviously and physically that there are any blanket uncontested 'true,' authenticated (human) reports back from some 'other place' beyond the human mortal world.
So 'what does it all mean?'
Where did you come from and where are you going to?
Yet as soon as this is revealed very clearly, it seems like it is obvious and should have been obvious all along to everyone.
The theory that space aliens who are - who must be to have come here - truly advanced -, when they come here in overt ways, will therefore reveal themselves to everyone and then the whole human race can 'progress' by benefiting from new knowledge of advanced science and technologies, is a non-starter as soon as you take into view what will be said next:
Look around you. The human world is not amorphous -, it is not that socially, sociologically, philosophically, in the matter of religions and ideas-and-beliefs; even though there are similarities and commonalities between various peoples.
I have said over and over that everything follows the rules of physics - things have inception, commencement, growth, peak, and decline, then diametrical opposite change.
Everything turns around the axis of its sine wave form.
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'The riddle...' Dave Bowman in the White Place in 2024. Maybe. |
There is continuity even if there is periodicity (stops and gaps).
But here is the obvious, the point that should be obvious to everyone and isn't:
No one social grouping is going along the exact same intellectualized sine curve profile leading to the exact same end of wave-form rotational change.
They're all different.
A Muslim might indeed well go along his path, whose claimed trajectory leads to 'heaven with 72 virgins' (or translucent-skinned grapes...) and an Eternity as a perfect slave to an absolute God-Overlord upon whose finality of personal decision one may have no authentic power.
And a Messianic Hebrew might suppose that a new kind of 'fully-divinely empowered' King David will appear with a massive and unconquerable actual militaristic 'army' to take over complete rule of the whole Earth and all its peoples - that is the end of the putative trajectory there. And in this case there will be perpetuality of 'sacrifices' and eternal bureaucracies of 'priests' and practitioners of 'LAW' (THE Law - aka 'of Yahweh'/'God').
A yogic practitioner might suppose that they will become existentially tied to the ineffable flow of the Cosmic energy of the Milky Way... And find the Cosmic Cow.
Everyone though, starts out the same, with no sound knowledge at all.
The thing is equal.
But surely the place (the human world) is quite obviously a choke-point, a filter that leads to a variety of eventual paths and different conclusions.
You can pick any kind of path you please!
Just look at the sands at your feet - there's countless numbers of grains. Look at the stars in the night-sky: you can't count them.
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'Why...?' 'Wonder if, wonder if; asking me, asking me...' |
There's all kinds of ground, all kinds of earth, some of it fertile, some sandy and dry - and so on.
There is no reality to a uniform, amorphous, seamless living world - it is composed of vast, huge, countless numbers of different things; different living things. They share the characteristics of being alive and not much of anything else!
How would it in any way be feasible for a truly advanced intelligent species, to come here, and present the same one-size-fitted-all conclusion therefore (that would be implicit in openly presenting itself/themselves) to all of everything that is here and that is also intelligent.
Muslims would never agree that these creatures had a right to sovereignty (to their own ways) and Jews would also not accept if such beings had never heard of 'Yahweh...' For example.
I am just using those two systems as a way of describing opposite positions and perspectives.
But you could just as well pick any of thousands of human idea-systems.
An individual conscious intelligent entity (a human) comes into here, and goes along some pathway of ideas and concepts and acceptable tenets, and ends up along a trajectory which leads to some particular conclusion; all of them are inclined to be marginally or radically, different, but they are all different.
While you are alive here, you have the power and the right to adopt any path. Some people say 'oh this one is the path; and there is no other.'
Nobody much says that there are qualitatively ascending and descending moral and ethical strata (of paths); most people say "mine is the best (or the only 'true') path."
