The University of the Western Cape South Africa this week produced a study proving that a combination of gold flakes and red wine was very quickly (within 72 hours) able to heal chronic wounds.
Well this is something we spoke about here a long time ago and also privately to those of you who have been receiving some information over the past few years from here.
As I have also mentioned recently I think I am well behind in the schedule of sending out some important additional information and also 'things' maybe and I find I am really becoming reluctant to put out into the public space - even here, which is quite 'not-all-that-public' frankly - in particular certain matters to do with quite literal 'fountain of youth' stuff...
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Gold-infused jello. Already told you about this. Said 'Aliens' like the stuff. Well they do! |
One of the bugbears with me, or I think 'mental hitches' is that I worry a lot about people being able to live and survive through the present times and the comings (that I know are coming).
You will have to find a way to 'survive' virtually in hiding in a manner of speaking, from the normal daily world. And that could mean keeping a low profile right in the middle of some urban area or even a city but all-in-all it means stepping away from ideas and lifestyles that cannot bring you anything but trouble and physical stresses. and health-wise, things are only going to go from bad to worse as far as most of society is concerned.
It is really true what Dr Suneel Dhand keeps saying, that the food intake largely is now a 'pro-inflammation' source for too many people - who basically just refuse to stop doing this kind of insanity.
But then, they do it because it seems in their minds that they have no choice.
What does it really matter how much money you think you are making when the cost of living is killing you just to stay where you are doing the job/s that you are doing, and the food and lifestyle entailed is literally organically damaging you?
At the same time it's pointless for someone like me to just seem to be sitting on the sidelines and presenting no positive solutions.
And this brings me to the 'problem' - such as it is.
You (and not me either) will never be able to derive solutions from standard information and data sources and social and technical/technology systems as they are available to the public generally. The system is designed to block you from attaining clear-cut positive and beneficial results.
Right now I am trying to work on a set of filmed full suite expositions of technologies and natural chemical compositions that give truly stunning, amazingly interesting effects on any given subject.
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Pear and citrus. And gold flakes on top. |
But at the same time I am really pointedly aware that I don't want ideas and processes stolen and have fall into hands that will turn things into banal commercial and 'professional'/academic and academia-led dumbed-down virtual nonsense...
Last week I watched the graduation ceremony for a local University's Medical and Pharmacy Faculty, and I personally knew half a dozen of the people receiving their plaudits in their gowns and sashes. One or more had discussed with me the filming thing I am talking about in some paragraphs above here, but I am stepping right away from anything in that direction (with them or using anyone from that arena).
No I think we'll be taking what we know away rather than be introducing it to the whole entire world at large.
I mean on the one hand it should be perfectly obvious in any case that red wine (resveratrol, anthocyanins) and gold flakes (anti-inflammatory) might or would, have beneficial effects organically (and the skin is the biggest organ) - but it is not obvious that there really would ever be some naturally-occurring 'fountain of youth' compounds anywhere. So let's let the Big Pharma industries and the med-science and bio-med research foundations and all of that jazz work it out themselves!
Moreover what's the point living physically 'in a more youthful condition' and yet be working - that is, over-working - your body to death because of society and economic forces and conditions.
So here's some economic directions, at least:
The Dollar (USD) is weak because of Central Bank-caused inflation and currency devaluation through over-issuance. Gold and Silver are strong also because of that setting. The more the Fed lowers interest rates at this time the more it causes (price) inflation to happen.
It does not matter how much either stocks or real estate appear to rise across the board as capital values, because the costs of living are also rising but this latter thing happens as a transaction (sales, velocity circulation) every moment, whereas you sell your house only once over the term of its capital when held by you. Institutions 'can afford' to hold actually worthless assets that depreciate over the long term and require maintenance (costs to keep) over the short term - you cannot.
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Looks much much better in real life than in the pics of it. Is low and sleek and pretty in reality. |
As the Dollar weakens and inflation rises salaries and wages cannot keep pace and hours worked must be piled up in order to gain even a reasonable living.
Companies fail to make good profits because their boards only have to meet or slightly beat fake low-held 'risk free' interest rates.
The picture is grim.
You might have to still own a property but you must not be in the position of holding stocks at this time.
You might not (be able to) own property but you must be holding gold and silver. At this time.
There is a lagging effect on the trickle down of dollars from errant Central Bank debt issuance and the time or the moment when these dollars start chasing limited goods. Prices must rise. And they rise a long while after the excessive debt is raised.
So in this climate what would be the point of suddenly regaining a meaningful amount of physical organic 'youthfulness' if you are unable to economically make use of it?
...Will we still tell you about the 'fountain of youth' stuff?
Maybe. If you want it and some of you have a right to it too because you have been powerful financial supporters along the way.
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Red wine jello |
But correct me if I'm wrong but you also want a way out of the wider world's economic mess, right?
And you should want that before indulging in this 'mythology' about what Alexander the Great's servant found when he went out to get some spice supplies in South India - right?
Right? Or not right?
Which one do you want?
I'm leaning more toward keeping comments to myself these days. Probably because I switched to decaf recently. And now beer, even a single solitary can of tasty beer, gives me a massive headache.
ReplyDeleteHowever... I had a very interesting dream this morning. I received a packet from you, a small gray paper sachet closed with a colored bit of yarn, which held some sort of substance. I felt immensely grateful.
And then! Someone I knew showed me a book that described in detail about some of the "remote viewing" stuff, as applied to other domains. Instead of writing, my friend was interested in video. Well actually video tape. And I was able to read the first page of this book, as if it was in front of me. Sorry, I can't remember all the words. However the author addressed the reader as "mage" and the following (really stupid) lines were printed big (as I kind of pithy illustration of what was being talked about that I hate)
That which is seen, is unseen
That which is unseen, is seen
Okay so that's just stupid. I think it probably refers to that line in the catholic creed, "... maker of all that is, seen and unseen." Of course the Catholics typically omit the pause after the comma, which really destroys the meaning.
One of the single biggest 'problems' with the standard human society and all of its ideologies, is the inversion of reality that people have become used to 'seeing' I guess you could definitely say. There is an assumption that males and females are two sides of the human coin and that they, at least ideally, co-operate more or less with equivalency of intent and meaning; they are not and they do not. We have to start quickly waking up to the decided fact that men and women are subverted by extremely supernatural forces into internal antipathy, because of an intention to DESTROY both the human race and without question, its ultimate potential upside so to speak. Humanists vainly imagine there is or there can be some perfect way to a socially amenable future for all by this notion of 'realism;' realism is already subverted by the standard social/moral structure that obtains in the human world. 'Mage' is from an ancient Persian word where all people who come into the practices of the magicians (Persian magicians) become part of the TRIBE of Magi
Delete(mages). They conceive the purpose of all human beings in this world is to perform actual magic.
If gold should ever become widely regarded as having the ability to extend life, its price potential is literally unlimited. But it seems like science fiction.
ReplyDeleteWe should all have the capacity (maybe since a bit before now though!) to buy a little bit of gold every now and then, from NOW 'moving forward' as they say.
DeleteOne word: Coagula!