Our personal sense of self is concentrated, as well as literally located, inside of a moving organic thing we call the human body.
But in that situation, we nevertheless have a neuron system which allows us to have impressions of vast sizes as well as great complexities, and to form ideas about such things and to formulate beliefs around our emotional signals and memories.
I guess for me, Professor Ammon Hillman is doing a lot of heavy lifting for me and for people like me, who never previously had the wider capacity to credibly convey to people, that virtually nothing of what they held to be 'true' about their own cultures and culturally, especially religious, beliefs - was true. And I mean simply from the sense of any of it having actual historicity.
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Lights of the Earth at night from a NASA space station. So many people down there, praying... What are they saying? Can you hear them? |
Can you imagine, for example, if I said ten years ago to anyone, that 'sirens' featured in the Bible, and that they were beings from Sirius...
Well, that happens to be true.
Your English version as what has been passed off as 'the Bible,' uses completely different expressions for some weird creatures - 'owls, desert creatures, jackals, hyenas,' even satyrs and lamia.
The English version, being a translation from a back-translation from a language which was not sufficiently developed to carry the sophisticated concepts of the actual original textual works - does not possess any real meaning, when it comes to these parts that are there.
The root word of 'Siren' is Sirius, the Dog Star, and the reason for it, is that the Phoenician king Melqart (which is the real source of the Egyptian and eventually Arabic word for king, btw), used to walk his dog along a beach and observed that after a while of the dog chewing on the snails that came up to the shoreline during the rising of the Dog Star, that the dog's mouth become a highly iridescent kind of purple color.
And he commanded that some people find out how to extract the dye from the sea snails.
Well actually it's not quite correct to say 'his dog' because it belonged to a nymph that he knew, called Tyros.
And... ...she came down to see Melqart every now and then by means of a light which emanated from Sirius.
Additionally, the oxidation process used to produce the purple dye from its red powdery substance, was also employed to turn certain other blue liquids to reddish like wine and which liquids had the property of making a person able to see nymphs and hear their singing (magical enchantments, rather than just singing). Which is why the association between Sirius and the actual nymphs that ended up being called by the term 'Siren.'
To bring things right up to date, the prophecy of Isaiah, which occurs in two different parts of those books (and three if you include the New Testament Book of Revelation), has to do with the utter destruction of some land, more or less where all of this Lebanon stuff is happening right now...
The prophecy says that there will be no humans living there at all and the place will be the dwelling place of strange creatures; but not any humans.
So. Now that you have the Biblical authority to bring down beings from the stars, or from some stars, if not simply the Dog Star Sirius - there is all the same, something that you should be aware of:
There are a lot of stars.
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Everything new... ...is really very old. They had iridescence back in the Empire of Tyre. That's Bronze Age! |
And there are a lot of humans on the planet.
It's not as simple as one would imagine from the standard religious imprecating (just means 'evoke;' it doesn't especially mean by way of a curse, which is what most standard modern 'authorities' say) point-of-view.
On the one hand it might be very fine for the simple-minded to imagine that 'God' is listening to every single word that each and every person on the planet thinks or intones by way of 'prayer' but for the scientifically-minded, one has to offset the logical issue if not problem as such, of that 1. there are so many people, and that 2. the stars are also very numerous and 3. are very far away - as might 'God' be since He is so optically 'small' that you can't even see His Shining Light not even like you do see the light of stars...!
You're going to have to shout really loudly.
The standard religious people will instantly jump at this and say that Jinn beings (genies/the Djinn!) might be listening to your impious 'prayers,' or, with the Evangelicals, it will be devils and demons who are listening to your foolish (not to mention, also sinful) requests.
Well see now here's the problem with 'believing' nonsense from books made up by people who had no idea but who had lots of political and military power and whose objective was to control and enslave you - as compared to people who just want to look at what is true in terms of real actual original sources:
The standard (stupid) belief means that more-or-less you will have to shout really loudly, or that Allah is permanently listening and weighing whether or not He will care about your stupid foolish mortal human requests - which means that basically 'maybe He will, and then again maybe He might not...'
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Midnight noodles. Just one customer. In an all-night noodle bar, somewhere... Alone. By themselves. Not even a nymph anywhere to be seen. |
Whereas the sources tell you clearly what the process and path is.
And that does not dis-obligated you from behaving yourself or license you for the misusing of the capabilities.
The Angeloi are people who come from the stars - says so right at the Bethlehem birth scene.
The Djinn are dissuaded from getting too close to the stars (angels) by having meteors thrown at them (this is in the Quran...)
So you have to make your mind up as to the morality here - are you allowed to meet the angelic beings (who literally are from the stars), or are you not?
If your courage allows you to say that yes you are allowed, then you will still need to resolve this little matter of, well - your littleness.
If you go along with everyone else, be one of the grains of sand on a very large and long beach, then in the first place you will be plain silica and not a valuable form of carbon. Carbon and silica are not the same; they have a lot of similarities but they are totally not the same.
