The dispute between Prometheus and Zeus is a fight between two insanely intelligent people (IE 'beings' if you wish).
All of the commentaries since forever, about the account of Heracles (aka Hercules) killing the Eagle of the Caucasus Mountains which ate the enchained Prometheus's liver each day, tell that the reason of Heracles's action was that when he saw what was going on, felt sorry for the Titan who had given such a great benefit (of the Divine Fire) to Mankind.
The accounts say that Prometheus was chained there for thirty thousand years.
...Remembering, Zeus even owed Prometheus something at least, for his having allowed Zeus to enter into the court of Cronus in disguise as Prometheus himself acting as cup-bearer to the king of the Titans.
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Soon, we will ascend some 'stairs' to the object. |
But Zeus knew that the real motive behind Prometheus's treachery against Cronus, was even further treachery later on, this time against Zeus.
Most people who are aware of these ancient stories are not told what they really mean.
They are only told the superficial moral lessons that attach to the tales, but not told of the existential facts or any kinds of actual material realities - especially not on any terms of practical human personality reality; although you could say the Jungians have some clue about this.
The Titans are completely equivalent to the Jotuns of Norse scripture. 'Jotun' is said to come from a root word that means 'to eat voraciously/to consume without limit.'
This is the same sense of meaning that all of the standard traditions have about this category of being - the Ancient Serpent Typhon which Zeus slew, has an equivalent in the Hebrew tradition, the Taninim; the Primordial Darkness contains some creatures that are virtually limitless in their powers of destruction and voraciousness.
The way that Zeus dealt with Typhon was to slice it up into small parts - and He does that also to the Primordial Spirit of Void-Time, thereby creating our linear time which is made up of regular, flowing, continuous discrete bits.
Prometheus is the Ancient Primordial Consciousness that possesses full intelligence...
There is no deficit to his understanding nor to his potential for subtlety.
And Zeus knows this.
The narrative accounts say 'chained to a mountain,' and 'eaten by an eagle,' and so people assume this is about 'mountains' and 'eagles.' And naturally they therefore do not think the stories can be really true because there is no actual gigantic being chained up to any mountain anywhere - that had his liver eaten each day - this circumstance is not in any historical record, nor is there any archaeological evidence for any such thing.
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There are many true 'heralds' of the Higher Worlds here on this planet. |
Although there is plenty of ethnic folkloric legend hints all over the place about some 'Hercules' person travelling around and doing astonishing prodigious things, yet there is no means in any of those to base some idea about a real gigantic creature with attic god characteristics literally being chained up on some actual mountain-top anywhere.
Just for the moment we shall consider it along the lines of the moral tale aspect - Zeus realized that He was dealing with a completely Supernatural and Supernaturally Powerful thinking being. Hesiod says that the liver is the seat of the soul in the person, be they god or man, and that it is immortal and regenerative insofar as it is the spring from which new dreams come which have the power of life in them.
Zeus is thus disrupting the Titan's source of the immortal creating of desires and intentions and reminding him that it was his evil ambitions that were his downfall, and would always be his downfall if he continued to feed these evil plans.
Superficially Zeus allows Heracles to kill the eagle and thereby halt the painful suffering of the Titan - and this seems like some kind of basic act of mercy.
But that is not so.
Zeus knows full well that the Titan actually purposes to place in his liver, a 'poison' to turn the eagle (that is eating his liver) against Zeus or against the humans as virtual hostages to himself until Zeus relents and frees him and then ultimately leading to a next phase during which he will unseat Zeus as the Ultimate Universal Ruler and King.
Zeus permits Heracles to kill the eagle thereby cutting off Prometheus's plan.
But we have jumped a step in the understanding of all of this...!
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The heralds appear as men, but they are not human mortal men. |
Zeus, just as He has done with the Typhon Serpent, 'cuts' up Prometheus and puts him in a condition in which he presents less harm to the family of the Divine Beings.
He places Prometheus inside of Man.
We see the real Prometheus every day and most people deny that it is so.
The 'mountain' is every tall skyscraper that the lunatic property developers of the world are hell-bent on making and owning. And they are all chained up to that concrete hard fantasy.
The Divine Eagle is the wings of their mind that could take them all the way up to the true Heavenly Abodes - but these are cut off and destroyed by strong (Herculean) forces.
Now for a long time I have been trying to make short-cuts and have all of you literally see the Divine Places, and see and maybe even meet advanced beings - and certainly it is my intent to have them help you.
At the same time it is probably better and more meaningful to go first via these explanations like the one here above - because that will give clear-cut reasons why the Divine Councils are so disdainful of humans and seldom appear here formally with individuals or even among groups.
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Prometheus chained to the mountain... |
They stand at a distance not so much because they fear humans, but because they are wary of what the human is comprised of - which is partly, Titanic primordial cunning and device and unworthy ambition to overpower, also extreme treacherousness and callousness in the harming of others for personal gain or advantage of any kind often.
But it is possible to find some access so long as this is on the right terms.
I find that once a person comes to terms first with the real Evil that is here, on this planet, in this world, and sees it for its real Supernatural presence and material actuality, then it is much easier to look around also for the Good, and that which comes from Above and is fully connected with the Upper World - Upper Worlds - and start to have exchange.
It is much easier to see the Evil. It is still not so easy to fully understand it and see it for its real depths and overwhelming swirling power to drag under.
