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Friday 23 August 2024

An Interesting Challenge

So - someone who is regarded over here as certainly one of the most experienced, genuinely learned, and caring (this is an important one!) of professional pharmacists (I can't say his name), was mentioning to me earlier today, that he worries about all of the advertising on local television and across the internet especially on YT and whatever else other formats the kids are into, on gambling.

He said with quite some disquiet, that the older of his two young sons, at age ten/eleven, was already talking about the punting websites and on-line casinos and betting games and heck, what could a parent do at all, to dissuade young minds from walking too far into this world.

Young minds are naturally going to inquire, to investigate, and then test their own hypotheses out for real sooner or later...

From 'gambling' there is 'drink' too
just 'round the corner!

Today's world is simply riddled with available addictions of all kinds, and the forces of attraction that swirl around and draw unsuspecting people into their diabolic clutches are extremely powerful.

The easy public access to all of these things is an extremely facile trip into disaster.

Governments don't care.They're in the business of extracting money from the public at every opportunity and at every level of human economic transactions.

Nobody teaches Damon Runyon at schools.

Kids don't have the time, what's more, to sit back and read with intent (and therefore to sit forward earnestly), anything which requires more than the casual Tik-Tok page flickery time to do.

But their parents can still send them to piano classes of course...

And lecture them relentlessly about how they must all 'study hard' and 'become doctors.'

It seems to me part of the problem is the older generation itself; literally it is the parents.

Me personally I don't fear the stock market but I cannot say it contains any opportunities right now today.

I like the images as artworks,
not as meaningful things that 
can offer you 'chance' and

I do not fear poker or blackjack or roulette wheels either but I cannot tell you any of them present what I would class as genuine bettable risk-reward avenues for anyone's money in these times.

And that is because the surrounding social and economic circumstances of modern life have all changed since say the days of the 'Roaring Twenties' and the Depression Era of the early Thirties - people, in other words those 'others' on the other side of your risk position, have no money to tempt you to play at anything; they only have a fantasy belief in a fictional value of their real estate!

A genuine professional risk-taker would leverage against their fantasies in the liquidity afforded by their strong abiding sense of comfort and affluence.

That is the correct position of the professional 'gambler.' 

Anyone who's ever read any Damon Runyon would automatically know to bet where the stakes pool actually is, and not where it is merely said to be.

It is 'said to be' places wherever all of those vast institutions like government, like Black Rock, like Vegas interests and so on, say it is. 

Not only do the special interests and huge institutions that are allowed to offer betting on things, rigidly structure pay-outs (rather than offer actual natural stake mathematical risk outcomes - IE payouts), but they manipulate the rules that once were traditional and unalterable - in order to heavily disadvantage the players.

To understand the meaning of the rules is a question ultimately of the mathematics involved, and so this is a considerably valuable logic, maths, and truth (philosophy) learning pathway of great significance!

Wall Street to me
today means old-fashioned
newsprint that
you serve your beef sandwiches
and tomato sauce dip on.

To understand the linked matters of sensory influencing that is going on, the ambience of the playing environment, even the timing and the use of diurnal patterns, is a question of psychology and here again, is another great canvas upon which to frame and to inscribe scientific things in your mind.

People of the world today are mostly all victims.

I find it a very interesting challenge to think about how to give young people adequate mind tools so that they are not such easy targets and obvious potential victims - and yet not limit what they are being allowed to do or to think about for themselves on their own recognizance.

It's impossible to give anything along those lines to the older generations.

They are already too far and too long gone into worshiping the 'Golden Cows' of their own fantasy materialism make-believe and lustful money-greedy mentalities: I 'want' truth but I prefer lies that satisfy my own ego; I 'want' God but I worship the money Devil everyday and submit fully as a slave to that materialistic draw-card. 

Again - 'I believe whatever the Pentagon tells me and I believe that they (we humans) are able to outwit the most advanced Alien minds who have the technology to come here across light years of space and time...'


I actually admire the little kid who wants to make cash out of gaming because he has heard about it and thinks it is an opportunity to make money without having to go to piano lessons or 'study hard' all those things he has no natural interest in.

He is thinking 'out of the box' but he has no learned tools to cope with what he will encounter 'out there.'

Looks good...

And no one is going to give him those tools because in the first place his parents do not have them and in the second place they are not going to permit him the time to acquire the necessary tools from anyone who actually has them.

If you 'trust' an adult human being in the modern world today to make a decision, they will always make the wrong one, the one that harms them but they won't see it even as they are being injured by it.

I have not come to any meaningful resolution of this crisis problem right at the moment...

That is to say - I do not know what to say to most people who ask how to handle it with young kids who might be drawn into the world of 'gambling.' Right now, part of my answer consists of a few things they already do not want to hear.

...In life, good things, take time to develop, to 'work into' - but the tone should be there from the start - just like this music piece takes time to get into the vocals stage:


  1. Surely there must be an A.I. app that can successfully predict the winner of horse races 55% of the time...


Your considered comments are welcome