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Monday 2 September 2024

The Theory Or The Practice?

So, I'm way behind with all of you on the practice... ...well okay, by my standards of what should be 'on the money.'

'Way behind' for me in this particular context means a series of postponements for something fairly, I guess, grandiose if you knew what was in my mind about this.

But I can give you the theory.

It's not even my own enunciation of a set of current timescale or current focus beliefs which I am prepared to declare are valid in relation to all of the accessible facts (from whatever sources). The theory can be heard from Eric Weinstein.

This implicitly speaks of the time 
necessary to appreciate beauty.

I think he's a genius and he I think he's right; about modern or 'right-now' contemporary society.

Without me getting into a full description of exactly what it is we are doing over here, one of the salient aspects to me of what I have been encountering (and I simply mean encountering with plain ordinary other people), is that it strikes me as not even closely possible that a genuinely rich person could be having such a great time living in today's world.

Oh sure, Davos and all of that crowd of insane 'silent generation/Baby Boomer' people are going to rail against what I just said and howl loud and long about how great life is with them but I doubt it.

The person with the absolute best library that I know - and that I guarantee you will not be rivaled anywhere on the planet at all right now - is me it's not Jeff Bezos or even Elon Musk.

Musk would get a fright at what I could I show him...

I possess documents - and they're all ordinary copies not anything like 'collector originals' or anything like that - that no one else has. Period.

Or if here and there some people do have (one or two of them), they don't know what they mean. Not in terms of ideas, not in terms of value.

Unless you are this,
literally, although it cannot be
seen by others in this obvious
way, you are not truly

Nobody else has all of them.

I have all of them.

I have lost at least four whole libraries in my life; once through a war situation, and once in a race riot. And the others for other reasons not important right now.

Sheer envy was one reason, no doubt.

I had a prominent local chartered accountant literally steal a small set of hard back books one time... LOL

What do these books do?

They will resolve every single inter-relating/relationship problem you ever had, they will lay out knowledge about chemistry from basic and available things that will do anything and everything 'Science TM' pretends it can do (which it always 'can do' for money, though; if you notice), and it will 'open doors' to places others can only dream about (going).

There is simply nothing across the whole internet that can rival this 'codex.'

And that's just stating a fact.

One other thing it will do is show you how to get paid what you are really worth in absolute terms, while the economy run by the Davos crew is trying to expand the labor pool so that all average labor is worth less (er, worthless, lol).

I cannot understand how a truly cash rich or 'wealthy' person can live going on like everybody else right now.

Let me give you one example.

Fifty years ago my grandmother and my mother too, wanted to start a 'Turkish baths' by which they meant a health resort with teaching on food and lifestyle and with highly-trained people able to do actual therapeutic massage.

There is a difference between the
fantasies of a stuck-in-the-mud
mind, and someone who has the
practical powers required.
Power is energy into mechanical balance.
Most people today are unbalanced 
because their lives have no time.

The implication back in those days whenever anyone said 'massage' was that there was an illicit intention pure and simple (well not pure, I guess). 

Today, there are thousands of massage centers around the city here and all of them are more-or-less accredited via government-backed 'authoritative' academic colleges or whatever you want to call them.

They teach rubbish and they know nothing. Well, of course that is not completely true but everything they do 'know' they have stolen from traditional sources that would not have ever been open to converting to a Western(-ized) industrialized 'McDonald's' version of an art-form.

So what the pseudo-rich people here in the city have easy general access to - is rubbish.


Well are you happy with that, idiots? Idiot rich people?!

Are you supposed to be rich, are you?

One person said to me today, vis-a-vis the subject of Oseltamivir (the pharmacy medicine) that 'there must be something more to it than... (just what I told her it was derived from) ...because, she knew the guy who 'invented' it and he had the molecules sent up on a NASA space flight and tested out there with the specific proteins to see what exact compound would 'catch' onto the disease components and so on.

And I said to her how long did she think the human race had been surviving on the Earth just now? 

I'm not completely sure she got what I was saying.

Even this - which is close to
good - has too tight sleeves.
But this is close. To reasonably okay.

But she actually shut up though and her mind was considering things because her original complaint was that it was late, everywhere was closed (meaning in situ doctor places) and so she had to go to one of these new 'phone consults' and get a non-subsidized script (meaning it would cost some decent money), because her daughter was immunocompromised with a form of cancer and undergoing therapy and so on and needed the drug right now within a day or things would go from very bad to a whole lot worse.

And I had said, well, when it's late sometime again maybe and you can't find a doctor at the hour and all of that, better have this stuff handy in your kitchen.

The fact is it's actually a whole lot better than the pharmacy/doctor medicine.

Good luck though, if you're one of these idiotic 'rich' people who cannot comprehend that a real massage, for example, is going to take you a whole day - even just 'coming back down' will take you six hours at least.

He he he.Good luck on your hour-and-a-half long, five hundred dollar 'accredited' BS massage though. If that's what you think is 'real.' Pay the money.

This is the same kind of stupid nonsense that is going on with the car business, and with men's clothes: the Rolls Royce Spectre is disgusting and even so-called 'hand-made bespoke' men's suites are too tight everywhere and short at the ankle; both things look ridiculous in RL and this is all now a matter of 'the Emperor's New Clothes.' 

I do not know one single person here where I live whose brain is not consumed each day with the price of properties...

If there were elevators now, and there were elevator boys, they'd all be preaching about how to make a million in real estate.

And y'all know where that leads and when.

We have watched Central Banks wreck the money markets now for thirty years. And so it is easy to think that they will never be called to pay the piper.

But listen, if you happen to be actually rich and you want to know what a true traditional massage is, well I will arrange for you to get one - it'll cost you a whole weekend of time and ten grand in money. And you cannot get such a thing for less anywhere.

This is 'for an example' of what money ought to be able to buy the actually rich.

But there are no or very few 'actually rich' because those who think they have large positive digital figures in their accounts, have no brains, are completely uncultured with no intellectual means to appreciate good things personally (in silence and without showing off to others as the point of their spending of money), and do not have anywhere like the time needed to enjoy themselves fully and deeply.

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