But once that is appreciated then the reality of the existence of that which is Supernatural becomes obvious and accepted by the previously forever doubting human mind.
The evil of the rapaciousness of the Titanic human mind cannot be satisfied, and so people must die; that is why there is Death for humans.
But in this is the clue as to how one may overcome the edict of the Gods against all mortals.
Power over all is not a condition of your personal satisfaction.
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John in the desert, they say, was satisfied with yogurt and wild honey. And so we are still today, are we not? |
In no way at all in fact can such a thing grant you satisfaction.
Methylation of DNA is the pathway to turning off the 'death' gene encoding. We are not so far off from the technical understandings of how actually to do it, as humans. There are species out there that already can do it, and they also have the technical means of re-growing discrete individual 'persons' from so-called autologous DNA samples.
But they are all of them well acquainted with the 'power-trip' risks of the human-esque mind, so to speak.
It is quite interesting to me, how artistic creators and Sci Fi movie envisioners like Julia Phillips in Close Encounters, appears to characterize the ET Aliens almost as children, with a lot of humility and group social emotional connectedness -, like a group social empathy of some advanced kind was always going on among them.
It is almost never the case though, that groups of humans gather in some place and then groups of ET Aliens actually turn up and literally 'meet and greet.'
And now you know the reason why not.
You cannot find a large group of human beings without there being a significant percentage of them all secretly harboring mal-intent; wanting power, wanting advantage over others, hiding incredible arrogance.
Like children you must be. Thus it is written literally in the Bible about the matter, and thus it must be because it is true after all of these affairs.
Like little children you will enter the Kingdoms of the Heavens.
The Apple Isles. Avalon. The troubadour poets knew it.
I'm far more fascinated with this "intention" stuff. It transcends space and time and implies the presence of an other mind of sorts. It connects the basic chemical processes that apparently form our bodies, and also the act of filling the air with the vibrations of one's voice. Six digits written on your computer screen can mean "write these down again." Writing them down again can form apparently a direct connection in your mind with the intention "held" momentarily somewhere else during another writing down. What do you wish to see about? The appearance of a maple tree, or its connection through unfathomable scales of time to an intelligence beyond human conception?
ReplyDeleteBut people interpret this as an invitation or opportunity to engage in some kind of espionage. We should see the buildings at the secret base where children are filled with chemicals to become secret warriors. Oh my god! Don't even get me started about what hillary clinton did to the world in a parallel timeline. Vote Trump!
Well, we can't vote Don Rickles can we? Although, hey, that would give a reason for Kamala's perpetual laughing.
DeleteHey hey hold my tongue! This is NOT the time to express too much jocularity, and I am certainly not in the right frame of mind for outright frivolity. The world's markets are doing important things, and I'm very much afraid we here are doing well out of it. Frankly, the interest rate scene is far from what I would like in order to be able to give all of you the clearest of clear signals that 'you will do well' out of your support here... On the other hand - if you can read between the lines, the implication is that the capital is sound. I simply MUST get some decent pics to show y'all re the Autistic kids and that program. I am stilling working through a School Board situation and this means that there are a lot of rules about the public displaying of photos of real people in their real lives. But man I tell you what, if you remain patient - and you have been - we have a 'wedge' in place that the kids and their carers and families are going to respect for years and years to come. I am in a position of quite some strength with which to do 'commercial deals' on their behalf. And this has been largely due to all of you here who have been so incredibly supportive. And with all of that in the fronts of our minds, let's leave the mess of common politics to the people in that bull ring (not that I would not love to go utterly beserk on some of them especially the so-called 'elites' who have been running things from the dark edges of the stage).
DeleteI live in Oregon so I may just vote for Snoopy. This Donald saga has really made me jaded. Guy was giving banks all they needed to destroy him for years (false statements on financial docs). He survives the conviction with popularity intact and then oopsie assassination attempt. Did I just say a "bank" tried to assassinate Donald Trump? Oh gosh. Loooon-eeeee. My other also crazy idea is that people who don't have a weak heel like that are never the ones who succeed in public. So it's not like I think the liberals are saints. But even Donald praises AOC these days. But gosh, did the banks not know he was lying to them? I imagine word came down to someone from somewhere "we are going to be working with donald trump, so make sure all the paperwork gets done as usual, and send that on upstairs." I would hate to be right and have people think I know something they don't. It's not like that. I'm just cynical now. Same goes for Kamala or Joe or anyone in the public awareness. In my current cynical view.
DeleteIt was the headlines in the "liberal media" about how Joe Biden had become a crisis for the "Donor Class" that turned me. Still, if Kamala had selected an astronaut I'd probably be on board for some cake and ice cream too. I'm sure Kamala does not actually make the choice though.. So maybe I raise a champaigne glass to Donald Trump this time. Good job, man.
DeleteI am genuinely ashamed for assisting in my small way these clowns to "make waves."
DeleteI know, I know. lol I have 'tried' to stay away from this nonsense but heck, who can really? Anyone with just basic common sense realizes that there are faceless people behind the scenes, and that's just all too obvious at this stage of our modern lives. I actually DON'T myself try to 'look' (you know what I mean) at what will happen on the surface political scene come November. ...I AM looking at the faceless people. How far will they go? I know how far they are prepared to go. They certainly do not fear (nor do they see) any opposition.
DeleteHa. Stargate SG-1, season 8 episode 8. Samantha Carter to Alec Colson: "You signed false financial statements..."