It was/is not ever my intention whatsoever, to cut across what someone like a Lou Elizondo wants to record, write about, and subsequently publish.
In his up-coming new book 'Imminent' he writes about what caused him to break out of the government Intel official structure, and thus most of the strictures it placed him under, in order to further the investigation into what government knows of non-human beings coming here.
But it is a fact that we here already foreshadowed this main thing about the morphology effects of human brains that have been interacting with ET.
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I personally think, that you can attract superior ET Aliens,with simple human artifacts. LOL |
It's contained in the literature that was previously posted up on Inkitt. I can't remember precisely where as actual phrases but holistically it is all there and you can tell it.
Then again it is possibly more significant of a thing when looked at from the perspective of Elizondo's past official role and his position in government with the authority and power to get best data and have all of it checked and examined through academic scientific eyes.
And the basic conclusion of those guys, according to Elizondo's latest book, is that all of the people who are what has been termed 'experiencers' and who do have or apparently claim to have 'remote viewing' capabilities have a section of their brain much more developed - larger, more active, more functioning - than those same sections in other people; other 'normal' people.
This section is known as the caudate putamen, which are two linked areas whose function is to receive the input from the cerebral cortex, with the putamen being the part which organizes 'correct responses' from all of the sensory inputs plus the cerebral determinings of what those inputs mean.
So in other words it is not that these people are simply having vastly increased awareness of whatever is going on around them, down to extremely subtle levels, but they are more capable of accurately assessing the signals, interpreting the sensory signs, and reacting in appropriate, correct ways.
Such people can easily tell what is a faked ET pic or video or film; can easily tell what is a faked portrayal being presented of some seemingly real-time incident or visitation.
In simplistic but effective phrasing, the caudate region gives someone their capacities for intuitive thinking; aka their intuition.
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Caudate-putamen location. |
But he goes on to say that from what various Intel branches were analyzing, people who had these advanced developed areas in their brain were also acting almost like beacons for contact.
And so, without wishing to truncate Elizondo's book - and it is one worth acquiring if you have the time and money to do so - I am simply stating it as a fact now that all of you who have been going down this path of doing the regime of things that have been discussed here already, will be developing the caudate putamen regions in your brain and it is an inevitable fact thereafter at some certain point, you will yourselves all be 'attracting attention...'
Elizondo's book underscores what I just said and he puts things in exactly the same terms.
Secondly, you will be able to recognize others like you from out of any group of apparent 'strangers.'
Intuition that fails is one thing, and it is not in that case really intuitive thinking at all - but true intuitive thinking is the genuine capacity to be picking up information, data, sensory signals, extremely subtle signals, and processing it in the thinking mind, the assessing mind -, and deriving right conclusions from all of that process.
I think probably one very unfortunate aspect of the matter is that you will be noticing more and more how weak are the minds of so-called 'normal' people, and how self-limited they are, how much in darkness their minds are and how short-ranged the scope of their thinking is.
They still feel suffering - it is not as if the mere fact that their minds are limited means the depth of their feeling is any the less.
But they cannot get out of their cages, cannot break out from their boundaries; are not liberated and cannot be liberated.
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Victoria Ray. Sings in the track below. |
Here's the key thing:
On the one hand you might have long desired to make contact - and presumably this is desired to be with an actually advanced intelligent species and not some demonic entity for the objective of gaining wealth - on the other hand this has never proven easily achieved along any guaranteed pathway.
Virtually every single description of the 'contact' encounter by anyone at all, always talks about the way the 'beings' can look into your brain, into your thoughts.
Unless you have the equivalent capabilities the whole thing will always be a kind of an invasion of your personal space.
Yes things are imminent. The timing is all to do with you.
It's remarkable the number of times the ancient writings are dealing in what we can look upon now as 'contact:'
The Wise Men are in some versions said to have been 'told by an angel' about Herod's true intentions, in other versions they simply intuited what he had in his mind.
Your own mind can be a search light. You are what you will be, what you will become, what you are becoming... The song (lyrics part) starts at about 1:20+ in:
Lately, I've been thinking about the character of Dave Bowman from "2001: A Space Odyssey." He was so lucky to have escaped Earth itself and its attachments. Is that the promise of freedom that is offered by ET?
ReplyDeleteHe was lucky to escape Earth itself - I guess 'when we consider the Earth the way it is, has been, and how people generally experience it.' 'Earth' in terms of human society is not a good place. But why can't we have it all? Why must it always be that some 'un-human' (IE robot, or AI and bionic and so on - even 'god' as de-personalized entity) is there on the OUTSIDE 'making things better' for us? The scandal of the human race is the fact that no generation thus far has been able to pass down true knowledge of its own past, its own real source/roots, and has absolutely zero real knowledge of what it is all about that it is able to categorically explain to everyone. There IS knowledge, and there are and have been people 'who knew;' they are never taught widely or honestly.
ReplyDeleteNobody knows or can say where personal consciousness comes from, or whether someone still had it prior to any current physical somatic iteration of senses and centralized sensory signal processing. And nobody knows or can say in such a way that all others do not argue about it - what becomes of personal consciousness or where it 'goes to.' ...Anyone that is actually able to travel to here from light years away has overcome these consciousness barriers for their own selves. There are hints in the 'Seba Hashamayim' of the Zohar understandings and the ancient Semitic Scriptures be they from Sumeria or Chaldea or from Jerusalem - but these have been severely twisted up into ideology and cant (verbalized dogma) by most people now.
Delete2001 goes through that whole 'baby-to-adult-to-geriatric-to-passed' thing. This is a recognition of the enigma of personal consciousness. ...But I think the recognition of the matter alone is a sound beginning. We might state it this way: 'we see it, see the physical unit's apparent iterative beginning, we acknowledge the whole cycle - but it is a mystery, we don't understand it; it is just there.' Er... the obelisk in the movie! Aaaah! But then what if consciousness IS the obelisk. (I think this is partly the case, but not wholly the story).
Delete"...what if consciousness IS the obelisk." Someone has pointed out that our smartphones generally have the same proportions as the obelisk's: 1:4:9. At this very moment as I type, am I staring at the obelisk?...
DeleteOk, it's a cheap comment on my part, but I keep finding in this environment more and more references to "2001" just in everyday life.
Anyway: "Why can't we have it all?" - the Earth is, as you know, temporary. It will go, too. Perhaps in dropping all we will have everything. Or something like that...
Consciousness and Obelisks. How does a sand castle have lower entropy than a pile of sand? A quartz crystal cut to the shape of an obelisk has lower entropy on all sorts of levels. On the other hand sand castles are perhaps not a good example, but if you saw one form spontaneously in the wind you might get the eerie sense that there is some invisible person making that happen. What about sacred geometry? Does a triangle have lower entropy than a square?