The fact is this is not existentially the case; there are obviously many paths that people adopt and go along. It is not that this one 'leads to Hell' or that one leads to Hell and only this other exclusively 'right one' leads to Heaven - or as in the case of strong atheism, all paths lead to nowhere at all. Rather, each path leads to its own conclusion, which might be right (in terms of where it thinks it is headed) or it might be wrong but nevertheless it reaches its own internally logically inevitable conclusion. But they don't all lead to anywhere even near the optimum results.
The absolute ineluctable logic reality is that certain paths must be more sound in their moral and ethical and therefore social mechanisms by reason of mathematical and scientific functionality and the veracity or validation of those particular social patterns that are observed there (on that path).
But the planet Earth, being a literal choke point for intelligent conscious beings, means that each individual selects a path by their own personal sense of volition - and because of that choice, they find themselves wherever they end up, eventually.
Some, will go to places in the stars where there truly are advanced societies and civilizations; that is the whole implication of the Enoch story.
And therefore only those 'some' can have actual real fulsome contact with actual real advanced ET Aliens...
This place is a choke point, a filter point and a filtering process, albeit in part governed by the will of self. One is in tune with something, or not in tune with it.
'Tell me why.' Or, 'tell my why everything exists.'
Or 'what is the meaning of it all.'
The meaning of 'everything' is that it contains everything; everything is there. It's not there is only one way and nothing else besides - there are countless ways but they all lead to different places but inside the same wholeness, the same completeness.
It's up to you whether you want to end up in some completely good place.
Is it really being 'good' to you if the only good you ever get is if I give you what I decree is good (for you)?
You're just an underclass being then.
Over an 'Eternity' you will end up suffering from an eternal psychological problem of self-worth!
It was right what someone asked for here a while back - they wanted 'agency.'
But it might have been wrong to assume they for sure knew in detail what things they wanted to have agency over in order to enact them as effects of reality.
It is definitely not wrong to go on a trajectory of working those things out though.
If they're on the 'right'(-ish, path, because it's always just a tendency towards the 'right' in a dynamical sense) trajectory, sooner or later they will encounter subtlety and complexity.
Extreme, nuanced, subtle things.
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Because WE NEED TO EAT! |
'And the Serpent, who was the most subtle of creatures...'
Complexity is when you realize just being subtle alone does not mean being right.
The Serpent said if you know Good and Evil alone (eat of the fruit of that tree) it will not on its own account cause you to die. But choosing Evil over Good will most certainly cause you to die! And learning what 'Good' even is in its most subtle and complex sense is not so easy.
And this is where the encounter with truly advanced, upstream (as it were) other humanoid/human-like beings is a great challenge to both your sensibilities and to your equanimity and what you have been propagandized to and habituated to, is 'good.'
A lot of the behavior/behaviors of humans in their 'normal' human society is not good.
But all-in-all, what are you doing here? Why are you here on this planet? It should be bleeding obvious. This is a choke point. You are going some place else. Some, of you, are.
The path and its trajectory are what determines the eventual where. You want to be a slave you will go to a slave place. You want to be a tyrant you will go to a tyrant place, and compete with all the other little tyrants.
You want help you have to ask for help and seek it from where you envisage the kind of help that you want, is. There may be no such place.
Or there may be and then you will find it too. And then you will have to deal with that reality as existential fact not myth.
Once you are sure of the path (because your mind has envisaged where it leads and you like what you 'see' there), it does not matter what I or anyone shows you thereafter, the first principal is that you will have become sure of yourself for real.
You will also have fully consciously and intellectually and intelligently encountered yourself, but it is also a new 'self' - for the very first time.
Do you know what you're doing here now?
Do you know why you were born into here at all.
I was listening to Taxigirl - High Glow on Sunday, first time I've heard it. I wrote a note about how the song felt to me, "feels like resolution. knowing and understanding purpose."
ReplyDeleteThe vision of a "landing" - like "The Day the Earth Stood Still," or "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (or *Fourth Kind* for those who climbed aboard the starship...) - well, it's so compelling that we hanker for it ... But you tell us that Steiner ain't coming ...
ReplyDeleteOh well.
Not for everyone...