In the second place, although diamond can be small like silica or sand, its quality makes it much sought after and valuable.
They are looking for you.
You cannot see them but they 'could' see you.
Are 'they' good? Is there a God?
If you are so simple-minded as to believe that 'God' is equivalently looking at a grain of sand alongside all the countless others and at the same time as doing that, also considering a single uncut diamond, then none of this matters to you.
You will kill your infidels and be killed and go to Jannah with 72 virgins. No doubt about it.
You will finally get your 'Promised Land' because Yahweh promised it to some guy. And the both of 'you' will have to kill each other to prevail.
Those two you's are grains of sand. In a very big desert of a lot of sand.
...I'm hoping I am talking to a diamond.
I think I pretty much am.
Ammon Hillman yes, is doing a lot of the ground work, a lot of the heavy lifting, but he's going to play to the inclination of those who have already sold their bodies for the quick fixes of drugs and for the sensations supplied by dangerous substances which they abuse - because that is the broad collegiate of the human race at large. Karl Marx knew it too.
'Opiate of the masses.'
We cannot go down those paths.
We're not going to Jannah.
Jannah - there's rules and you're still a slave.
We're going to Wonderland.
But you're going in your sound and rational mind.
And here's the thing: we're going today (or tomorrow); not some theoretical future time a long way off.
Which means you need to wake up now.
Consider the scale of the Universe, how big it is... Consider how many people are living on the planet right now, today. So many. Like the sands on the beach, like the stars in the sky. There's space for civilizations, for civilizations far far greater and more advanced than anything you've ever known. There's room for good people, and bad people; good beings if you will, and very bad ones.
There's so much here. And you can have power. Real, unassailable, intrinsic power. I want you to have it. To get it. Reach your hand out, take the fruit, from the tree, that tree. That one. Yes.
We're going in deep. And you have to remember. Where you once were and will be again.
A siren. Not chant, I know. But it calls to me. What can one say?
Is EXACTLY a magical chant. By an en-chant-ress. A Siren. Daughter of the Astera. This is 2024. This is the same thing. My kind of music, btw.
DeleteHey OMSF. I was wondering if your friends in high places can provide advice on what the eff we humans should be eating for our daily meals. I see the noodle pic above and am put off by the carb load in it because I’ve been listening to militant no sugar Drs on YouTube where even an apple is off limits (fml).
ReplyDeleteI feel like everything is just wrong with the stories and because we don’t have a user manual we are pretty much effed, there’s no consensus, it’s as if no one knows… but maybe your friends do
Ultra processed food aside what the heck are we meant to be eating if the benefits of fruit are “overstated” and we are only meant to eat it for fattening up for winter hibernation.
And what about that more than a tsp of sugar in that beautiful noodle dish. Rice and pasta are staples! This place drives me mad.
Asking for a friend ;) and thanks :)
Sometimes we have to (under some knowledgeable guidance, I'll grant) take the common terms - which are often just propaganda anyway - and see behind them. 'Ultra-processed(?)' - read uncooked raw flour. Forget 'gluten.' Gluten is IN uncooked raw flour. When bread is made PROPERLY, the gluten is changed COMPLETELY. 1. Your appetite is the single best in situ obvious guide to what you 'should' eat; when your digestion is working at full power, you can ingest a great range and that range itself is beneficial for the liver. 2. You must have enough regenerative sleep and you must maintain adequate movement of the body - lots of walking, torso twisting, stretching and so on at minimum. A small amount of raw sugar is totally fine especially if you have a good energy output - and the highest energy output comes from the brain. Think about a lot of things, consume music and maths, and have some problems to work on. Drink clean water. APPRECIATE your food and stop worrying about what you 'should' or 'should not' eat in some maniacal 'rules- based' way. You are an organic complex system that lives, grows, and dies - except along the way, your MIND might be able to teach you how to transcend the loss of an intrinsic and fundamental human singular personal consciousness through some 'spiritual' path that works in reality. Next up we will demonstrate the stark contrast between what an advanced (let's say ET, for one good example) being CAN find some harmony with, and the way humans are right now; it will be truly shocking.
DeleteDon't forget, in the ordinary course of human events, you are going to die (organically). You have a multiple choice pathway forward: a) be dependent on pharma corporations and the medical profession, and still suffer anyway, b) be strong and healthy, or c) discover how to be 'sown a seed into death, and yet live into life being transformed.' The last thing is a mind thing - it's something about what you think, how your brain works and what it considers important and how honest you are going to be with truth as you find it, rather than how others say that it is. Being handed everything on a plate by super-advanced intelligent beings who are not too dissimilar to humans, is great and we should have that ASAP too. Okay let's compromise - we don't want EVERYTHING because then we will think less of ourselves. We need to just reach out half-way across the Galactic Road of sophisticated and complex civilizations (or as Jesus says in the authentic original record: 'the Cosmos'). How do we 'reach out half-way?' By being safe and interesting and a pretty decent lot in the first place. This is what the world is now...? I think not. And not by a long shot either.