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Monday 30 September 2024

Just Trust And Do

This is how it works.

There's two separate things you have to bear in mind - there's you and how you function, your brain, your mind, your senses, their processing, how you think, what you think -; and there's others up there and out there.

What you want and how you want it to be, is different maybe, to what others outside of you are thinking and besides what is it that you imagine they are doing(?) - what are they spending their lives doing while you are thinking about your goals and objectives.

That there are others up there be absolutely assured of this!

This is 'down here...'

We cannot lightly dismiss the 'stasis' neurology system of our biology and how it feeds us with sensations and gives meaning to those sensations in our heads.

The problem with using drugs to 'enhance' any experience or even to get you some perceived desirable experience, is that it defeats the standard natural mechanisms of that 'stasis' neurology.

People like Ammon Hillman are intent on proving that it was drugs - pharmacology/pharmakeia - which were the cause of ancient mystical practices and that gave the impression to participants that they were 'seeing' some 'prophetic' visions. 

But in thinking this he is flying in the face of what we know of human neurology.

You see, the more you use some substance to 'kick-start' a neural-sensory process, the less effective ii is over time. The neural system as well as the body at large, adapts and re-positions 'stasis' at ever higher levels until the individual simply cannot function normally anymore at all.

The thing is, Mary and Mary Magdalene were not in some mystical cult for twelve years using drugs! Despite what Ammon would like to have you believe.

Now how it goes is like this...

You are operating normally of a day, let's say, and then I come along and take you to some exclusive, ambient-lit, skyscraper venue (let's say), some penthouse with huge windows looking out into the 180 degree nighttime and city skyline vista. And then I place you in a comfortable velvet-covered chair and place a warm rose-scented hand-towel across your face and two other towelettes around your pulse-points at your wrist.

This is 'half-way up...'

And there is an electric incense warmer - not an ultrasonic steamer because that will disturb the molecular spin polarity of the aroma chemicals...

And I give you a tiny glass of kykeon (no one knows what this is from antiquity but I will tell you here) - sweet amber wine in its day 'Lesbos wine' (something like late harvest semillon because you won't be able to afford Escenzia wine) with mint leaves and star anise and saffron filaments and blue mallow flowers.

 ...The thing is the element of surprise in the sense of suddenly from the stasis or base-line of neural signals, raising the vesicle network threshold edge so that the wave (waves) of sensory signalling must be strong enough and sustained enough to get over the now very high threshold that then causes the flood to start the linkage of the biggest array possible of other neural network connections to fire together.

That is when you reach the so-called mystical 'euphoria.' 

Unless you start from a low enough base-line in the first place, the rise up will never be steep or long enough to have enough synaptic power to 'burst the dam' so to speak.

So what's actually also happening is that on a micro-electronic or electrical field level, your body system is 'shining' or 'glowing' at this point - and this can be 'seen' with the right kinds of instrumentation.

So okay as Ammon points out there is this thing called the 'Aion' or Aionic Space - this is where the original Greek text Bible people were maintaining that for example, Daniel (the Book of Daniel guy) was trying to contact the Angeloi and one time 'saw' Gabriel floating by him overhead and (Gabriel looking down) noticing pretty nonchalantly and almost disinterestedly the young figure of Daniel - until Daniel next reached out and grabbed his leg.

Until then Gabriel was not all that interested.

Just imagine an entire 'space platform' of really advanced humanoids, all going about whatever it is that is their daily concerns, looking down at you and musing about what silliness is going onside of human's heads...

This is 'Aionic...'

And every now and then one of them goes to a control room facility and opens a communication link and drops a word or two down - which will seem quite out of the blue to the human hearer.

Until and unless whatever it is that you're doing and saying and thinking makes a whole lot of sense to them upstairs in terms of what they care about.

Now what I've been saying is that if you upgrade the thinking patterns that you indulge in, if you just hold in your mind and in your consciousness much higher potentials - things that seem positively impossible from the normal standard daily run-of-the-mill human social standards and ways of living (and don't forget this 'standard' way is largely-speaking only because of hundreds if not thousands of years of systematic propaganda done by people who want to control humans and human society) - you will start to become more harmonically in tune with an advanced society.

And then they will start to care about you.

They're watching all the time. Or at least, there's a handful of them on duty doing that kind of thing.

You do this right and you will get information. Useful, practical, real, information. That no one else can get and that ordinarily people cannot get at all.

And do it more right over time and you will get more than just that.

Me I've been watching Bullitt that old Sixties movie with Steve McQueen.

It's pure art and it's classic art.

...That's the stuff I care about.

1 comment:

  1. from (written by a very gifted individual about Ammon Hillman): "There are hints that ‘the burning purple is a dye containing a Zoopharmacognostic substance originating in a mollusc. Perhaps this is the purple dog whelk or purpura lapillus…

    “As the result of chemical and physiological experiments, Roaf and Nierenstein (8) came to the conclusion that the mantle of Purpura lapillus yields a pressor substance allied to adrenin.

    The green colour given with ferric chloride shows that it is probably an ortho-dihydroxy-phenol, and the results of Barger and Dale (1) and Harold, Nierenstein, and Roaf (6) point to the probability that the pressor substance is an amine.”



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